Apparently, Logan Lerman is NOT Spider-Man. Sony is denying the report that Lerman is Spidey. Now we have a new candidate, Josh Hutcherson, from the Bridge to Terabithia movie.
A mate told me about the Spider-Man reboot controversy. Apparently, rumours say Robert “Edward” Pattinson from Twilight fame is being considered to replace Tobey in the title role.
I know ‘rebooting’ a franchise is all the rage nowadays, what with Casino Royale and Batman Begins being recent successes. But these were 50 and 20-year old series respectively, and Spider-Man’s barely ten! And wasn’t his origins already explained in the first movie? How are they going to have an entire movie before he got his powers? It’d be like a Jackie Chan film. Heck, I’d rather watch geriatric Jackie kicking *ss than Mr. Cullum brooding silently at MJ from afar…
I really hope this doesn’t become a Wolverine… if you watched last year’s stinker, you’d know what I mean…
I really wouldn’t mind seeing Robert Pattnison as Spider-Man, and that’s only because I LOVE Twilight. But, honestly, Toby Maguire is and always will be, the only Spider-Man. Without Toby Maguire or Kristen Dunst, this movie is gonna be a bomb (literally).
Fairy 'nuff. I thought the ending was a total cop-out, but that’s just me.
I suppose I shouldn’t be too quick to judge Mr. Pattinson. We’ve only really seen him in the Twilight roles and Remember Me, so maybe he’s got more time to develop those acting chops in the meantime. But like you said, Toby is Spider-Man. Even after he briefly went all James Brown in the third movie.
I think a fourth movie could’ve been great. The third one sucked because Sony kept pressuring Raimi to make changes. He never wanted to do the stupid Venom storyline. Besides, the first was awesome, and the second was even better. And there was one thing that the trilogy has that the reboot cannot top, J. J. J.
I really feel that the major problem with Spider-Man 3 was the cramming in of three villains into one film. Let that be a lesson to all comic book movies ever made again.
I also feel, though, that rebooting Spider-Man after only about a decade is not the best idea. The film may end up being very good and what not, starting over in just 10 years seems silly. Give it another decade, and I’ll throw in my full support.
if we had to choose one of those two i would rather have it be Zach Efron only because it be awesome to see him kick some butt. still why the reboot WHY!!!