Just checked online. £6 to import a pack of 10 peanut cups? Jeez…
Ever has Snickers?
Oh yeah, I’ve had those. We get most things, just not Reese’s stuff.
Wow, it’s one of the best candys out there, I think it’s like #3 or #2 on candy sales over here.
I love Snickers <3
I also really like Boost and M&Ms.
Reese’s were easily my favorite candy as a child. Peanut butter cups are made of chocolate that’s poured into something like a baking cup (for cupcakes/muffins), filled with sweet peanut butter, then covered with more chocolate. Tastiest things ever.
i never tried reeses, only because I’m allergic to peanuts.
I had Homemade Pizza.
Had breakfest for dinner.
Breakfast for dinner is the best! I can’t even tell you how many times I made pancakes from scratch this semester. French toast, too.
I had eggs, ham and toast. Pancakes sound so much better.
I wish I had that! But I had Disourno (I didnt spell that even close to right)
I was actually dissappointed by it. Theyre commercials are so good I thought theyre pizza would be too.
I want pizza now
I had a banana for breakfast!
Thinking of what cereal to eay for breakbest.
Eatin’ some chocolate chip cookies.
Ar they warm and chewy?
They may have been eariler, but cooled down by now. Hot and chewy is the best.
No, they weren’t warm when I ate them either. But they’re chewy. My favorite are the flat, cool, chewy ones.
No hot and chewwy