Sheila's Ratatouille FanFiction

Thanks, Mitch!

Here’s a little hint about what its going to be:
4 genres that this story fits into - horror, comedy, parody, crossover.

Rated “almost PG” for suggested mild comedic violence – nothing graphic whatsoever.

sheila :wink:

Colette Linguini - I tremble with excitement… Seriously, though, I can’t wait to read it.

Good luck! :wink:

– Mitch

Here it is! I am so excited to share it!
Thanks Mitch and PixarVixen for approving it!

First, some notes:
+The thing about it is it’s a parody. Colette is completely out of character and does some uncharacteristic stuff. It’s just funny. It is not meant to be taken seriously, it’s just for fun. A totally random idea concocted at 11:17 pm during a night’s session of brainstorming by me and my sister, Ashley – which turned into something wacky, an inside joke if you will. Slightly Halloween-themed, and a crossover of Ratatouille and The Incredibles.
+And here is an overview!:
Colette is Helen’s cousin. She is asked to babysit, and has a hard time getting the kids to eat her cooking. When Dash mentions that Violet would eat “tonyloaf”, Colette takes it a little to literally. Call it culture-shock or something…
+::A WARNING:: It has a small suggestion of violence, but has nothing graphic. So rated PG. Also, don’t read it if you haven’t seen either Ratatouille or The Incredibles, as it may have spoilers. Sort of. Not really, but just if you want to be really safe.[/i]

Colette Cooks Tonyloaf
The phone rang.
“Colette, hi, it’s me, Helen.”
“Ah, Helene! How are you? Long time no talk, non?”
"Yeah, I’m great! How’s my favorite cousin?
“Helene, I am your only cousin.”
“Well, all the same. Listen, Bob and I are going on vacation to Bermuda for our anniversary for a few days and we need somebody to watch the kids.”
“Yes. One problem. I am living in Paris, France. You are in America. Besides, I’m busy! I have my restaurant, and a new boyfriend, and --”
“Did I mention we got you round trip tickets in first class?”
“I’ll be there!”

Colette packed her bags and flew over. Helen met her and drove her to the house.
“Emergency phone numbers are all right here. Dash needs to be in bed no later than 9:30 so he can be at school at 8:30 in the morning, same with Violet, only you don’t really have to worry about her, she takes care of herself. As for Jack-Jack–”
“Where is ze kitchen”
Helen led Colette into the kitchen. “What do zhe children eat?”
“Oh, they’ll eat anything kid-friendly really. I’ve got leftovers in the fridge that you can heat up. Gotta go, or we’ll miss our flight, take care, bye!” Helen said, hastily.
“Leftovers? I don’t think so…”

First night:
“Violette, Dash!” Colette called from the kitchen, “Your dinner!”
Once they were seated at the table and Jack-Jack in his highchair, Colette served them “ratatouille. Bon appetit!” Dash ate some before soon announcing “Full!” and racing away. Violet only moved her food around her plate.
“These American children are so picky!” Colette thought, “Everyone in Paris loves le ratatouille!” She decided to try to make their food more ‘kid-friendly.’

Next evening:
Escargot a la mode and champagne. Bon appetit!”
Dash and Violet gaped at her, open-mouthed. Colette didn’t understand kids.
Dash shovelled down his ice cream while Violet stared at her plate.
“What is ze matter? You 'ave 'ardly touched your dinner.”
“I’m not hungry for escargot.”
“Well,” Colette offered, “It is leftover night. I have ratatouille, sweet bread… What are you hungry for?”
“Tony Rydinger!” Dash taunted.
“Shut up!” Violet retorted.
“I bet you’d eat if we were having Tonyloaf!” Dash persisted in a sing-song voice.
“Tonyloaf?” questioned Colette.
“AAAH I hate my life!” Violet cried as she ran into her room.
Jack-Jack giggled.
“What is tonyloaf?” asked Colette, determined to make something the children would eat.
“Tony Rydinger is this guy she likes, and everyday, she waits after school just to watch him walk by.” Dash said, giggling.
“Tony Rydinger…” Colette mused.

Next day:
It was near time to pick up Dash and Violet from school. Colette arrived a few minutes early with a portable ice chest. And baggies. She leaned up against a wall, resting one foot upon it, arms folded across her chest, and sunglasses perched on her nose. Dash had told her that Tony Rydinger was always the first kid out of school, so he was not difficult to find – “Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in…
Are you Tony Rydinger?”
“Er, yeah.”
Colette pulled him aside. “Stand still,” she ordered as she whipped out a pair of meat-cleavers.

That evening:
“Children! Your dinner!”
Colette served them their plates which they both enjoyed immensely.
“Mmm, this is great! It tastes good! What is it?”
Colette was very pleased. “It’s tonyloaf!”

[i]Well, there it is! I hope you liked it. Please review!

Oh, and by the way, check out my sister’s fanart for this story:

One more thing: Here is the link for the story on … s_Tonyloaf [/i]

o_0;; Despite Tony’s doom, I enjoyed your story immensely, but alas, I will never look at Colette the same ever again. Heheh.

Perfect Halloween story. :wink:


Tony Loaf! Ahaha, that made me laugh.

… a lot.

:smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yay! PV approved it! :mrgreen:

This is exactly the sort of thing that my sister and I would concoct up. I love it. Hilarious story, dude. (I also love how you made Colette Helen’s cousin. I kinda see how that could work. Heheh.) :laughing: :wink:

– Mitch

Hey! Thanks, everybodeh!

Colette Linguini - No problem, dudette!

What is next on your list of tales, if I may ask?

– Mitch

Well, Mitch, I thought I’d wait a week to see the dvd (to refresh my memory of some stuff) and then go from there. Have you ever watched a movie and got a brilliant fan-fic or fan-art idea, but the next day you forgot it? That happens to me a lot. So I’ll try to jot those down and see what they come to.

Now. I had started another one of Colette’s diary entries a long time ago. [spoil]The part where she leaves Linguini, but comes back after seeing the book.[/spoil] Just her inner thoughts on that. But the story’s structure was kind of confused. It went from being narrated by an outsider, to a diary entry, back to narration… A big mess. So I’ve been giving that a break to work itself out. I like to start things and come back to them way later. It always seems to help. Well, not for things like schoolwork, but you get it.

So until the dvd! (1 week!!!)

P.S. By the way, when can we stop doing the spoiler tags??? I mean, eventually everyone here (assuming they are fans :wink: ) will have seen Ratatouille, no?

Colette LInguini/Sheila - Interesting! I like the idea of an outsider/passery-by commenting on that moment in the film; it would make for a unique and intriguing read. I say go for it, but it’s ultimately up to you!

Mmm. I’ve experience something similar, that being those times when I’ll hear a piece of classical/jazz music (ie., Beethoven, Vivaldi, etc…) and will randomly concoct up a short story using the score as a base, only to forget what I thought up later on (which is why I write the name of the musical tidbit down so that I won’t forget it – heheh).

So yeah. I kinda know the feeling. :wink:

And yep: Just one week until the DVD!! I’m surprised I haven’t wet my pants from the excitement yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

– Mitch

P.S. I’ve been pondering the whole “spoiler tag” situation, as well. I suppose I could ask my fellow moderators whether or not we should all stop using them. Yes, I think I’ll do that. :wink:

Hi again, everybody! I just sort of wanted to bring this topic back from the dead because I’m not yet satisfied with the amount of feedback I’ve been getting on my fics! hehe. Not to sound whiny, but I’d love to hear what people think. So seriously, please read my work, and tell me what you think. Be honest!

Also, be on the lookout sometime in the future… I’ve got some Colette stuff [maybe! if I like it enough…] coming up using the original character my sister created which you can see on her fanart thread: [url]Ashley's Art - #70 by The_Star_Swordsman]

Plus, I’ve written a few Shakespeare fics, but that’s unrelated here. Those’ll be on [url][/url]. Please check that out; I’ve got two Ratatouille stories there, already.


Colette Linguini - I’m interested to see what you’ll churn out for us in the future, Sheila! :wink:

Oh, and remember when you asked whether or not we are allowed to refrain from using spoiler tags dealing with the film, Ratatouille? Well, you can stop using them now, as I’m sure you’ve found out. :wink:

– Mitch

I liked the Tonyloaf fic (it was so hilarious) more than the journal fic. This is just a suggestion, but maybe [spoil] you could make a fanfic-sequel about Tony’s ghost haunting Colette.[/spoil]

Thank you, remy_must_save_henri! I’m glad you liked it. That’s a really clever idea, but I think I’m gonna just leave it where it ended. :slight_smile:

And, thanks, Mitch, for that information.
Sorry I didn’t respond sooner, I didn’t realize that people were commenting on this!

To Colette Linguini:
Darth Vader voice I AM ab-fanfics, the creepy kid who wrote “Ratatouille 2”! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Colette Linguini - Oh, no worries at all. You’re welcome, by the way. :wink:

– Mitch

Hi everybody! I’ve started putting up the chapters of my newest Ratatouille fic, “Sketches” on [url][/url]. I’m not going to bother posting them here. If you’d like to read them, I recommend using that link. And I would love to get comments on this thread, if you don’t have a account!

The story is in 10 parts, plus a short interlude. I’m almost done with the final chapter. I write all my stories in a notebook first, then type them up on the computer. I’m traditional like that. I get all creative at night and can’t use the family’s computer at midnight, so…

Here is an overview! and some other business:
We follow Colette through culinary school with her roommate, Roslin, and see what shapes her to become the woman she is.
Rated: PG-13. Eventually, it’ll get into some mature themes, and the slightest bit of language that is essential for the story. So read at your own discretion. I don’t think anyone should be too offended, though. The mature themes are not that bad – only suggestions. And the language is very, very minimal. So PG-13 just in case. :slight_smile:
Spoilers: A little in the last chapter, but I think most people will have seen Ratatouille by then and will know the outcome of the restaurant and characters’ relationships… hehe.

Wow, that overview ^ was a bad sentence, but I tried to revise it a million different ways and they were all rubbish. Anyway, you get it. Each chapter is a sort of “sketch” of some things that happen at school with Roslin and Colette (who are total opposites – they totally complete each other as friends) until they graduate. So PLEASE, I’d love feedback!

I await the moment when I have time to read the newest edition to your collection of stories, Colette Linguini! It sounds as if it will be an interesting read. :wink:

Thank you for rating your fan fiction tale, by the way.

Wow, you too? Cool! And I thought I was the only one… (heheh) :wink:

– Mitch

Aww, thanks, Mitch! Definitely take your time; I know that you’re really busy, as am I.

Hi, everyone! I know that I’m double posting, but that other post was done way back in January! My fanfiction thread has been so dead!

So my fic, ‘‘Sketches’’, is almost all put up on now, and I’d love to know what you all think! It mostly focuses around Colette’s younger days. And it’s rated PG13. Just to be safe.

I just wanted to get the word out there. Fanfiction readers! Read this! And review! (Please!) :slight_smile:

Here is the link: … e_Sketches
