Sleeping Beauty

But the blue reminds me too much of Cinderella.Besides one of Ariel’s dresses I think she’s the only other princess that wears pink.

Actually, I think that’s the very reason they use the pink one in the merchandising. To differentiate her from Cinderella.

If only Fauna could just speak up and say that green should be the color. Of course she would probably say it so softly the other two couldnt hear her.

I don’t like it green. :open_mouth: And the pink is my favorite.

Flik-E: Wow! I think that’s the DVD version my dad has. :open_mouth: I’m so listening to that later…

When it came to Sleeping Beauty’s dress, even though I usually associate her pink dress with her, I love her blue dress.

Her blue dress is my absolute favorite. And like Spirit said, she wears blue most of the movie, so it makes sense that it should be blue.

My favorite part of the movie is when the fairies are making Aurora her cake with all the batter and stuff. I just love the way everything looks and flows :smiley:

Honestly, I think Aurora should have a blue dress, and Cinderella should have a white dress. Never in the entire first Cinderella does she wear a blue dress!! I was watching it with my friend Haleigh, and we had a a serious discussion about it. 8D It’s shiny white, but all the dolls, toys, and promotional art show it as dark blue. What the Fred.

Agreed. It’s clearly white/silver.

I’m glad my friend and I didn’t imagine that, because other than myself, she was the only other person who I’ve heard say that! I guess nobody cares. :frowning:

No, you’re completely right. It’s just blue in the merchandising.

I wonder why they even changed it. A silver/white dress is much more distinctive, and prettier, in my opinion.

You’d better.

I think it’s funny when Maleficent taunts the prince about him beinb 100 years old one day and advancing on his old horse to kiss the princess, and she’ll be disgusted because he’s the age of a great-grandfather.

So it’s not my imagination. I always thought something was weird. I always thought maybe it was a really light blue or something.

Yep. Her blue dress rules! Granted, I sort of hate the color pink. 8D

I personally think that blue looked better on Aurora than pink.

Me too. I remember as a kid watching the movie, and crossing my fingers during that scene at the end, where the fairies are changing her dress back and forth between pink and blue as she and Philip dance in the clouds, that her dress would end up blue. (Like it could change each time I watched the movie.) I honestly can’t remember what color it ended on now.

Oh, I love Sleeping Beauty sooo much!

Same here! I love her peasent dress. Also her hair! It’s so beautiful, and golden, and perfect no matter what she’s doing!

I love how she looks period. But, I can’t think of a single Disney girl(and only one Disney boy, who was intentional) who look bad.

I’m 50/50 on which color I like better. I like them both! :slight_smile:

It would be cool if there was a princess with a red dress as a main dress, or purple.

^Rapunzel’s main(and only until the end) dress is purple. :wink:

I like both colors, but blue is better on her and in general to me.