Ratatouille cameo in The Simpsons

Oh wow! Another one! Im going to have to start watching the Simpsons! :smiley:

Oooh, talk about similar. Well, Brad Bird did use to work on the Simpsons.

Haha! Well isn’t this a pleasant surprise? :laughing:
Maybe there will be WALL-E or Up references, too. Or any Pixar film-even short film.

I’ve actually seen this, but I thought it was already known.

Ah, but not discussed on this forum, something I thought one of us rabid Pixar fans would’ve created a thread for, but to my surprise, (when I trawled through the Ratatouille board) haven’t. :wink:

I hadn’t heard about this one. That’s so cool! And I agree, thedriveintheatre, it really does seem like the people involved with The Simpsons are Pixar fans in hiding. :laughing: Thanks for telling us about this!

haha! Cute! I wonder how many Simpsons viewers got the reference…

Incidentally that episode is on Fox tonight at 8PM so I may watch it, since I havent seen it yet…

Incidentally my dad was telling me about the Ratatouille reference today. D: Oh the irony.

yeah. lol

I’m not surprised Ratatouille (or Up, for that matter, which was referenced) was lampooned in The Simpsons, as many movies, TV shows & a lot of pop culture icons are lampooned in the show. Nothing special.

You can actually watch that ep online through the link I provided… :wink:

Unless you happen to be a Pixar fan, perhaps? :wink:

TDIT - As a Pixar fan myself (obviously), I myself was a tiny bit flattered, that’s all. It was ought to happen. (I think I seem less entusiastic about this through my post than I really am, IDK.)

Yeah I could have, but I honestly didnt think of watching it till I saw it was gonna be on. All I can say is that was one of the trippiest Simpsons episodes I’ve ever seen. :wink:

Fairy 'nuff (Fair Enough), Phileas. :smiley:

Hm… the new season’s like that, becoming a bit too non-sequitur like Family Guy, lennonluvr9. :wink:

Well, being trippy isnt necessarily a bad thing… :wink:

I’m surprised that I haven’t seen that one. Then again I haven’t seen The Simpsons in a while. :laughing:

In a bit I’m gonna check it out when I get home from my class. :slight_smile:

I managed to catch this episode when I was at my brother’s house in Ohio, it was kinda funny!

haha I like the look on Lisa’s face in that picture

Oh my!!! This episode has a Refrence to Red and Woolfy from Tex Avery’s famous cartoons from the 40s! Thank you Simpsons for paying an Homage to Tex Avery and Pixar in a space of 3 minutes! :slight_smile:

Edit- Please don’t double post. Thanks!


I saw this episode back when it first aired. I wish the whole episode was just a big rip-off of Ratatouille. I love the part where Homer says, “Oh, this is just like that movie I rented. (Homer holds up a bootleg looking copy of Ratatouille)” Absolute classic! I also love the rat pulling Homer’s hair.