when are they going to be presnted?
This sounds silly … I’m mostly saying that because I never win at anything, nor do I think I’m the best at anything. But … they sound cool. … And I’m probably only saying that because they are shiny.
WALL-E: Well, first we need to get the nominations first, then the voting starts, then everyone finds out the winners.
FONY: You might have a chace at winning one FONY. Everyone does.
Yeah, if they have an award for ‘most odd’, which goes without saying simply on account of my name.
sorry to be nosy but could you possible give us an estimate of when it should be ready?? like 2 weeks…
For favorite member I would like to nominate TSS, if we can nominate now.
I don’t know…that is what i’m looking from TSS for…an estimate.
I should thnk around late november, so we can give them as early chrsitmas presents, to those of us who celebrate it.
I talked with rachel. She said she doesn’t want this thing to go past NOvember.
Could we try to end it before the elections??
I’m not sure if that is possible. Because well, I talked with rachel. She said that people get 2 weeks to look up and suggest potential nominations. Then voting starts, for I don’t know how long. After that, the votes are counted up and then after a few days, the winner would be annouced.
okay…my Birthday is Nov 3rd…it could be a birthday present…
Well, elections I believe are Nov. 4th, so It’s not likely okay?
oh, yeah…shoot. back on topic-so we have gotten down to 25…so the nominations will commence just as soon as the awards are all set.
Well, yes, but not really. We probably will announce the Award Categories first. You PM me or rachel the nominees. After that, the nominees get listed, then you PM to me or rachel your vote.
Okay…sounds good.
I guess, right now, you can observe people and start thinking what they could be nominated for.
Ideally the awards would have been handed out by late November, but I don’t see it all done before the US elections. We have got the categories for the awards narrowed down, so that’s it for any more category suggestions, thanks. Please don’t tell anyone on this forum about who you are going to nominate/vote for. We will let you know well in advance about how and when the voting will take place, just keep an eye on this thread.
Oh so that’s what this is about! I heard about these awards and I was like, huh? Interesting idea! It’ll be cool to see what wins.
But if there was an election over here or in austrailaland for that matter no-one would care, so why should anyone care about the US elections, when some of us are even old enough to vote?
On-topic: coolio, will we have an announcement thread for the nominations?