Say something about yourself

Ooh! Good luck. That sounds fun; I’ve always wanted to make one!

I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’ve gotten close, but I’ve never actually been someone’s “girlfriend” before

^ Thanks :slight_smile:

I’ve been thinking that these should be called the “How To Train Your Dragon Forums”.

I have a fast metabolism, so i can never get fat! also, I have diarrhea, so I can never have constipation!

I think I’ll yell to a professor tomorrow.

I had these quite frequently when I was a child, but then they went away with time. It’s kind of sad, because I loved trying to catch them. Are yours colorful? Mine were crazy colors and shapes. I wrote a poem about the floaters once. It was a metaphor for how growing old can leave you deprived of playful things like floaters–it was more poetic sounding than what I just said, though. Heh. I think it was something along the lines of an ocean deprived of its fish (with my eyes at night being the empty ocean). Okay, I’m done now. I just really miss my floaters.

This is something you should consider keeping to yourself. -__-

[quote="queen_of_painting"I had these quite frequently when I was a child, but then they went away with time. It’s kind of sad, because I loved trying to catch them. Are yours colorful? Mine were crazy colors and shapes. I wrote a poem about the floaters once. It was a metaphor for how growing old can leave you deprived of playful things like floaters–it was more poetic sounding than what I just said, though. Heh. I think it was something along the lines of an ocean deprived of its fish (with my eyes at night being the empty ocean). Okay, I’m done now. I just really miss my floaters.
Yours sound awesome! I wish mine were colorful :frowning: Mine are crazy shapes though, and they’re more just like shadow-y then colorful. I think I’d miss my floaters too! I’m sorry yours left you. That’s weird that they left, since my doctor woman said they get worse when you get older. Maybe they’ll come back! I’ve gotten so used to them, and even if they are annoying sometimes they’re fun. I named my main one (hey, they’re gonna be around for a while, so I might as well get friendly!). I know what you mean about at night too. I can’t see them in the dark at all. I’m sure your poem was good :smiley: It sounds really cool!!

I just watched Glory.

Yo soy annoyed.

Yo soy bad at Spanish.

Yo soy very angry


On correct Spanish it would be:

Estoy molesta.

Soy mala en Español.

Estoy muy enojada.

8D 8D 8D Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Me gusta la clase de español :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m animating a shot for the 11 second club even though I won’t get it done in time.

I can only read the hiragana and katakana alphabets of the Japanese language :frowning: Well and a few very common kanji symbols. That’s it though.

^ That was a fully perfect phrase!

I’m gonna watch Grave of the Fireflies tomorrow.

I hope you enjoy it, because heartbreaking as it is, it’s a masterpiece :smiley:

^ Yes, I’ve always enjoyed it.

I know this, some very basic grammar, and a few words. It was much harder for me to learn Japanese 2 days a week in a crowded classroom compared to my small, daily Chinese classes. :frowning: But I really need to review my Japanese before I go to study in Tokyo this July, because they’re going to assess my level, and I don’t want to start at zero! >__<

Here’s something about me: It’s very possible I’ve said this somewhere else, but I’m planning on getting a Totoro/Ghibli tribute tattoo this summer. Some of Miyazaki’s films have been in my life for quite some time, and I feel this strange connection to his lyrical simplicity.

If I were to get a tattoo, q_o_p, I would definitely want a Ghibli or Miyazaki one. Their movies haven’t been in my life that long but they have made a MAJOR impact on me. I learned what little Japanese I know by my big sister writing three letters a week on the wall and I’d have to memorize them. Good times… :smiley:

I’m extremely new to this site, and am currently vary intrigued with Toy Story 3. My favorite characters of the film are Ken, Lotso, and Woody.

^ Welcome to the forums :smiley:

I have a Geometry midterm today, but it’s easy so I don’t really care.

I’m excited about a bunch of movies this year.

i need to get a haircut.