
Smoking doesn’t really bother me. I don’t do it, but I hate how when people see smokers, they role their eyes and saying how they’re killing them selves. It’s their choice to smoke, don’t judge them.

See? This is exactly what I’m talking about. It’s understandable to hate the idea or practise of smoking. But to hate smokers, hate people due to their lifestyle? Is dispicable and a bit barberic in my eyes.

I hate smoking and, while I may not hate people who smoke, I hate when they do in my vicinity. If I see someone smoking, I tend to hold my breath and get the hell out of there. Smoking is the worst invention ever.

I agree entirely. I try not to be rude, because my dad smokes, but seriously, it makes me gag. Sometimes I can’t breathe at all around smoke. I wish people would smoke privately. :neutral_face:

I personally don’t like smoking. Besides smelling bad, it can cause problems. It hardens and stiffens arteries. Thus making you more susceptible to MI’s and PAD. Such an so.

Ah yes, right up there with the nuclear bomb, I suppose. The way some people go on about it you’d think it is.

I am no scientist, and I have been trying to do research on a question that has haunted me for some time.

As many people know, modern cigarettes have very horrid ingredients, including but not limited to Arsenic (found in rat killer), Cadmium (found in batteries), Butane (found in lighter fluid), and Formaldehiyde (used to perserve dead bodies). These ingredients, are of course harmful to the human body and cause cancer.

However, certainly, the Native Americans who grew the crop centuries ago did not have these ingredients. So my question is this. Is natural tobacco harmful? Does the plant itself cause cancer? Is it benign but the addition of modern poisons make it harmful? Or is it an unhealthy plant in general, with these chemicals added to make the modern tobacco products addictive?

I parent’s are starting to get these electro cigarette. instead of smoke, they let out water vapor. They also son’t smell.

^ I’ve heard of those before! How are they working?

You said it perfectly. I just can’t breathe when I’m in the area, it’s not that I hate smokers. My aunt smokes, and I don’t hate her! I just can’t breathe is all.

I agree with both of you! I don’t hate people who smoke, just the act of smoking. I gag and then sometimes I have to leave because I can’t breathe.

Sorta. My parent’s are now using both. There gonna try to switch completely to the power one then quit overall. But I bet they won’t.

My dad has tried to quit smoking cigarettes 15 times in the last few years. I guess he never will. :cry:

I don’t smoke. I never have, and I never will. What I don’t understand is how young people decide it’s ok to smoke. I can understand older people because they probably didn’t have all of the warnings about smoking that we have now. Whenever I ask a younger person why they smoke, they all say the same thing. They tell me that it’s something they picked up by going out partying, being around their friends and having a few drinks. The next thing they knew, they were smoking cigarettes. I would have stopped with the drinks. And I have coworkers who smoke who will talk to me, and their breath will literally take mine away. I don’t see how people who don’t smoke who are in relationships with people who do can kiss them.

I have friends that smoke. But does that make them bad people? No, I just don’t like the action of smoking. I think It’s disgusting.

Yes, exactly! That’s how I feel. I’m surprised by how many other people on these boards have said they hated smokers. It makes no sense to hate someone based of of one habit.

I have a couple friends who smoke. Some people who smoke can be the nicest people out there.

Smoking makes an impression on people. But like I said. I have a few friends that smoke. I feel torn when I try to have them try to break the habit.

I have smoked before but I haven’t done it in a while. Some of my best friends smoke and they are good people. It is a bad habbit but it doesn’t make you a bad person.

:open_mouth: Who said that? That’s pretty extreme. Besides, hating people is a waste of energy. Especially just because they smoke.

I don’t mind smoking just as long as it’s not around me. I don’t think people should do it, but that’s their decision.

We had an issue last summer in Animal Kingdom regarding smoking areas. They had removed yet another one, so that people can only smoke in an area outside Dawa Bar, near Expedition Everest before the bridge, and behind the gift shop in Dinoland. Now, as much as I don’t approve of smoking (especially around animals and kids) it was rather bothersome to have to point people to some area that was often a pretty long walk from where they were. This often led to them wanting to just have a quick smoke and smoking wherever they were, and sometimes, I couldn’t blame them. Much as I dislike it, I know they need their fix.

It wasn’t so much about their addiction, but that we would wind up cleaning cigarette butts in random areas in the park. If they had kept the other one like they should’ve, we wouldn’t have people sneaking a smoke wherever they please, which could lead to a forest fire, cigarette butts going unseen and making the place look messy, or quite simply just ticking off our guests.

I forget who, but a few people on this thread.