I agree. The Upcoming Events column on the main page has been outdated for over a year now. I think it should be replaced with the Cars 2 DVD release date or Brave’s release date.
I thought it had to do with the site getting relaunched.
I think I am still able to update the pixarplanet.com main page, so I will try to update that list soon.
why didn’t anyone ever update it.
Um, because we all kind of have lives outside this forum.
Also probably because the task was never really assigned to anyone so it just got forgotten about.
Just saying, some members saw it a long time ago.
Ok, you’re being really rude, Pixarfan. I already said that I would look into updating it (and I am). So you’re not being polite when you focus on what took it so long, and you’re seeming very ungrateful to what I am doing to fix it.
Man, this website really needs updated! Who else wishes there was a Brave skin on here, let alone the “Upcoming Events” page wasn’t outdated so much?