Pixar's most emotional movie?

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I had to choose between Toy Story 3 and Up. Went with Up. Why? Well, I cried just as hard about both movies. But what Toy Story 3 did was recall things from past movies, movies I saw when I could barely speak English. Most of the reason I was bawling at it was because of the memories, combined with the fact that frankly, the movie was pretty heart-wrenching, even without the memories. Up on the other hand did a perfect job making me sympathize with characters I’d known for less than a few minutes.

Voetnoot? Toy Story 3 is more like long-term emotional to me, while Up was just moving on its own.

Doesn’t take away that they’re both beautiful movies though! I love them both and they both have their fair share of emotional moments. And eh, I’m just rambling. Doubt anyone will read this.

I feel exactly how Badger feels, TS3 and Up would be my choices too. They both play strongly on the audience’s sentimentality, but in different ways. I couldn’t say for sure which made me feel more, because they were both very powerful.

Personally, I think WALL-E is very emotional because it’s hard to fathom what might become of us in the future. Although it does have a happy ending! :smiley:

^^That’s a very good point. In many ways, it is realistic, I suppose.

That’s always why WALL-E’s impacted me a lot emotionally, and always manages to no matter how many times I’ve seen it. Its message and ending doesn’t just pertain to its characters or even just its audience but people in general. It was a hopeful ending without being saccharine.

I have to say, even if it’s far from Pixar’s most emotional MU had me on the verge of tears at least a couple of times. Really good character writing.

Yeah, the scene with Mike and Sully in the human world especially.

It really helped that the photography was so beautiful in all that bit.

Oh yeah, all around beautiful scene.