South Park

Well, I barely watch television anymore since nothing good is ever on. I’ll try to start watching more when the next season of The Office starts whenever that is.

South Park is still good, at last I think it is.

I might have to watch some of these new episodes some time soon and see if South Park is still good.

What do you guys think your favorite song from the show is?

I do too.

Sweet, I love both South Park and The Office.

Ugh, that’s so hard. There’s so many good ones. Well, not including the movie, I’d say Gay Fish, What What in the Butt, and So Many Minorities.

Oh yeah, I remember the song Gay Fish. Wasn’t that the episode that Kanye West was in?

Mine are Make it Right and Kyle’s mom is a big fat b****.

My favourite songs are super phun thyme and my robot friend

Yes it was! So great!

Haha, I love those two songs too! Especially Robot Friend.

How about this?

I forgot about that song! I also like Cartman’s version of Poker Face.

That one has a lot of views on Youtube.

I just watched ‘The Human CentIPad’ a few days ago. It was absolutely brilliant, and summed up the herd mentality of Apple’s reverent followers. And I’m typing this out on my MacBook Pro.

“Oh, the irony!”

10 Things South Park Human CENTiPAD Got Right

Oh, and I love how Kyle was basically duped into the whole shennanigan because he didn’t read the EULA like 99% of us. 8D

I don’t read those kinda thing’s all the time.

I forgot about: What would brian boitano do?
I know its from the movie but i think it’s a great song :slight_smile:

Also can’t wait for the documentary.

Same here.

TDIT: Thanks for posting that article! I read it, and it reinforced all the details of the episode, which I too enjoyed.

I wonder if it will tell about how Matt and Trey meet.

Yeah, that’d be pretty cool. I also can’t wait to see more of what the studio looks like.

Yeah, a see them making an episode.