Rest In Peace … 3215.story

So sad. :cry:

Aww, I hate it when actors with actual acting abilities die! I still can’t forget Paul Newman. :cry:

RIP, man, Gary Coleman, too.

Great actor, it’s sad to see him go.

He did one of the voices for Alpha and Omega, so I guess that will be his last film.

I’ll always remember him best for his role in Blue Velvet - in particular his impassioned Heineken condemnation.

I didn’t read it until you posted it.

It´s a really sad thing. He was good.

Have you guys noticed that major celeb deaths come in threes? Last year, it was Billy Mays, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson. This time, it’s Art Linkletter, Gary Coleman, and Dennis Hopper. Why does that always happen?

That’s so sad, I love Dennis Hopper. He was just such a good actor, one of the greats.

Yes! My father has been telling me this my entire life. He learned it from his mother, too! It has clearly been around for quite a while.

I’m glad someone else has noticed this.

It is so terrible when a person who didn’t deserve to die passes on.

May our prayers go out to his family.

The only film I watched starring Mr. Hopper was Speed, but I loved his character; one of the best screen villains, IMO.

I just realized he starred in a lot of the greats like Cool Hand Luke, Apocalypse Now and Easy Rider. Gotta check em’ out.

RIP, Dennis Hopper. :frowning:

One year ago today, MJ died. :frowning:

I can’t believe it’s been one year! It feels like it was a month ago that it happened! RIP Micheal!

I remember how everyone hated him, or called hi a pervert—then he died, now everyone worships him. I like some of his songs, but I’m pretty moderate. I was so grateful last year to have been out of school, so I didn’t have to listen to kids ranting and raving. Bye Michael. :cry: :confused: :angry: :cry: … -age-84-ap

I’m ashamed to say that I don’t know who that is.

Surely you can’t be serious!

Uh, I mean, rest in peace Leslie Nielson.
cough cough

I wrote a lot about him yesterday, but I didn’t notice this board.

He was great, and he made me laugh countless times.

As he would say:
“That’s no way for a man to die. A parachute not opening… that’s a way to die. Getting caught in the gears of a combine… having your nuts bit off by a Laplander, that’s the way I wanna go!”

Yeah, I remember that line. Though, in all honesty, I prefer it this way; Leslie was just old. :frowning:

Another bit of trivia: Airplane only started his comedy career; he used to be in completely serious movies, most notably Forbidden Planet; hence, his over-serious role in Airplane 1.

^ Yes, he was also the captain in the Poseidon Adventure.

And yes, the genius of his Airplane! role is his seriousness.

My dad and I <3 LN. I’m sad that he can’t entertain us anymore, but he’s in a good place now. :cry:

I still miss him. Airplane! is one of my favorite all-time movies. At least my 2nd, maybe even my first.