The Art of Up

Wow, that cover looks… pretty awesome! I would have prefered the background sky to be more colourful (in this version it looks so gloomy, like it’s gonna rain). I actually would have liked the first image they released of the duo on the canyon overlooking the sunset/sunrise.

But to each his own, I guess. I’m a bit behind on Up news, so I don’t know the significance of the talking dog (or why he/she talks). And I’m curious about the peacock, too. :question:

The dog is male, and it uses a [spoil]special collar to talk.[/spoil] Pretty cool. And according to The Pixar Blog, [spoil]the bird is a female named Kevin (!)[/spoil]. I want to know what that’s about!

Amazon link. Thanks miafka!

Ah, thanks for the enlightenment, Rachel. A girl bird [spoil]named Kevin?[/spoil] :laughing: That’s like “Mr Mittens” in Bolt! :smiley:
But I can’t wait for the two animal sidekicks (and of course, the two bickering lead protagonists)! :sunglasses:

Will be nice if they do cool animated title graphics, as Monsters, Inc. did. Incredibles followed Monsters lead, and they’ve replaced the out takes.

I like the cover! I love the style they used for this movie! Very bright and Uplifting. :wink:

Teoh Yi Chie of Parkablogs has given us an amazing preview of some sketches from The Art of Up. Some nice photos, along with a video ‘flip-through’ of the book (pretty much what you’d see if you ‘leaf’ or ‘rifle’ through a display copy at the bookstore). Nothing spoilerific that we don’t already know from the trailer, unless you want to purchase the book and want to refrain from seeing any of the images before you admire your own copy. :wink:
What’s even more interesting, is that he got his copy from a local bookstore in Singapore.


Why, that lucky… Arrgghhh…! Whhyyy??? :smiley:

And Slashfilm has kindly posted an image from Holly Mck’s thread on IMDB on a photo composite of Carl’s progression sketches.
It’s better if you click on the link and have a look at it first before you read my comments.

Amazing isn’t it? I was also expecting Carl’s frown to gradually appear, but the fact that it only happens in the last frame speaks volumes about a particularly devastating loss he will experience in his final years. Which is quite heartbreaking really. :frowning:
Notice the different clothes he wears to indicate the various occupations and stages in his life. Also note the names of the current President under each snapshot which are, as a Wall-E forum member put it, “an indication of the economic and social times Carl lived in during those years.”

I have a question. I already preordered mine and I want to know when I’ll recieve my book.
I’ve got the free shippping to, if it matters.

Well, did the order form mention the delivery date (I know it’s obvious, and you wouldn’t be asking this if you knew, but it doesn’t hurt to double check)? :wink: Did you order from Amazon?

Based on their pre-order price guarantee, you will be charged the lowest price between your order date and the release date, which reads “May 27, 2009”.

The disclaimer also reads: “You may pre-order it now and we will deliver it to you when it arrives.” So we can assume you’ll receive it the day before the U.S. theatrical release! :wink:

Anyone clicked the links yet? :question:

Yeah I checked and I got it from Amazon.
I like having a time where I can expect it to come in.

thedriveintheatre - I also checked out Mr. Chie’s blog page that highlights the Art of Up coffee table book. Darn hardcover looks fantastic. I can’t wait to get my paws on it…

Thanks for providing the link to it again so that others may take a peek at the awesomeness! Thanks goes to parka, as well, for sharing this information with us. :smiley:

I saw this montage some time ago, as well, and I still love it. I never noticed the names of the Presidents above each sketch before until you mentioned it, though. Good eye! :wink:

– Mitch

what happened to the book 1st may the websites said here in the UK :frowning:

I’m going to pre-order this. I would love to see all the concepts and artwork they created. Plus, this book needs to be part of my collection of my other “Art of…” books. :smiley:

i pre-orded the art of, but also a number of other Up books, including My Name is Dug:

My copy just shipped from Amazon today. I should have it in my hands by Friday! I’ll write a short review after I receive it.

Haha, wow, that book looks so sweet aasimpy! I especially like how Kevin is approaching in the background.

I look forward to reading your review, Stormsurge! It might help me decide whether I want to buy a copy for myself at some point, as obviously the The Art Of… books are very expensive, but hopefully worth it.

WOO I GOT I Mine AND IM IN THE UK!!! , but i cant look at it as the film doesnt come out here for months!!!

My mother in law is getting me a copy as a birthday gift! I can’t wait to look at it. The plan is to have it shipped out to California which is where I am moving next month.

I got my copy of the book today. I only flipped through it quickly because I didn’t want to be spoiled. From what I saw it seems like it is a very high quality book. There are a lot of drawings of the various characters in their different “stages”. The book even has some blueprints/schematics of Carl’s house. In the back of the book there are some photos of the wilderness and comparisons between the real life locations and the artwork that was done for them in the movie. I cant wait till after I see the movie so I can explore this book some more.

Anyone else get it yet? I might be ordering it soon.

If I had more than $3…