Rare 2 Disc Edition

Yep, that’s the one I’ve got. I guess MI has been out for a long time now, so it’s

a lot more difficult to get this special one, but when it first came out, it seemed very easy to buy it- I

didn’t even buy my copy myself, so it must’ve been everywhere since I didn’t specify that it had to be the

special one.

I love the directory fold out thing that came with it, which shows you how to navigate the

DVDs- it has the most gorgeous picture of Randall in it, in a pose which you don’t see in the movie, and that

can hardly be found anywhre else. It’s a great picture. :smiley:

Cool! :smiley: Yeah, I think I have the

ordinary version…

Well, maybe I’ll get this one! :smiley:

Ah – I didn’t even know there were two versions! Heh –

I have the newer version that is not constructed in a “fold-out” fashion; however, I seem to like the

older one a little bit more, as the design is more to my liking.

Thanks for the pictures, in any case.


Cool! Too bad I never saw that fold

out version! I would have bought that one! But then I did get the dvd kinda late. A long long time after it came

out because for awhile I didnt have a dvd player.

Just bought that

exact lot I got the pic from, ?9.50 all in.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Is it this

one? –


not, I’d really like to see that other one you’re talking about! Can you post it here?

DoubleLatte- It’s not that one, although I think that is in a different part of

the case. It’s one where you only see part of Randall, and he’s hanging down from something and glaring at Mike

and Sulley very forcefully. I’ll see if I can scan it in and show you. :smiley:


Here it is! I

couldn’t scan in the whole leaflet, since it’s so long, but here’s the Randall


nBut yeah, as far as I’m aware, this picture hasn’t been shown much anywhere else.

lizardgirl- I’ve seen that pic in my MI guidebook and

the clipart can be found on the internet, I believe. At one point I had the clipart anyways …

I want

that DVD! xD Just 'cause my original copy is pretty scratch-ed up at this point. I was about to buy the same

version again, but now I’ll look out for that one. I’ve got contest money to spend!

FONY- Oh right, okay. I haven’t seen it too much, at least, but

it’s been a long while since I’ve searched for Randall pics on Google, so I wouldn’t know for certain.

I didn’t know there were two versions.

Drat, I wouldv’e bought that one if I had known! Oh well, the one I have is just fine.

lizardgirl -

That’s the same pic you used for your avatar. :laughing:

lizardgirl - Eheh –

that’s my favorite picture of Randall. I love that look on his face. :stuck_out_tongue:

2 versions? That looks

cool. If it were still availible, I would get it. Then again, I am happy with my MI dvd right now.

Thanks so much for taking the

trouble to post that, LG. It is indeed a gorgeous picture of Randall. How big is the one you have? The booklet

that came with the original DVD has that same image of him, though it’s a very small one.


Yeah, lol, once I had scanned it in, I just had to use it!

Mitch- I think

it’s his eyes that really does it. :smiley:

DoubleLatte- Well, I’d say it’s

approximately the size you see here, in my previous post- I haven’t resized it or anything. As I said, the

leaflet itself folds out several times, and really is very long, otherwise I would’ve scanned the whole thing in

to give a better idea of its layout.

It’s actually quite funny, but Randall, unlike any other character,

actually features twice in this leaflet- once, in the pose that we’ve been talking about here, and again- he

gets a whole page to himself standing in front of a door. It’s a pose that we’ve all seen of him, though; the

one where he’s just standing there, grinning, with the fingers of his top hands pressed together.


really do recommend to any Pixar fan, even if you’re not an MI fan, to try and get a hold of the bonus DVD pack,

because that extra DVD contains so much about Pixar it’s just worth it. (But correct me if the normal DVD also

has these features!)

lizardgirl - Yeah, exactly! It’s definitely the eyes. I do that same squinting

thing all the time – it’s one of my favorite expressions. Naturally, I thought it was just hilarious when I saw

Randall do it. :laughing:

Cool. I own a 2 disc. MI DVD, but it doesn’t look like that. There is just an extra flap the size of a CD with the DVD on it. Nothing that special.

that’s cool

i’ll have 2 find that some day, some way…

thats awesome i didnt know it existed

Don’t have that one - But it looks rather good, i have the other 2-Disc edition.

I only have the single dic version. I REALLY want to buy the 2-disc special however! It’s a shame, everytime I walk into a dvd store, eventually I glide over to the M.I. DVDs… to find only the single disc version. I still hold onto to hope they’ll start selling them again some day.
