The person above me posted about me!
The person above me apparently liked Tangled, as she changed her avatar.
The person above me likes literature
The person above me has an animated emoticon on his signature.
The person above me has approximately 22 balloons in his signature.
The person above me dedicated herself to count the balloons
The person above me seems impressed by what the person above him said.
The person above has a good point, so I’m impressed with him too
The person above me used an emoticon.
The person above me has an initial on his username.
The person above me has facial hair
The person above me has a bilingual signature.
The person above me speaks both of the languages.
The person above me had another Incredibles fan make her signature.
TPAM <3’s Wall-E
The person above me appears to be very religious.
The person above me has posted allot on this thread
I think that what the person above me means is that it’s getting really difficult to find something to say about me. I’ll try to post with less frequency, but I find this board to be very entertaining!
The person above me is right, I did like Tangled!
The person above me has more posts than the person above them.