Rare 2 Disc Edition

I noticed whilst browsing eBay, that

there is two versions of the 2 disc edition.

One is a very ordinary plastic case with the usual Disney two

disc design inside, and the other has a cardboard slipcase, and folds out likeā€¦sayā€¦the Back to the Future

trilogy, like a digipak CD.

Hereā€™s picā€™s of the better


Itā€™s discontinued

now, probably to cut costs (dunno which one would cost more).

Yep, thatā€™s the one Iā€™ve got. I guess MI has been out for a long time now, so itā€™s

a lot more difficult to get this special one, but when it first came out, it seemed very easy to buy it- I

didnā€™t even buy my copy myself, so it mustā€™ve been everywhere since I didnā€™t specify that it had to be the

special one.

I love the directory fold out thing that came with it, which shows you how to navigate the

DVDs- it has the most gorgeous picture of Randall in it, in a pose which you donā€™t see in the movie, and that

can hardly be found anywhre else. Itā€™s a great picture. :smiley:

Cool! :smiley: Yeah, I think I have the

ordinary versionā€¦

Well, maybe Iā€™ll get this one! :smiley:

Ah ā€“ I didnā€™t even know there were two versions! Heh ā€“

I have the newer version that is not constructed in a ā€œfold-outā€ fashion; however, I seem to like the

older one a little bit more, as the design is more to my liking.

Thanks for the pictures, in any case.


Cool! Too bad I never saw that fold

out version! I would have bought that one! But then I did get the dvd kinda late. A long long time after it came

out because for awhile I didnt have a dvd player.

Just bought that

exact lot I got the pic from, ?9.50 all in.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Is it this

one? ā€“


not, Iā€™d really like to see that other one youā€™re talking about! Can you post it here?

DoubleLatte- Itā€™s not that one, although I think that is in a different part of

the case. Itā€™s one where you only see part of Randall, and heā€™s hanging down from something and glaring at Mike

and Sulley very forcefully. Iā€™ll see if I can scan it in and show you. :smiley:


Here it is! I

couldnā€™t scan in the whole leaflet, since itā€™s so long, but hereā€™s the Randall


nBut yeah, as far as Iā€™m aware, this picture hasnā€™t been shown much anywhere else.

lizardgirl- Iā€™ve seen that pic in my MI guidebook and

the clipart can be found on the internet, I believe. At one point I had the clipart anyways ā€¦

I want

that DVD! xD Just 'cause my original copy is pretty scratch-ed up at this point. I was about to buy the same

version again, but now Iā€™ll look out for that one. Iā€™ve got contest money to spend!

FONY- Oh right, okay. I havenā€™t seen it too much, at least, but

itā€™s been a long while since Iā€™ve searched for Randall pics on Google, so I wouldnā€™t know for certain.

I didnā€™t know there were two versions.

Drat, I wouldvā€™e bought that one if I had known! Oh well, the one I have is just fine.

lizardgirl -

Thatā€™s the same pic you used for your avatar. :laughing:

lizardgirl - Eheh ā€“

thatā€™s my favorite picture of Randall. I love that look on his face. :stuck_out_tongue:

2 versions? That looks

cool. If it were still availible, I would get it. Then again, I am happy with my MI dvd right now.

Thanks so much for taking the

trouble to post that, LG. It is indeed a gorgeous picture of Randall. How big is the one you have? The booklet

that came with the original DVD has that same image of him, though itā€™s a very small one.


Yeah, lol, once I had scanned it in, I just had to use it!

Mitch- I think

itā€™s his eyes that really does it. :smiley:

DoubleLatte- Well, Iā€™d say itā€™s

approximately the size you see here, in my previous post- I havenā€™t resized it or anything. As I said, the

leaflet itself folds out several times, and really is very long, otherwise I wouldā€™ve scanned the whole thing in

to give a better idea of its layout.

Itā€™s actually quite funny, but Randall, unlike any other character,

actually features twice in this leaflet- once, in the pose that weā€™ve been talking about here, and again- he

gets a whole page to himself standing in front of a door. Itā€™s a pose that weā€™ve all seen of him, though; the

one where heā€™s just standing there, grinning, with the fingers of his top hands pressed together.


really do recommend to any Pixar fan, even if youā€™re not an MI fan, to try and get a hold of the bonus DVD pack,

because that extra DVD contains so much about Pixar itā€™s just worth it. (But correct me if the normal DVD also

has these features!)

lizardgirl - Yeah, exactly! Itā€™s definitely the eyes. I do that same squinting

thing all the time ā€“ itā€™s one of my favorite expressions. Naturally, I thought it was just hilarious when I saw

Randall do it. :laughing:

Cool. I own a 2 disc. MI DVD, but it doesnā€™t look like that. There is just an extra flap the size of a CD with the DVD on it. Nothing that special.

thatā€™s cool

iā€™ll have 2 find that some day, some wayā€¦

thats awesome i didnt know it existed

Donā€™t have that one - But it looks rather good, i have the other 2-Disc edition.