What?s the best way to get into the
holiday spirit? Singing Christmas carols! We?d like to put our own little twist on that.
Rewrite the
title and lyrics of any Christmas carol to give it a Pixar theme, and email it to PixmasCarol@PixarPlanet.com.
Recording your carol is optional but preferred…and a bonus! Plus, if you record it, then your recording of the
song could be played on Radio Pixar!
The best songs will be featured on Pixar Planet and Radio
December 27th at 6:00 PM
The winners will be announced on a special holiday episode of Radio
Does have to be about every movie of Pixar? Or can it be just one?
It can be about anything you like as long as it’s Pixar
Oooh, nice idea…Have to think about which carol to choose and change! 
What makes this contest harder is changing the words
without making it too similar.
Ahh…this is great! The best part
about this is that my sister and I already made one up last year, so I am set.
Prepare to receive my list
sometime tonight, PixarVixen. 
Wait, we are only allowed
to submit one song?
The Star Swordsman - Well, the title of the contest is Pixmas
Carol Contest. I presume that the apparent singular tense of the word
“carol” bears witness to the fact that only one carol per “customer” is allowed.
However, PixarVixen is in charge of this contest, so I shall let her decide. 
The Star Swordsman - Haha – I did, didn’t I?
Truth be told, I chose the wrong word for the sentence. I meant to say “song” – don’t know why I said
“list”. Me and my apparent weird nature – heheh.
The more the merrier folks! =)
Dash - Really? Oh – so you can submit more than one!
Well whoop-de-doo. Heheh.
Thank you for informing us, Dash. 
I was so excited that I submitted mine last night. Hopefully, it wasn’t too long – heh.
many are you going to submit?
Awesome! I love writing song parodies!
Although i wont be able to record it. (plus i aint good at singing anyway) but i’ll totally work on writing
OCs are original characters
that are created for use in fan fiction/fan art.
oh , ty !
looks like mitch won’t be creating a
ratatoullie , unless she can somehow get the small amount of cast members in a song .
[b]The Star
Swordsman[/b] - I just did one. That’s enough for me. But don’t worry, I will do a
Ratatouille one next year. 
gottalovepixar -
Heheh – nope, I didn’t do a Ratatouille one. But, like I said, next year…
Hey folks!
I goofed!
I put the incorrect e-mail address into the system so if
you’ve tried to send an e-mail you probly got a this address does not exist message. It’s been fixed though so
try again. The adress is still the same PixmasCarol@PixarPlanet.com I just had to update it in the
Oh no! It took me
ten minutes to type out that song!! 
Heh – that’s alright, Dash. I’ll just do it again.