I did not see them! O_o.

Some sort of gravity generator. If you remember the docking bay, when the doors close there’s suddenly gravity, so it can be turned on and off and adjusted at will. So it would be easy for Auto to adjust the gravity to make everyone slip over to one side of the ship, but that would not require actually tilting the ship. I’m sure that was just to make it clearer to people what was happening as not everyone can be a sci-fi geek.

Maybe Auto was making sure.

Sorry points at self science geek.
I’m thinking they did recycle everything to get new stuff. Think about the waste and then to replace it wouldn’t be hard (sadly) So everything could have been artifical and also been replenished

Which is why it was in a cup. But the Axiom was only designed to last 5 years, so it must have had plenty of backup systems.

That explanation is AWESOME. Essentially what I assumed, but in detail. Almost hilarious how thorough that reasoning is.

Funny yet true.
You can replace the motherboard of your computer and keep the hard drive.
You will retain all your data and information. (operating system too)
But there is one thing lost in the process, your BIOS (Basic In/Out System)
Its your motherboards…well operation system (Like Windows or OSX)
This is where your computer stores settings for your system specs. So it will ask you the information for the systems parts.
Maybe Wall-E just had his BIOS reset and went out for a time where the basic system told him to do what he was originally programmed for. Then, after the settings were updated, the system rebooted and his personality was back.

But I like to think EVE kissing him just saved him :slight_smile:

People claim to have heard the sound of a hard drive spinning up after she kisses him? Anyone else notice that?

No, I didn;t

There’s always the possibility that the shock from EVE’s “kiss” wasn’t just a shock, she could’ve been transfering the information she could’ve gotten in the Define Dancing scene.

I think a healthy portion of “suspension of disbelief” would be in order to enjoy this movie, or any movie. But one thing I don’t get is [spoil]why wasn’t the Captain, or any other robots, surprised at seeing such an old and outdated robot aboard the Axiom? Even John and Mary weren’t bemused.[/spoil] My theory is that the poor diet of the humans, combined with the lack of exercise, made their brains sluggish. They didn’t cotton on to the fact they had a swimming pool, so an outdated robot probably wouldn’t faze them… Anyone have an answer for this?

Because WALL•E’s love for EVE was so strong that he wanted to make EVE happy, to help her complete her directive.

But he wasn’t designed to be in an artificially lit area. He was designed to stay on Earth and clean during the day and shut down at night, to be recharged in the morning. BNL didn’t intend for him to still be around 700 years later, develop a personality and climb aboard the artificially-lit Axiom.

The treads would probably provide grip.

And also the security vision she had taped of WALL•E over the time he was looking after her may have been transferred to him.

That IMDb Q and A section is very thorough. Thanks!

rachel- I’ll go with you with the idea that the human brains had become sluggish over time. Also, they seem generally unable to distinguish between different robots (even though, to us, they obviously all look different). Add to that, the fact that the humans didn’t really care about the robots. They were just tools to be used in order to make their lives easier, so new or old, clean or dirty, it just didn’t matter to them.

Yes, probably LG, as demonstated, people just take them for granted.

also, this thread contains my first post :smiley:

Here is what most people say when I mention WALL-E to them:
1- I heard it was really good.
2- I heard it was really bad.
3- WALL-E is so cute (I don’t know what their opinion is).

The only problem i had was walle holding on to the space ship. He would have been totally desintegrated.

The only problem i had was walle holding on to the space ship. He would have been totally desintegrated.

Other then that 10/10 for me…can’t wait for the dvd.

I’ve also wondered how WALL-E and his truck (they both have red lights that turn on) can sense sand storms approaching.

d-d-d-d-DOUBLE Post!

yes he would.

I’m guessing that the WALL•Es were designed to sense when dust storms were approaching (another reason why the humans left Earth?) and same with the trucks, and once the dust storms did come, all the WALL•Es would race inside and fit in their little compartment things (like WALL•E sleeps in), the door would shut, and they would wait until the sensors told them it’s safe to go outside.

In respect to all the WALL•E fans out there, I will admit that it’s a really delightful love story presented by WALL•E and EVE’s adorable antics and the such. It’s really cute, I would admit, and thus present me the reason as to everyone’s obsession with the film.

However, since a thread regarding the film’s criticism is available, I would have to seize the chance to speak (or in this case, type).

Aside from the physics and logic applied to the various aspects of the film, my main annoyance towards it was rather sprouted from the simplicity of the blockbuster. That’s just it - it didn’t feel like it was a blockbuster. It failed to hit me like a train, making me go, “Oof! This one is a hit!” like Finding Nemo or The Incredibles, for that matter, and I can’t help bring up the issue of the ending’s predictability once more.

I really love it that they actually manage to have sorta a pause between EVE’s discovery of WALL•E and WALL•E’s final recovery, thus making it less cliche. It’s a really tough aspect to work on, seriously. You would like a happy ending, but at the same time, you wouldn’t want audience to go, “And they’re going to live happily ever after, the end.” It’s really a level that requires skill and creativity. Though Pixar failed to bring that out, I would give them credit for making such a stretch in stepping to that level.

They nearly got me for a while. :wink:

Overall, a 7.8/10. Nice work, but not epic.