Ratatouille Toys!

Yep –

I just noticed it, now that you mentioned it. It looks like one of those large cardboard cut-outs. Great.

Something else for me to buy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, that plushie looks gorgeous! I’m not really

into merchandise, but if there’s one thing that I’m going to get to do with Ratatouille, it’s got to be a Remy

plushie. :smiley:

Look at the upper left corner of this picture

and can you see that Rat? Who do you think he

is? … alNumber=1

Cool! I like that kitchen set thing and

the figure set looks cool. The Gustaeu ghost character appears to be purple! Or am i just hallucinating?

JV - More than likely, he’s

Remy dad…in the flesh. I also seem to recall seeing a toy of Remy’s dad a while back, but I’m not entirely

sure about that.

That playset looks like fun, though. Man, I can’t wait to get these toys! :smiley:

Lol, I just had a proper look at the picture that JV

had posted of the group of plushies, and that chef at the front looks hilarious! :laughing:

I just saw the pics of

the cute little plushies. I squeaked incredibly loud when I saw the two mice. They are so cute.

Oh. My.


That is just so adorable!

head explodes

Wow, that’s pretty cool! Who is that? I’m guessing

it’s Remy – but his fur looks to gray… or maybe it’s just the toy. :smiley:

Mind telling us where you got

that pic, I mean after you get your head back together! :laughing:

I got it from



Hmm. Remy’s fur does look a

bit lighter than in the movie…


Absolutely adorable. That is what I

love about that little doll. He even has the hat and spoon with him.


NEED to make a huge plush of Remy!
I just vowed

that if they do I shall buy one and chase my dad around the house with it. He’s terrified of rats. xD Wild ones,


That little one’s cute but it won’t have the same effect if I chase him with that. He has

nightmares of huge rats chasing him.

That would be so awesome if they make a gigantious toy … so I can

scare him, but mostly for the fact that I wanna cuddle. x3

Heheh – that is pretty

cute. Too bad I’m not much one for plush toys… :wink:

FONY - Aww…that’s

too bad that your dad doesn’t like rats. Maybe after he sees Ratatouille he’ll

change his mind. :slight_smile:

Good idea

FONY. Like your dad, my english teacher is terrified of rats. (Bad April Fools joke on her yesterday), but I need

to get one for her before I move on to my next grade level.

Just scroll down to the Ratatouille toys. I know we?ve

have already seen all the toys, but their different picture:


[url]http://www.actionfigureinsider.com/tf2007/images/mattel/mattel251.jpg[/url]- Is that purple dude the chef?


Nevermind, I found a pic of them in the

box that confirmed it- it’s Gusteau! xD And he’s … see-through purple … O_o Most probably he’s not the

same in teh film … ^^;

FONY - I know, it’s kinda weird; however, as I understand it, Gusteau appears as

sort of a “ghost” to Remy, so that probably explains the “see-throughness”. :wink:

Yay, little miniurtures.

They look so cute. Thank you for showing us JV.