The Incredibles:Statuete (my first fanfic)

Oh, poor Marissa.

Oh, that Syndrome… :imp:

Chapter 4

“Me?” she asked timidly.
“Of course. That is why I said you” the woman said with a smile. But something about that smile, seemed, sinister. She wore huge platform boots and something that looked like a dark purple leotard, with a large vine in the form of a V on it. She had a long flowing cloak and her dark purple hair seemed to have a life of its own, it flowed around when she walked like a creeping shadow. Marissa noticed her skin seemed to be almost tinted purple. She was attractive, but not in the same way as Mirage. She was a more intimidating kind of attractive.
“What do you want with me?” She asked.
“To bring you on a path to greatness.”
“Excuse me?”
“Here.” She put her hand on Marissa’s shoulder and snapped her finger. All of a sudden, they were in a huge dark room with dark purple walls and a large throne at the end.
“Are you a super?” she asked. The woman laughed.
“You catch on for someone so powerful.”
“I’m powerful?”
“Marissa, darling! If I didn’t think you where powerful, why would I bring you here?”
“Wait, how do you know my name?”
“I think we are getting off the subject.” She sat in the throne. “My name is Vertax. have a wonderful offer for you. I want you to join me in my work.”
“Superheroing?” The woman laughed again.
“No, darling! Just the opposite.”
“I’m not gonna be a supervillan!”
“I like to think of it as having ‘ambition not for the greater whole’.”
“So selfishness.”
“Selfishness!?! If you are a superhero, thats all you serve! Stuck up, snobby people who pay no attention to you until they are in trouble, until THEY need help! Then if for one time you don’t save them, for one time you think about yourself, they tag you as selfish and undependable! Is that what you WANT? And those MEN! All of those male superheros. Those old comic books have brainwashed them to think that all women supers need to be cared for and protected. Well it is not so! Do you want to spend you life being a servant to idiots like them?”
“Then join me!”
“But what about the Parrs? They did take me in.”
“And what have they taught you?”
“Well, nothing yet. But I’ve only been there for a day-”
“A day that was wasted! One day can quickly turn into ten, and that can turn into a year!” Her tone softened.
“And think about their friend. She killed your mom. Most likely your dad, too. How can you trust their word if they can’t seem to pick healthy friends?”
“I guess…”
“And if you stay with me, you can be my predecessor. All this will be yours! This huge castle! My multi millions!”
“That would be nice.”
“All you have to do is join me.”
Marissa reached out and hesitated.
“Come on, child. You will never have to worry about anything again. No people to answer to. No laws to follow. Only fun.”
The girl reached out and shook her hand.

Oh my goodness, this gets better and better each and every new chapter! Keep it up! I need to know what will happen next!

sorry its a little late, ive been pretty busy lately :~o

Chapter 5

“Where did she go?” Elastigirl said as she franticly searched for the runaway.
“I’m not sure, but this computer can pick up and superpower activity evidence.” Mirage replied, still looking from side to side every now and then to see if Conner was still avoiding her.
“Well it better find it QUICK!” Elastigirl snapped, trying her best not to yell.
“Here. It picked something up.” Mirage stared at the computer for a long time. “Oh no.”
“Strands of hair that look like shadows. There is only one super that can be.”
“Well, spit it out, man!” The Dash said rudely, getting a sharp glance from his mother.
“Vertax. Her powers are transportation, turning completely black, and disappearing when in shadows or darkness. She was a hero at first, but got fed up with male superheros and became a villain.” she sighed. “Buddy tried to recruit her to helping him, but she refused.”
“So you know her.” Mr. Incredible said.
“So you would know where to find her.”
“So what do I do know?” asked Marissa, the newest super villain.
“Wreck havoc! Destroy cites! Create chaos! Anything you darn want!”
Marissa looked away. She didn’t want to really hurt people. She only wanted the freedom. All her life she had to practically raise her little brother. As a result, she never really had a life of her own. Days she could have spent hanging out with her friends she had to spend comforting Conner after he got teased by a bully. They had become inseparable, but her friendships had grown apart.
“What if, what if I don’t want to today?”
“Then we can start your training, I guess. But we’ll have to start sometime.”
“When, exactly?”
“No more than a month.”
Marissa was worried. That wasn’t that long.
What have I got myself into? she thought.
“Marissa! There you are!” She turned to see the very last person she wanted to see at this point.

I can on;y guess that it is her brother she saw? Very good chapter dude. I can’t wait for the next one.

chapter 6 (hopefully this will make up for last chapters stinkyness :frowning: )

The Incredibles family stood there, Mirage and Conner in tow.
“Quick, put this on.” Vertax whispered to Marissa.
“What is it?” she asked.
“It’s a high tech bracelet. It will give you immediate control of your powers.” she slipped it on her wrist. It clamped tightly on her arm.
“Marissa, why are you here?” Mr. Incredible asked.
“She has joined me in becoming a villain!”
“Your joking.”
Marissa looked at the floor.
“And now, due to her ignorance, she has become my slave!” Vertax pushed a button on her throne. The bracelet on Marissa’s wrist started to buzz, then glow. She could feel her brain shutting down, and everything turned to a blur.
“And just so you know, girl, I killed your parents. I simply framed this woman to turn you away from them. Oldest trick in the book.”
Marissa’s head started to spin, and eventually everything went black. Her body, however, was still working, and at the villain’s command. She looked up, her eyes full of hate.
“Destroy them!”
Marissa walked forward. The Incredibles stood in their defense position. But Vortax knew better. She knew the child could not fight them on her own, so using invisible lasers, drained their powers temporarily. Just enough to defeat them. Marissa started to throw rocks with her mind. Haunt tried to make a force field, but nothing would happen.
“Mom!” she screamed. The family was pelted with rocks. The ground started to shake. Huge columns started to shoot from it, knocking them away like flies. They lay on the ground, defeated and weak. Marissa turned to Mirage. The ground started to sink, and Mirage was sealed in a underground hole The last one left was Conner, standing in a corner in horror. She walked up to him, and stopped.
“Marissa, please! Don’t hurt me! Please come back!” he sobbed.
“Kill him! Kill him now!” Vertax screeched. But something in the back of her mind, something still alive, triggered a thought. She started to be able to think again. Her subconscious was a little bit under control. She could not, would not, kill her little brother. Slowly, she took over her mind again.
“Get away from me!” she screamed at Vertax and shot her out of the room, over a cliff and into a waterfall. She smashed the button on the throne, turning off the bracelet. Catching her breath, she released Mirage and helped the Incredibles up. Conner ran to her and wrapped around her, happy to have his sister back.
“Thank you for returning, Marissa.” he said.
Two days later, Marissa looked at a e-mail on the Parr’s computer.
“Mrs.Parr, come see this!”
“What?” Helen said as she came in.
“This team of girls who have similar powers as me say they want me on their team. They said I can bring Conner. One named Alison controls water, one named Leah controls air, one named Thereasa controls fire, and one named Kelly controls plants.”
“Thats wonderful.”
“Yeah. I’m pretty sure I’m going to accept.”
“Good. We’ll miss you.”
“Thank you for taking me in. Even after, you know.”
“No harm done. Now, lets get you packed.”
The team came to pick her up the next day. Alison called herself Wave, and she had flowy blonde hair with bright blue eyes. Leah called herself Tornado, and she had strait dirty-blonde hair and a shy personality. Thereasa’s, or Volcanoe’s, fiery red hair fit her personality. Kelly was African-American and very bubbly, and her alter-ego was Underbrush.
“Your gonna need a name if your going to join our team.” Thereasa remarked.
“You’re right. Whats going to be my name?”
“How about… Statuete? Statue for, you know the rock thing, and “ete” for being a girl.” Haunt said.
“I like it!” said the newly named Statuete.
They packed the siblings things in their small plane and sped off.

The End

Go Marrisa! :smiley:

Scary, man. Nice work, RR! And you’re doing an excellent job with the speed, too. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

this is actually the last chapter. oh wait! i forgot to put why i named the fanfic statuete!

Wow, that was a really good story you wrote there. I really enjoyed reading it. Keep it up. I hope to read more TI fics from ya.

well, so, thats the end. i hope all of youl liked it (and by all of you i mean tss and A113). i hope you will read future ones.

LOL! It was pretty good. I’ll be glad to read them.

I give this story a 4/5 star rating. :wink:

O I will be sure to look out for them One really good story. Wish it could’ve been longer to develop the story and the characters, especially the new ones. 3.5/5.

Good luck on the next ones.

yeah, but remember this is my first.

You plan on writing more?

maybe. i was going to write about marissa and what happens to her after the first one.

That would be excellent, RR! :smiley:

What ever you plan to write, i will be keeping my eye out for it.

hey guys. just so you know, i started a new cars fanfic

YAY! :smiley:

Cool Rac_Rules. I will remember to look at it some time soon.