Ratatouille Appreciation Fanart =(0o0)=

Hey everybody!!!

Originally, I upload [post] my concepts from any Pixar film

I made a Ratatouille meme!

The most valued [appreciated] scene throughout the whole movie.

The part where Linguini and Remy make a deal and form an unlikely partnership together that makes a strong bond.
Will Remy make his chance to fulfill his dreams?
Will Linguini find a pact with this little rat and keep his job?

They both had the look of feeling trapped. Linguini is forced to make the soup again. Remy is in a jar going to be thrown into the Seine River…and their only way out of this is by working together.

About the art concept:
I was testing each set of tools and trying a bit to simplify the use of them. It was fun finding the tool I needed to make the shades and tone for the jar. XD :nod:

Also, Remy’s face is totally to melt for in this scene as well as Linguini’s when they meet eye to eye. Mawww.

This is one of my most favorite concepts I created of Remy and Linguini.
It’s in the appreciation of Ratatouille dvd’s short film, Your Friend the Rat.
Within the shorts there are “hidden” Linguini[s]. Of course, we would know it’s him by his appearance as thin and with maroon like brown hair. :smiley:
Remy just calls him “a man” in the shorts where Linguini cameos on the rat’s history encountered with humans. Interpretations like the Black Death, war, peace, science, etc.

It was a very amusing and educational short. I really enjoyed the shorts and I love to watch it again and again!!!

I absolutely adore Remy, Linguini, and Emile in 2D. It would be a great pleasure to have cartoons as 2D concepts of the Ratatouille characters on Disney channel as they did for the Cars shorts with Mater.

Ratatouille have not received most appreciation [well they did] and respect as they do for other Pixar films. You know what I mean? For example, Ratatouille merchandises were out on stock and have not created more from that. I was disappointed Disney companies have not created more in great appreciation of this film.

It would be great if they were to have more stuff at stores [Disney store at your local malls] for The Incredibles and Ratatouille. Other films like Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, Wall.E, and Cars were still in stock and had lots more ads and well…stuff.
It’s not that I don’t like those films.
I admire all of Pixar’s creations and films. It’s just Ratatouille and The Incredibles [which was directed by Brad Bird] should 'oughta have more stuff…merchandises at the Disney store. It’s like they disappeared and yet haven’t been discussed for more [in meaning for merchandises]. I understand this should be a suggestion or advice I would survey for Disney store companies opinion. I’m just throwing this topic out there in agreement of those that there should be an equal appreciation of Ratatouille and the Incredibles. They were my top favorite films and I love to collect items of what I appreciate most…such as those that would start collections for Bolt, Lilo and Stich, and maybe Tinkerbell…

It’s not as an obsession to collect. It’s as an appreciation that we find in Disney and Pixar films memorable and inspirational.

A message for all from Beeju…

Anyways, here’s more art concepts on Ratatouille! My two most adored characters I like is Linguini and Remy. Lou Romano and Patton Oswalt rocks to play these main characters!!!

From Your Friend the Rat, Ratatouille shorts: Linguini as a dragon and Remy

The two picture above is an art concept and an idea if Kindom Hearts games or the next ones are to have some Pixar world levels…I appreciate levels in reference to Pixar films don’t have intertwining plots and are actual world the player you play as Sora, would have to encounter and get through.
Ratatouille is one of them. It would be fun to have a culinary world and Sora become a rat as Remy to explore his world as was a human through Remy’s perspective [stepping into another character’s shoes :smiley:].

Almost there. Just a few steps to getting that food!!! [in reference off camera from the teaser trailer]

Come on. You can’t resist him. With that face, he’s like the most adorable talented rat to ever have.


Hi Beeju! Let me just say your digital art is amazing! You have quite a bit of talent there. Keep it up!

However, to keep threads organised, we ask that you post your creative works relating to Pixar in the Fandom section and sub-forums. I’ve moved this topic to the Fan Art sub-forum, and all of your Pixar fan art (from Ratatouille or whatever Pixar film) should stay in this one thread here. Likewise, if you would like to dabble in some creative writing and pen some Pixar-related fan fiction, you can feel free to create a thread for that in the Fan Fiction sub-forum, rather than the Pixar film sub-forums, which are for discussing the films only. :wink:

Thanks Beeju!


Thank you so much for the compliments. I’m honored you appreciate the art concepts.
In response to your question in the other thread with the Up deviations. If you could transfer those art concepts into this section as well, I would be more than delighted for to do so. I’m still getting used to the surroundings around this site. I really enjoy being a part on Pixarplanet and sharing anything and everything about Pixar with you. A big thanks to all the contributors and moderators of this site!!!


Own Ratatouille DVD: 4; In theaters: Well, once.
Seen on DVD: Lost count…I just know I watched it over 84 times over and over again. :smiley:

I love your artwork Beeju. It looks really lovely. Keep it up.