The Incredibles Cast and Crew Soundtrack

Hi Star Swordsman

Thanks for the quick response. That would be really cool if you could check with your cousin about The wrap party CD.

I’d seen a reference to this recording a couple of years ago but as I could find no trace of it on the usual soundtrack forums, I began to assume it was a rumour!

I have my fingers crossed that your cousin may still have this potential gem of a recording!



This version of the score was apparently distributed to cast and crew after the movie’s wrap party. It looks to me like the entire movie underscore. A tantalising treat nonetheless:

1 Logos 0:28
2 The Glory Days 1:07
3 Meet Elastigirl 2:29
4 Rush Hour 2:08
5 Trainstopping 0:42
6 Newsreel 1:23
7 Going Bowling 0:48
8 Jewelry Store 1:58
9 Mr. Huph Will See You Now 0:49
10 Adventure Calling 2:23
11 Incredible Again 1:13
12 Bob vs. The Omnidroid 3:15
13 Lava In The Afternoon 1:29
14 Life’s Incredible Again 1:23
15 Off To Work 1:57
16 New and Improved 0:28
17 I’m Syndrome 1:46
18 Incredible Getaway 1:02
19 Bob Sneaks In 2:56
20 Kronos Unveiled 2:45
21 Marital Rescue 2:16
22 Bob Imprisoned 1:26
23 Missile Lock 2:04
24 A Confirmed Hit 1:08
25 Heading For Land 1:13
26 Violet’s In Charge 0:24
27 Lithe or Death 3:40
28 Launching the Omnidroid 2:21
29 Intruder Alert 1:39
30 100 Mile Dash 3:07
31 A Whole Family of Supers 3:26
32 Escaping Nomanisan 2:18
33 Road Trip 2:40
34 Saving Metroville 5:04
35 Incredible Success 2:21
36 The New Babysitter 1:38
37 The Underminer 0:57
38 The Incredits 7:24

My favorite track that was on the Wrap Party CD that was not on the OST is Violet In Charge.

Now I want to hear it even more!

I really hope your cousin still has a copy!

A Cast and Crew CD of The Incredibles? What?! :open_mouth: The Star Swordsman, you HAVE to ask your cousin if you can make a copy of the CD and then PM it to us, pleeease. bats lashes The CD wouldn’t be for sale anywhere so it’s not like Disney would be losing profit and I already bought the Incredibles soundtrack anyway.

Has anyone ever spotted cast and crew soundtrack CDs on eBay?
Though I personally doubt anyone would ever sell a gem like that…

Over a year ago there were originals of the Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD put up for auction on eBay. From memory every one of them went for over US$100 each, maybe even more than that. I’m not sure where that person got copies of the CD from, but they must have made a lot of money from them because they sold about 10 copies, considering they received them for free probably.

I’d think that the CD’s that went on eBay were copies. Given the rarity value of the original, all you would need is one master and copies could be run off from that. All you need then is access to a decent printer to print the cover art and print directly onto the CD’s.

I can’t imagine someone would be able to lay their hands on 10 originals unless this person worked for the CD duplication house. In the world of rare CD’s, $100 is not much when you consider some other soundtracks like the one for Blade Runner still command ridiculous prices for those willing to pay the inflated prices that some dealers charge.

Here is something you all might want to hear. After the Incredibles production was completed, I believe each employee was given a gift, an Incredibles Wrap Party CD, containing nearly every track in the movie. The reason why it isn’t available in stores is because it is an exclusive gift for Employees only. However, after 5 long years, I got the guts to ask my family and they were able to send one to me.

Star Swordsman, you are indeed a Star and a brave one too if it took guts to ask your family for a copy. I hope you can share this bountiful booty.

I’m feeling rather happy

and may I be the first to say “PLEASE!!!”?

I combined your posts. — Rachel. =)

If I only knew how to do it.

You’re kidding right?

I don’t know how to post files on here.

I think it might be against the forum rules to post links to content here, but I guess there would be nothing stopping members who would like the The Incredibles soundtrack Extended Edition from sending you a private message, The Star Swordsman. :wink:

EDIT: I’m listening to it now - some of the recordings are totally different than in the movie and on the regular soundtrack and it has an extended version of “Kronos Unveiled”, woooooo! Some of the tracks are very similar to Speed Racer. If you’re a fan of Michael Giacchino, you have to obtain this. Thanks TSS!

OK this is… It’s… I’m at lost for words and if it wasn’t against the rules I would write all of this in caps lock because I am freaking out a little bit right now! I had no i-d-e-a that their was another version of The Incredibles Soundtrack! Oh ok… Calming down… Is there any way in this world that I might get to listen to it? Could one be sent to me! Sorry for asking questions but this made my day! Seriously! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Can I have the songs??

You mean you want a track listing?

I meant could someone send me the songs? Like to listen to?

Ask rachelcakes1985. She could have it.

The extended ending to “The Undeminer” is a surprise, featuring a great sax riff. One thing I noticed is that the CD doesn’t have the music when Violet sees Tony walking out of school. I wonder if that was recorded later, or just didn’t fit on the CD.