“If you want a good time in Iceland, catch a plane for Noray”
-Stephen Colbert
“If only we were among friends… Or sane people!”
-Janet in Rocky Horror
haha, nice quote! That totally sounds like Stephen Colbert xD
Heehee, thanks mo!
“It doesn’t matter if the girls ranked you the ugliest in the class. Abraham Lincoln was super ugly too, and look what he accomplished!”
-Clyde, South Park
“We rob banks.”
Clyde Barrow, Bonnie and Clyde.
^ I just noticed that you both posted a quote from someone named Clyde. xDD
“You are… who you choose to be.”
- Dean McCoppin, The Iron Giant.
Wow, Daughter of Eve and Spirit of Adventure both posted two of my favorite quotes. Ever.
Zazu: [singing] Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen. / Nobody knows my sorrow.
Scar: Oh, Zazu, do lighten up. Sing something with a little bounce in it.
Zazu: [singing] It’s a small world after all…
Scar: NO! No, anything but that!
Zazu: [singing] I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts. / Here they are just standing in a row.
Zazu, Scar: [Scar joins in] Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head…
Zazu: [whispering] Oh, I would have never had to do this with Mufasa.
I like “Small World”, but I’ve never been to WDW. I still love this quote. XD
lol, that’s awesome!
I like both the quotes that Daughter of Eve and Virginia posted just now!
I was thinking of posting a quote from a South Park episode I watched last night, but all the good quotes involved swearing, so I’ll just go the Disney route.
“If I’d feed Pudge tuna, I’d be an abomination!”
-Lilo, Lilo and Stitch
Another awesome quote, ellie-jessie-eve.
“Guess what Lucas, I got Rock Band 3…and it’s so fun!”
Mr. Maguire, The Graduate.
Virginia: Thanks!
Spirit: You’re quote reminds me of the amazing Dustin Hoffman. And when I thought of Dustin Hoffman, I thought of another Dustin Hoffman related quote.
“I suppose I can give your services to General Cornwallis, he always needs a slave. The man doesn’t even like to buckle his own shoes”
-Benedict Arnold, Liberty’s Kids.
“Oh, no! Not the lute!”
[size=92]- Digger, Legend of the Guardians[/size]
“We’ll always have Paris.”
Rick Blaine, Casablanca.
If I wake up tomorrow and Meg Whitman’s our governor, I’m going right back to sleep.
-My friend
Private jets: $961,000. Political consultants: $11.6 million. Broadcast advertising: $110 million. The California Governor’s seat: priceless.
-My same friend referring to Whitman
“Stella! Hey, Stella!”
Stanley Kowalski, A Streetcar Named Desire.
“You want to get out of here… GET RID OF THAT MONKEY!”
[size=92]- Chatter Telephone, Toy Story 3[/size]
“Well, nobody’s perfect.”
Osgood Fielding III, Some Like It Hot.
“Stuff just happens. You start a Peruvian Flute Band, the government kidnaps you and sends you to the wilderness to die where you find the land of the lost giant world, and you call that “stuff just happens”. You know what happens to most kids? They fall off their bikes. They get in fights with their parents. They’re swindled out of their birthday money”
-Craig, South Park
“It’s alive! It’s alive!”