Say something about the person above you

The person above me likes PotC, like me.

T-PAM is right, because it’s an awesome series!! :smiley:

The person above me may be mad at me right now.

The Person Above me is having diffrences in opinion with someone else…

The person above me has a sig done by CGI Clownfish.

The person above me thinks Christmas is overrated.

The person above me perfers not to get married.

And the person above me doesn’t think it’s a bad thing.

The person above me set up their Christmas day today.

The person above me will steal it.

The person above me is named after a blemp.

The person above me has a Rex/George McFly quote on his signature.

The person above me goes online everyday.

The person above me was called “Ellie-Jessie-James” once. xDD

The person above me has a character I don’t know on her signature and avatar.

I don’t know if the person above me knows my middle name

I don’t know the person above me’s middle name.

The person above me will now know that my middle name is Marie.

The person above me told us an interesting new information about her.

The person above me has not come to a Pixar Planet movie night.