The Circus a whole

Well, except for “Up” and “You’re fired”.

It’s quite obvious that my favorites are Manny and Gypsy, but I must say that Heimlich is crawling his way into my heart too =3

You fired! You fired!

Haha, so funny.

I really love how Manny gets all confused and Gypsy needs to remind him what he is doing :slight_smile:

I wonder what he crashed into. I like to think that someone shoved a bunch of props into something and it avalanched when he opened it.

I love the circus bugs, they’re a lovable group of goofballs!

One thing I really like about them is the voice acting! I love Denis Leary, David Hyde Pierce, Bonnie Hunt, Brad Garrett, they all do great!

Manny and Gypsy are my favorites in the group, by the way!

Well, I guess “lovable goofballs” is one way to put it.
(By the way, I LOVE your signature :smiley: !)

I liked all the circus bugs, they were the highlight of the movie for me. My favorite by far was Rosie. I loved the scene when she is discussing all her past husbands with a random crowd ant, that part made me laugh out loud.

I wonder what happened to the others. (In a deleted scene, she says her first husband died of high blood pressure, who was confused for her fifth husband, who Rosie corrects her with her eighth).

Well, she is a black widow… :stuck_out_tongue:

(Although, I’m led to believe that that type of behaviour among black widow spiders actually is far less common than their reputation implies.)

Haha true. I hope we see some short films out of Canada about the Circus Bugs.

That’s right! The western black widow very rarely eats their mate after mating, that behaviour is much more common in the Australia’s redback spider. Black widows have such a bad reputation. Their venom isn’t as deadly as people believe it to be either. Life threatening reactions are usually only found in small children, people with weak immune systems, and the elderly. Female preying mantises, on the other hand, often eat their mate. Maybe that’s why Manny married a butterfly… :open_mouth:

It is too bad black widows have such a notroious reputation for being evil little tykes.

We should all work together to change its reputation for the better!

Yes we should start a campeign! Pass out literature at local supermarkets informing the public on the truth of black widows! ha, jk

Hahahahahahahahahaha 8D hahahahahahahahaha

I love when people say literature in place of pamplet or brochure! It is sooo cute.

Heehee I know right? To me literature is like “Great Expectations” or “Gone with the Wind”. Not pamplets about Colleges or Tourist Attractions.

Actually, she’s a moth :stuck_out_tongue:

I love the idea of there being some really interesting backstory as to how they all got together in the first place. I bet it would make a great series of shorts if Pixar ever were to revisit A Bug’s Life. So true about the family thing as well, they’re so tight-knit despite their differences.

Ah, my mistake. I wish the moths in my area were as pretty as she is, they’re all just dull gray and brown…

Yeah same. I really don’t like moths much at all.

I don’t like moths or butterflies. They creep me out.

This is EXACTLY what I was thinking! This would probably be exactly what A Bug’s Life needs to be “rediscovered” and truly appreciated again by audiences.

You know, maybe if they made A Bug’s Life in 3D and showed it again in theaters, it would be a success…and if John Lasseter and Andrew Stanton got together to make those “character backstories”, they could be added on along with the bloopers at the end of the film! LOL!

I know that’s wishful thinking, but it’s still an idea! :slight_smile: