Pixar Planet - Relaunching 2012

I think we’re okay on Mods for now guys.

Oh, yes, I agree. I think we were just joking (or at least I was). :slight_smile:

I’m locking this thread now because there doesn’t seem to be too much news to report, and it seems to be going off topic. I’m sure that if Phileas or another Pixar Planet admin needs to announce any new developments, they will unlock this thread and do so.

A quick update, Planeteers! I’m happy to announce that there are themes for all the Pixar movies! To change your theme to your choice, just go to Menu > Change Theme.

More information about our progress is coming soon! Stay tuned… including an exciting competition with our new Pixar Magazine!

Awesome. Can’t wait till the Brave theme.

Nice! :smiley: Except, one little problem… the Finding Nemo theme has The Incredibles’ logo for all the little thread icons. :laughing: Just thought I’d give a heads-up on that. :wink:

I’m using the Incredibles theme. I am loving it.

^ :-D) ! I just found out that it’s here now, and I LOVE IT!!! I mean ,I love Up, but it’s nice to have my peeps back :laughing: :wink: . I love reading down the threads and seeing my favorite family of supers. Absolutly stunning job, Phileas! This is awesome! You did an exceptional job!

Same here, really wonderful job with the Theme’s I just tried the new ones (A Bug’s Life, Nemo and Monsters) and really great job with those too, so great job with all the themes.

Awesome! I’m going to try out the different themes right now.

Changed to MI because that’s the next film after Brave.

I like the new ones.

But I think i noticed an error. On the Findind Nemo theme the backround is great. But the little oicture that tells you if a post has new replys yet is wrong. It has The Incredibles logo. I don’t know if that’s suppose to be their or not but tit’s their for me. Shoulden’t be the goggles or something?

The Finding Nemo one had that when I tried it, so it might just be a mistake^^.

I wonder how that even happened. When did you notice it?

I read someone else said they saw it so when I tried the background I looked out for it when I did “View Your Posts” and there the logo’s were The Incredibles ones.

Don’t worry, it’s probably a small programming mistake that slipped Phileas while he was coding. Keep in mind that he did cram to finish every one of those themes in a very short amount of time! I’m sure he’ll become aware of the problem soon enough. I wouldn’t make a big deal out of it, though.

little chef

I don’t really mind^^.

Whoops, it seems like there’s a slight slip-up in the theme-specific assets :stuck_out_tongue: Sorry about that! I’ll fix it up in a moment’s time :slight_smile: Thanks for your understanding & patience!

Whenever you can, I don’t really mind it with The Incredibles insignia.