Scary Moments in TS3 *MAJOR Spoilers*

I’ll report anyone who spoils the ending where all of the toys die a horrible painful death right in front of Andy’s eyes.

I think I’m not the one overreacting at the incinerator scene. Gosh, when I know Lotso betraying them (darn you Lotso!) and they have prepared for death, I punched the front seat and heck, then teared. Thank goodness, there’s nobody in front. :frowning:

I think for me it would be when we see the broken/destroyed Chatter Telephone. Before this they cut away before any toys were injured/killed. Once we (and the other toys, I suppose) see the broken phone, you know that this is serious stuff.

The [spoil]incinerator scene[/spoil] is also quite scary. Definately one of pixar’s darkest scenes.

[spoiler]Both The Monkey and Big Baby were scary-funny, the monkey more so, in an Evil Dead 2 sort of way.

The Incinerator part wasn’t really scary; more like the most dark and depressing thing to have ever happened in any Pixar film ever, possibly in any animated thing ever.[/spoiler]

That part alone made TS3 better than TS2 for me.

You have not watched Grave of Fireflies. (Nor many other various anime)

The movie had a good mix of suspense and comedy, however, it didn’t wuite cancel out the shockingness of it.
[spoil]Obviously, the incinerator scene was heart-wrenching and I didn’t even spoil it. The way they got out of it was pure genius as well. If I wasn’t so shocked by the previous scene, I’d be cracking up.

Big Baby was also one of the most emotional characters in the movie. Big Baby has obviously seen better days, and knowing that he was lied to all this time doesn’t make it better. The fact that he’s only able of expressing himself in baby-like manners also gets to me. There’s nothing quite as eerie and sad as watching Big Baby just staring at the night sky.
The scene where he throws Lotso into the dumpster was also intense, but Big Baby still made me laugh afterwards.

Chatter Telephone’s fate was also hard to take in. He was the guy who was only trying to help, and did nothing wrong, but still had to pay.[/spoil]

Though this is definately some mature stuff, I still think the original Toy Story is one of Pixar’s darkest films as well. Call it unstylized, but to me, it just rubs off as a more realistic environment, and everything seems more real.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that movie (even though I have not seen it yet).
Okay, one of most depressing/heart wrenching scene in a western/US animated film?

[spoil]Indeed, that monkey is the freakin’ spawn of Satan if I ever saw one. I swear, it was staring into my soul
 how the hell Bonnie finds it cuddly earlier in the movie I will never know.

Incinerator scene was definitely the most intense scene in the history of Disney films. Seriously, it was like Dante’s Inferno for toys. The temperature in the theater when I first saw it seemed to fit well with it; I was sweating BUCKETS.[/spoil]


[spoil]The incinerator scene is the darkest and most intense scene in a Disney piece of fiction ever.

It literally looked like the toys were being pushed towards a portal to Hell itself. And to see how desperate the toys were trying to escape
 to think all they’d known in life was playtime, but now they’re facing complete annihilation. It broke my heart to see the happier toys, like Rex, Slinky and Bullseye, accept their death.

It was heart-wrenching to see Bullseye fighting for his life. And then Jessie asked Buzz what should they do, and Buzz could only give her that sad look. The toys all joining hands ripped my heart apart, especially how filled with love the Potato Heads and Buzz and Jessie were looking. Hamn and Potato Head, who all their life had been wise-cracking know it alls, now were accepting their fate, and acknowledging that they’ll always stay together, even in death. [/spoiler][/spoil]

personally, i can’t say i found [spoil]the incinerator scene[/spoil] all that scary. i was too focused on the message of [spoil]faith[/spoil] being sent across: [spoil]the idea that the toys realize they’ve done all that they can do, and that their fate is out of their hands[/spoil] really struck a chord with me. though it was definitely intense, it was also very [spoil]pro-God[/spoil].

Well said. I loved how they pulled it off.

@toystory4lyfe: I guess that’s a well-thought interpretation of it. Subtle, yet painstaking.

Yeah, [spoil]the incinerator[/spoil] scene was [spoil]very intense.[/spoil] At some parts in the movie, my two year old nephew literally had me hold his hand, because he was [spoil]scared[/spoil], and when the movie ended, he was [spoil]crying.[/spoil] Oh, well

I noticed those undertones myself. Whether intentional or not, they were easy to pick up on.

[spoil]the incinerator was definetly amazing. I don’t think I even have to brag on it. But another intense moment I loved was when Lotso is yelling at Big Baby over the little “This heart belongs to Daisy” thing, and when he hits him in the stomach with his cane and everyone kinda jumps, that was intense.[/spoil]

yeah, that scene is intense. I feel sorry for [spoil]Big baby[/spoil] :frowning:

You summed that all up perfectly!
[spoil] I thought what Buzz started there was just truly heartwarming. When he took Jessies hand and then she took Bullseye’s hand and they all held eachother and prepared to die, It really showed that they were a family and in everything together. [/spoil][/spoil]

It really goes to show how much they changed over the years. In the beginning, they were just a bunch of neighbors forced to live in the same place, but now they really have become a family.

The MONKEY! Ohhh, I’m surprised none of the kids started freaking out :open_mouth: . The entire junkyard scene was pretty creepy until the LGMs came to the rescue (which completely took me surprise! I looked at my boyfriend and said “The claaaaaawwwww”
only for it to be said by the LGMs XD ) In fact, I was reminded of the “Worthless” scene in The Brave Little Toaster and I started singing it a little bit. “Oop, there’s that magnet!”

Lol, the whole third movie reminded me of The Brave Little Toaster a little bit XD .

lol Esmedes
My friend did that too! XD I agree
that was a little dark considering many kids went to see this.

My boyfriend kind of made fun of TS3 for "having the same plot as The Brave Little Toaster. Then a huge argument ensued. :laughing: