Release date in Australia

Picked up my tickets today. It’ll be a 2D screening, but that’s probably just as well. Coraline made my eyes water.

Thanks for the link, watkinzez! I believe it can now be viewed on the main page even if you’re not a Cinebuzz member too (even though you can’t book it, of course). A couple of seats have already been snapped up at my local GU, better convince my mates to join me posthaste! :slight_smile:

Alright, i found out it comes out in the school holidays, so that means, lots of kids. :confused: Maybe i will see it at a late night showing in mid week.

Hoyts is holding the Australian premiere at the Entertainment Quarter to raise funds for charity for the Sydney Children’s Hospital. In addition, you’ll get to see the Saturday Disney Crew and a So You Think You Can Dance performance!

As much as I want to attend its gala opening, the ticket price ($30, twice the price of an average weekend adult ticket) and its guests (I was hoping more for Pete Docter like they did for Wall-E last year with Stanton) don’t really appeal to me this time. Maybe bigger Sydney fans of Saturday Disney and SYTYCD can find greater appeal in this, and you know your money is supporting a good cause! :wink:

Hoyts’ Up Australian Premiere

On a related note, none of my friends I’ve asked so far are interested to attend the advanced screening, because for the same price, we could see it on 3-D when it gets its Sydney debut on Sept 17th (the advanced is also in VMax, but they didn’t display the 3-D icon, so I assume they won’t show it in that format). Looks like I may be passing this up (they may want to see QT’s Inglorious Basterds that week). Hm… :frowning: guess I have to wait a few weeks more, but it’ll be here before I know it.

I did the math, I only need four more viewings to get a free ticket (10 Movies = 1 Free for Cinebuzz members), so if I watch GI Joe, District 9, Basterds, and my first viewing of Up, I can get the my second go at Up free (and they only offer Standard sessions, so I’d get the chance to see it in 2-D for my repeat viewing). Yeah, I’m calculative that way. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good point, Rachel. I used to go to the cinemas all by lonesome self in Singapore (or if I could rope in my siblings, all the better), since my friends there aren’t as movie-crazy as the ones I have here (and probably because they’d rather obtain pirate bootlegs, haha).

It’s just a matter of the financial barrier. I already spend the most pocket money on theatre outings among my siblings, and I feel kinda guilty for it (not to mention going to the movies in Sydney makes my wallet considerably lighter). Sharing the experience with my mates makes me feel better, since I consider it a social outing.

I don’t know, we’ll see how this plays out (for both advanced screenings). I’ll start bugging my friends again the next time they receive their allowance. :laughing:

Well, bringing friends does make it much better, I will admit. I must have dragged all of my willing friends (and maybe some not willing) to Up with me, and I enjoyed it more with their company. I tend to get the reactions to some scenes they do (cept the sad ones, I always cry there), which makes it more fun to watch it with different people. I saw it alone at least 6-7 times (3 of those being in completely empty theaters) and it was still fantastic, especially when I wanted to quote lines, but something about watching it with friends makes the experience so much more enjoyable.

Event Cinemas?

Uh… okay.

watkinzez - yeah, they’ve rebranded all the cinemas. You can still get the tickets for the advance screening though through CineBuzz.

I was hoping to be able to book the tixs today, but I’m still waiting for a few friends to cough up their money :stuck_out_tongue:

The last day for Up in my local theater is tomorrow. I’m sure there will be showings in some of the many dozens of places in the area. So it lasted 11 weeks or so. The constant barrage of good late summer movies has withered it away, its been shedding like 300 screens a week here, down to 700 now, and losing more hundreds next week.

So, what is Sept 17th good for in Australia? Is that like around spring break? Is it a good date before Easter (edit: oops) and will be around when kids get out for summer break?

I know that late October for England is good. That’s around Halloween, and it’s when the eccentrics come out, including crusty, curmudgeony old men who spent part of their youth sleeping in subway tunnels to avoid V-1 rockets, and dream that they might have gone to South America instead for the duration. They will love the Venezuelan [spoil]fogs[/spoil]. And they will love Charles Muntz. He is an eccentric, loves [spoil]collecting things[/spoil], is refined, a man of means, and has a fancier form of [spoil]transportation[/spoil] than the more pedestrian Fredrickson. The [spoil]fate[/spoil] of Muntz might anger the proper English gentry, even lizardgirl got mad in another thread when she heard about it.

Heh? Is the advance screenings going to be in 3D, because I thought I booked the tickets, but I forgot to actually pay (silly me :stuck_out_tongue:), and I went through the process again, and now it’s asking for $23 adult/$18 child? Now my friends have to fork out even more :S

GU is really pushing it… this is the most expensive ticket I’ve seen they’ve sold to the general public so far! :angry: Maybe to cash in on eager fans who can’t wait for NSW’s super late release…

I noticed that, too, Phileas, cos’ last time I checked, they didn’t state whether it was 3-D and that the price was $19 an adult (which was Ice-Age 3 and Coraline’s price range, if I’m not mistaken). I’m a student, so I only pay $20, but it’s still $3 more than the usual 3-D ticket. The one I’m eyeing is the George Street branch (cos’ that’s the one I go to 99% of the time), but the Bondi Junction is non-3d and may be cheaper (I haven’t logged in yet to confirm).

I’m torn whether to fork out the extra dough to see it or wait it out to see with my buddies, as I’m pretty busy at the moment with mid-semester assessments. Whatever my decision though, I better hustle, cos’ those seats are going faster than meat-pies at a Sunday arvo…

Haha, that’s pretty neat TDIT, I’d aim for somewhere around the pink area up front. I’m not usually inclined to sit towards the front. I usually go towards the back, but 3D movies warrant a bit towards the middle from my experience. I sat in the same row (same seat a few times I’m sure) during my binge, and it was somewhere around the 4th or 5th row from the front. Later, I sat towards the middle of the theater, and it was a very noticeable difference. The key is to make sure you’re not looking too high while still being close to the screen

Write this down people, I know what I’m talking about! :smiley: The 3D’s not great, but to get the best of it, this is what I’d do. :wink:

Thanks for the tip, ffdude1906! :slight_smile: Wow, you’re quite the theatre aficionado, aren’t ya? Unfortunately (or fortunately), I decided to pick a few rows from the back and somewhere in the middle in the end. From my experience watching in this particular hall several times, the row from K onwards (it’s split-level, with row M sort of a balcony overhanging the entrance) is pretty low down to see the entire screen properly. This is one of the two VMax halls, with the screen about 20m long and about three-stories tall. From my experience watching Public Enemies in the back rows a few weeks back (cos’ I usually end up with my friends in the lower-level, so that session was the first time we booked for seats in the higher-level), you get a good vantage point of the behemoth screen further back (It’s sort of the same rules with Imax, further back is better). :wink:

And good news, everyone!

I couldn’t stand the delayed Sydney release any longer, not to mention I’ve waited so many months for this… so when none of my friends expressed interest in joining (Even after I asked, puh!), I’m taking the plunge and going in solo (the last time I watched a Pixar film for the first time was Cars). My friends rather hold out till September 17’s bow, but I’m not going to wait another month for this (not to mention I predict we will get busier mid-September onwards in preparation for our finals)! :angry: So yesterday night, I booked my advanced ticket at one of my friend’s house (in front of all of them, since we were chilling there then) and got a seat for next Sunday, 11 am. Probably the first time I attended a morning screening, and the latest since Monsters vs Aliens, so I’m very, very excited (Naturally, of course). :mrgreen:

And I have absolutely no regrets, as I could probably go for a repeat viewing in 2-D with them later using my Cinebuzz points… Nyah! :stuck_out_tongue:

Tepui, here I come! :smiley:

I’m so excited for you! I’m really anxious to start talking about it with you guys after you FINALLY get to see it! I can finally let loose all the stuff I’ve wanted to talk about for the last 3 months. :stuck_out_tongue: As I said to Rachel, you HAVE to let me know what you think about it. Speak to no one else after you leave until I know your opinion! XD

But seriously, it’s great that you’re finally gonna get to experience this amazing film! I have no doubt that you will enjoy it immensely.

I’m PUMPED! for the advance screening in exactly one week. :smiley: :smiley: Not to get into particulars, I’ve picked an Event cinema in the North Shore. :slight_smile: It was cheaper, and it’s the most convenient for me and the friends that are tagging along. Its a 2D screening, and I’m gonna watch it in 3D on the 17th (Gold Class if possible, apparently it’s good).

I was considering to watch it myself, but knowing me I will cry, and crying will look awkward for a male teen, so I’m taking a couple of friends who are as overemotional as me and will at least comfort me during the difficult time. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d like to thank (end sarcasm) the members of PP for keeping me on the edge about this movie… I really can’t wait to get UPPPPPPPPP!!!

Only a few hours to go, and I didn’t give in to temptation this time! pats self on back

A big congrats to thedriveintheatre, Phileas and watkinzez! After all that waiting, seeing it for the first time will be all the more sweet! I can’t wait to eventually read your reviews. :smiley:

Thanks lizardgirl! I can’t believe that I’m finally going to see the movie I’ve been waiting for all these months! :smiley: I thought I wouldn’t be able to sleep last night, but I must have been exhausted, cos’ I almost overslept! :laughing:

Only one hour and 20 minutes to go on my end… getting ready to make a trip down to the city cineplex and finally experience the film everyone here has been talking about… so excited! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m so excited to talk to you 3 about it, I watched it just an hour before yours started! I think you’re all leaving the theater at the moment, but I gotta go to work. Darn it all, I’ll catch you after I get off, that’s in 4 hours. BE THERE! :smiley: And I hope you love it!

with Australian accent, mate! Congrats to my Australian mates as the release of Up today! Be sure to post those crowd reports and your reviews! :smiley: