
Great thread idea Amy! Those are cool gifts. :smiley:

I’ve shopped for everyone in my family but I haven’t shopped for my closest outernet friend Abi yet. Well, I have ideas of what to get her but I haven’t ordered them yet.

I got my mom a necklace with her birth stone in it, it’s really pretty and she likes jewellery :smiley:
I bought my sister the Art of Wreck-It Ralph and a Lalaloopsy doll. I got my brother a slingshot since he’s been talking about wanting one, and my dad the dvd for The Dark Knight Rises.

My friend Abi that I mentioned earlier decided to give me her present early since she wasn’t sure when the next time she’d see me would be. Along with a package from an internet friend I got recently, I decided I wouldn’t be opening them til it’s at least a little closer to Christmas because I don’t feel like it’d be right to open them now, y’know? :laughing: Except… the gift in the basket Abi gave to me had a corner slightly open. So I couldn’t help it and tore the corner open just a little more to give it a peek. I am fairly certain it’s two Moomins books… and now I’m dying because I really want to fully open it but it doesn’t seem okay to do that yet! 8D

Awesome! And yeah, I know how you feel. I usually have a present from my aunt that doesn’t live nearby, and I usually open it before Christmas so we don’t have to take it with us in the car with all the other ones.

Here is mine, copied from


Alien Quadrilogy
Alien (1979)
Aliens (1986)
Alien 3 (1992)
Alien Resurrection (1997)

Die Hard Quadrilogy
Die Hard (1988)
Die Hard 2 (1990)
Die Hard With A Vengence (1995)
Die Hard 4.0 (2007)

Predator Trilogy
Predator (1987)
Predator 2 (1990)
Predators (2010)

Schwarzenegger Collection
Red Sonja (1985)
Raw Deal (1986)
Red Heat (1988)
Total Recall (1990)

The Thing Double Pack
The Thing (1982)
The Thing (2011)

Blade Runner Final Cut (1982)

Many of these DVDs are sci-fi/action movies from the 80s and 90s (along with some more recent flicks). It’s 18 films all together, which makes me feel really spoiled. Some of these I’ve already seen (Alien, Predator, The Thing, Total Recall e.g) which are some of my all-time favourite movies, though I look forward to seeing some of the other flicks like the Die Hard series and Blade Runner.


Anthems: 90s

Anthems: Electronic 80s 3

Scarface: Official Soundtrack

Video Games

LittleBigPlanet Karting

Couldn’t think of many games I wanted. Overall, I’m looking way more forward than I was last year due to the extensive DVD collection I’m getting. I’m doing this simply because these are movies I love (and want to see) and so I can expand my movie collection more.

It’s awesome that you asked for a lot of movies. I hinted toward wanting any of the first 3 seasons of Mission Impossible, but I didn’t come right out and ask for it. I kind of have a feeling I might get one of them, though. My mom asked me to look through the piles of presents for a couple ones for her friends, and I saw one for me that was suspiciously shaped like a case for a TV show DVD. Hmmm.

I also heard that my dad independently bought me a present, which he doesn’t normally do. Uusually my mom buys things and says it’s from both. Hmm, I wonder what he got me. I’m guessing it’s a DVD of some kind.

We haven’t been able to do much for gifts for the past five or six years, because of financial difficulties, but my parents try to put little things under the tree so we’ll have something to open on Christmas Eve, usually boxes of chocolates or a movie / video game we’ve wanted. I know we got Brave on Blu-ray, so I’m pretty excited about that.

Because I’m not getting much for Christmas, I decided to “treat” myself with a couple things. Even though I ordered them for myself, I’m still going to wrap them and put them under the tree, because it’s just so fun to open presents. ;u; I bought the Art of Wreck-It Ralph and also the mission patch for STS-107, the mission during which space shuttle Columbia was destroyed in 2003. I’m super excited. I’m not sure what I’ll sew the mission patch on, because I’m afraid to run it through the washing machine multiple times, but I want it to be on something I can wear a lot. :3

little chef

Great choice! That’s one of my favorite movies as well.

That sounds really cool! Is it a real patch or a remake?

That’s what I asked my Gramz for Christmas!

Well, I didn’t know what I wanted for Christmas! I asked for a plaid scarf, and anything from this tea store I like.

I’m a big fan of Loki from the Avengers and Tom Hiddleston. I couldn’t believe it, my friend bought me 2 sets of Loki earrings! They’re amazing!

I got my friends lots of things: A Thor blanket, another got a CD, another got a gift card. I got my sister Captain America earrings. We’re all pretty nerdy.

I asked for some Pixar stuff this year, such as the Brave soundtrack, Ratatouille piano book, and the 2nd short film DVD. We’ll see if I get any of it. And if not, I have a ton of gift cards. 8D So far I’ve got some books and a friend of mine gave me caramels.

I hate to say it but i almost have nothing id wat.

Kenzie, it’s official licensed NASA merch, so it’s definitely a real one! I just got it in the mail today and it looks way more gorgeous and detailed in person than it does in pictures. I couldn’t be happier! ;u;

You sound a lot like me - I’d much prefer “nerdier” gifts relative to my interests or fandoms, or something practical rather than anything expensive or fancy! :stuck_out_tongue:

little chef

Wow! The fact that it’s official makes it 10000 times more cool! I’m so happy for you! And yes, my life is extremely nerdy, so it fits that I get my friends nerdy gifts and they return the favour! XD

I remember asking for the second Pixar shorts collection, the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour, the Federation: The first 150 years (Star Trek book). What I mostly remember though is going through and just writing down everything I saw that I wanted :wink: Most notably being an Enterprise plushie

This year, I got two Avatar: The Last Airbender related books (Earth Kingdom Chronicles: The Tale of Toph and the Art of the Animate Series), a Padmé action figure (I lost count of how many of her I have), and Disney Universe (VICTORY!!!) which I wanted for such a long time after discovering that there are Pixar-related levels and having read the guidebook to the game at a Toys 'R Us. I had so much fun with the game, [spoil]especially in the level I have termed the “FIRE NATION” level with a cool new fun-to-dance-to remix of the FIRE NATION SUPERSTORE anthem, and got to beat a SOZIN’S COMET INDUCED FIRE LORD OF A STEERING WHEEL!!![/spoil]

So many villains all supercharged, especially in the Alice, Lion King, and Aladdin levels. Had to defeat them all!!! :smiley:

If you don’t get any of what’s in the spoiler tag, don’t worry. It’s just my in-jokes again… :unamused:

[size=85](which makes wonder why I’m relating Avatar to Pixar now…)[/size]

Ooh, fantastic! :slight_smile:

Forgot to post what I got eh?
I got The Secret World of Arrietty on DVD (loved that movie!), a figure of Vanellope von Schweetz <3 , painting paper, a couple new Ponies for my collection, three Moomins books, Todd Rundgren and Kate Bush CDs, a Frankenweenie poster, the first volume of Tezuka’s Black Jack, Paper Mario Sticker Star, and we all got a Wii-U!! :smiley:

I kinda regret forgetting to ask for Brave and/or ParaNorman on DVD, but oh well. Very happy!

I got the 1st season of Mission Impossible from my mom, and the 2nd season was $9.99 at Best Buy, so I bought it with Christmas money.

This all sounds like a great batch of presents!

Well, I’m late, but I’m going to post here anyway.

I got a Mother Gothel doll, a Monster High clawdeen doll, Brave on DVD, and two Batman action figures.

Whoo, that’s great!! :smiley:

Thanks! I must agree. I got a lot less presents this year(we all did) but I really love what they were! The Mother Gothel was from thewhitefrozone. :wink:

Is it the one from the Disney Store? :smiley: I’ve had my eye on that one, I kinda want her…

Yes. To my knowledge, she is the only play doll of Mother Gothel.