Pixar shorts quiz

That was quite a difficult quiz! I ended up with 28 out of 30, though some of the questions really got me pondering. Nice find, BOP. That is, unless you made it yourself, in which case good work!

I got a 29. The only question I missed was what diverted the baby’s attention in Tin Toy because two of the answers actually worked.

Cool quiz! I got 30 out of 30, but that Tin Toy question was kinda confusing. :slight_smile:

I got 28. The easiest ones for me would have to be the earliest Pixar shorts. Luxo, Jr., Tin Toy, Red’s Dream, Knick Knack, Geri’s Game: all classics.

AHH!! I tried and got 7 question into it and knew I was utterly DOOMED.

I didn’t finish. :smiley:

Haha, I haven’t seen them all, so I’m going to pass on this. Maybe after I get them on DVD.

i just watched all of the shorts on tv today… but i still only got a 28.

Got 30! We don’t have piazza’s in Japan, so I froze.

I got 27 and I am happy. It’s been years since I’ve seen some of the shorts. :slight_smile: I was also stumped by the tin toy one though.

My score was 28. I missed the question concerning One Man Band.

25 hmm not bad

I got 28/30. The two questions I missed were on my two least favorites (One Man Band and Lifted), so I’m willing to live with that.

I got 28

I got 29. :smiley:

That was neat, my score was 27/30.

Same thing here! I said [spoil]“cardboard box,”[/spoil] but I wasn’t 100% sure.

Not bad. I got 29/30 too. I missed the one about what the tin toy was given up for. I thought I was gonna mess up on the Partly Cloudy questions since I havent seen that since UP came out

I got 30! I also got 29 on the Wall-E quiz (even though the question I missed was not about Wall-E).

I got 27.

And the three that I missed, the correct answers were my first instinct too! xP

What was the question about?