Sealy's Art!

I like all the detail on your Russell drawing.

Um ive been really busy getting ready for both school and this hurricane. So heres a few.

This is watercolor. And theres actually glue on it to but you cant really see that tecnique here.

This one is chalk pastael.

And this is a carnation.

Sealy, they’re awesome! I love your detail :slight_smile:
And I hope the hurricanes pass soon. I feel for you guys :frowning:

Your water colored bird is gorgeous! You should frame it!

Awe thanks.
And my moms making more of a deal of this than its worth but…
Got another one!

This pupppy is named Mo. Well hes not really a puppy. But he was so cute and his eyes were huge. 8D

Aw, cute sketch! I love the angle you drew his head at.

Im really sorry I havent been keeping up with this. Ive been so distracted and fall nites are so busy.
Ive got something practly every day except tuesday…
And school just started so. UGG

Well heres anotherone

Sorry its sideways. This was charcole.

Oh and can you tell the rest of the pixarteers that ill probably be back next week. :smiley:
Thank you!

once again, your tree drawings are so sublime, and the bird watercolour is probably one of your most impressive drawings i’ve seen!

Thanks and I just realized I have acrylic paintings but I dont have them on the computer right now so I wont post one today unless I find them.
but Ill get them by tommorrow.

I can’t wait.

Ok our cameras broken. but ill get them soon. So heres some other pictures.

If I did this one already Im confussed and sorry. But hes a tiger and is colored pencil.

I thought it was great.

Great detail on that tiger!

Thanks and sorry I havent been doing one everyday like I said…
But enjoy this lovley picture of death dead. 8D

I woulnt really call it art but…

ha! it’s motivational in some ways, but also somewhat humorous in the other!

That’s very creative Sealy!

I love you artwork so far Sealy! The one with the tombstone looked pretty creative.

^awe thanks everyone
and that tunb stone thing was just a filler.
then i never had time for any of this…
so wait till you see all my latest art! cant wait!

Ok well obiously i lied…
Not purpoiseful! (i no thts spelled wrong but i dont no how to spell tht so who cares!)
but i lied Heres one of the pictures ive been stalling for 8D

(ps it looks better in person 8D

Really nice job! You did that great.