
I think the name change was somewhat smart on Disney’s part, I remember going to the theaters for tPatF, and quite a few people turned it down/made fun of it because it had ‘Princess’ in the title. Granted, Rapunzel doesn’t say ‘princess’ but it’s a little more obvious than ‘Tangled’. Honestly, I don’t mind the name change that much. Movie will still be the same.

Haha, only a little :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, really, Rare Addict? :open_mouth: Then my expectation level has just increased, cos’ I really enjoyed Bolt (obvious statement). Maybe they can bring some of Bolt’s ‘spunk’ to Tangled, though whether that would work is something we’ll have to see upon its release.

I can see Disney’s business-minded decision in changing the title, but I’m very sorry to say this thewisecookiesheet, but ‘Tangled’ is an abominable title. I can’t get over it! Maybe if they called it ‘Lady of the Tower’ or 'Punzel or ‘Silky-smooth-ultra-chic-locks’ or something… but Tangled? 8D
You’re right though, it’s all but a name, and I should not be too hypocritical about it. ‘Tangled’ or ‘Rapunzel’, as long as it doesn’t stink.

Har. I would totally be up for ‘Silky-smooth-ultra-chic-locks’.

Yeah, Tangled isn’t the best choice out there, I agree. And, isn’t there like a year or two before it hits theaters? They could change it before then, it’s been mixed reviews about this everywhere.

The test trailer says it’s out end of this year. Not a lot of time, if you ask me. :slight_smile:

Oh snapp.

Much sooner than I thought :laughing:

On the PatF Blu-ray they have a teaser which still uses the old name “Rapunzel”.
That’s probably only because they already finished encoding before that silly name change happened.

And speaking of PatF, although they were referring to the whole “princess movie” idea a lot in the bonus features, I really liked one comment by one of the crew who said that after a screening a boy told him that he expected it to be just a girl movie but it wasn’t.

That boy must have been but a lone voice in the desert to the higher-ups at Disney, when they decided that “Princess = boys don’t want to see it = bad for business” and changed the name to “Tangled”.

I kinda like “Tangled” I do like Rapunzel better though. I know what Disney execs were talking about. I couldn’t get any of my guy friends to go see “the Princess and the Frog” and they thought I was strange for wanting to see it. Although, I do think that changing the name to “Tangled” won’t even really matter. Everybody’s still gonna know it’s Rapunzel.

I for one, am getting extremely tired and fed up with seeing so much negativity and pessimism every time I try to look up information and recent updates regarding this movie. It’s as if people are really determined to hate it or something. :confused: Frankly, it’s getting irritating.

Asides from the lame title change and the terrible release date, I honestly don’t see what all the pessimism and negativity is about. And if you ask me, I disagree about it looking like a barbie movie. How can it? :neutral_face: This movie has been in production for the last ten years. They’ve even developed a brand new software for the sole purpose of animating it. Apparently it’s suppose to be very innovative; something that’s never even been done in the history of CGI Animation before - something that even Pixar has never done before. There’s absolutely no way it’s going to be like a barbie movie. I’m positive that the final visual style and animation is going to look absolutely stunning and gorgeous (I’m even impressed by what I saw in the teaser trailer and the promotional poster). Now, I’m not going to lie; the title change IS really stupid, but I’m still going to go and see this movie anyway because I’ve been anticipating it for a while now, and also because I’ve always wanted Disney to tackle the Rapunzel fairy tale, even though I know that the Disney version won’t include the pregnancy and the blindness like in the original fairy tale (this IS Disney afterall). And I feel like I’m the only person whose actually looking forward to seeing this movie and even enjoying it, lol.

I mean, has anybody actually considered that in the end, despite it’s production issues, the terrible shampoo-like tag line and the lame title change, it might actually be a good movie and it might even be successful? No, I guess not. :\

Meh. I just really wish people did some research on this project before jumping into conclusions. But hey, I guess it’s easier to be pessimistic as apposed to optimistic. :neutral_face:

Danachii- I know how you feel, I absolutely hate when I’m watching a Disney trailer on youtube and somebody’s always says something bad about it there :angry: I think that this movie is going to be GREAT and in fact, I think I’m as excited for a full trailer as I am for Toy Story 3. Rapunzel’s always been one of my favorites, so I’m with ya buddy! This movie is gonna rock.

Oh BTW, the trailer premieres on Monday (since it’s coming out with TS3).

Walt Disney Animation Facebook’s group page has posted new concept art! :smiley:

I’m still a little cynical, but I hope Disney will prove me awfully wrong come Monday!

I adore the new piece of concept art! I really like the character design.

I’m so excited for this trailer! (As well as Cars 2). Rapunzel is my favorite fairy tale. I am kind of not impressed with the title change to Tangled. And the choice of “60s rock” for the soundtrack (If they’re still doing that. I haven’t heard any updates about that in about a year)

Meet The Robinsons and Bolt have given me a sliver of hope that this film may not make me barf. :confused:

I’m looking forward to this one. I really like Disney’s return to traditional nimation.

This one’s CGI, like Bolt and Meet the Robinsons.

oh goodness :open_mouth: that concept art it beautiful! :smiley: and the trailer comes out on Monday? :astonished: counting down the days, hours and seconds until Monday

youtube.com/watch?v=iUsmBb8A … r_embedded

So I’m sure you’ll all suffer through Sonny with a Chance on Sunday just to watch the sneak peek of Tangled. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Laugh out loud at the viewer comments:

“Tulio?”* 8D

*If anyone watched Road to El Dorado, you’d be experiencing deja vu like me. :wink:

My goodness, that clip! Finally, some new footages! :stuck_out_tongue: I totally love the concept art too. They’re both just gorgeous and squee-worthy. I totally can’t wait; I REALLY hope theres a lot of cute, fluffy and romantic moments between Flynn and Rapunzel in the film. <3

lol, I loved how Rapunzel was just swinging around with her hair, going, “BEST DAY EVER!”, and Flynn was just standing right there looking incredibly bored and indifferent to the whole thing, LOL. XDD

EDIT; lol I left a comment on that Youtube video just now. :smiley: I can’t contain my excitement anymore, haha~

I agree, that guy looks a lot like Miguel and Tulio. However, that was a decent film so I’m not too worried. If I can beg my mom she may even let me see it in cinema…