South Park

Yeah this weeks episode was my favorite out of all of them.

Like I said before, The one thing I hated about it was Kenny had black hair. He has blonde hair though so why did they get this guy? They shoulf of gace him a wig. He just looked like an actor in a parka. Everyone else kinda did look like the character’s.

idk, it didn’t bother me too much. I’m sure casting knew what it was doing, and the hair color didn’t take away from the enjoyment for me personally.

Kenny had black hair? What was it some sort of live-action scene?

UPDATE: Just saw the live-action segments. Hilarious.

I was kinda hopeing for a Titanic episode. I thought were would do it for all the 100th anniversary stuff.

They should do a Titanic episode, it would be a laugh.

I’m so stoaked for this next episode, I was laughing during the preview clip.

I haven’t seen a single Season 16 episode. :frowning:

Wonder if this kid will be a new character or just appear one time.

After this there won’t be any new episode for about 5 mounths…

Haven’t any of you noticed how nowadays every Season only has 14 episodes? I remember Season 3, 4 and 6 which had 17 episodes. Season 2 also had 18. They also haven’t made a Christmas special for years.

They do 7 for the begining of the year and 7 for the end. I won’t know why. With Cartman “becoming” a Jew, They have an excuse for a Christmas episode this year.

They might not keep that though. They may not ever mention him being Jew, it could be a one episode thing. Sometimes the show isn’t too consitant. We won’t know for sure until they address it in another episode.

I know. I’m saying they could use it. I can see Cartman trying to celerbrate Hanukkah and Kyle trys to stop him.

Bought Season 15 and watched Disc 1 last night. Had some good laughs with Funnybot, Royal Pudding and T.M.I. Crack Baby Athletic Association was pretty crap, though the Slash references were funny.

Oh man, Funnybot is one of my favorites. Between the Doctor Who reference and the whole Germans being least funny people on Earth. It’s just crazy funny.

I think Funnybot is one of the worst of the whole series. It’s just an unfunny episode to me with poor writing, okay jokes, and a misleading title.

Alot of people agree actally. … 771&page=1 … -funnybot/

Mine is Stan :smiley:
funny to watch :laughing:

I love South Park and i love Cartman and Stan’s dad. They make me laugh so hard everey episode!

This past season’s Shining/Avengers parody episode had me cracking up. One of my favorite South Park episodes in a while!

Wow, one poat all year.

I liked this season alot, but it also had boring moments. I think they had too many Cartman episodes, at least half of the season was about him. I do think they ended on a high note with a Wendy epsiode, who barely appears anymore. “The Hobbit” and “Black Friday” were my favorites. I’m disapointed they had no Wii U references, even if they were negative. I was also hoping for a Christmas episode since it’s been 9 years since their last; oh well, what’s 10 years? Overall I liked it, but it could have been better considering all the time they had.