The Incredibles Young Generation - The Dark Messenger

Even though it was not yours (and yes, I read your description, so I knew), that was a nice music video you showed us. Thanks!

If you’re gonna take that crossover fanfic in that direction, I’m quite excited to see that happen. Go for it! :smiley:

Aw… now you’re just makin’ me blush. :blush:

Yeah, well, it’s time for someone else to blush, TDIT. :stuck_out_tongue:

So now it’s time for my really long speech! Be prepared to sit through about a fifteen minutes long read as I unveil the plot lines revolving round each character!

Not for the anti-spoilers. WBoon is not responsible for any detailed information of the story to be revealed by WBoon. Readers have the choice to move away from this page now before any portions of information regarding the story lines are revealed to them as they scroll down the page. Fan fiction posted separately. Foreword rated ‘MSp’ for ‘Major Spoilers.’

WBoon is not a monkey on a typewriter.

Note, however, that the small spoiler tags are for those who haven’t watched the Digimon Adventure anime and do not wish to have the story similar to the anime’s plot lines spoiled to them. The large spoiler tags (with the label, “Spoiler: (highlight to read)” on top), however, hide very detailed information unsuitable for everyone who don’t want to have all the specifics spoiled to them, so, feel free to highlight the small tags, Digimon Adventure fans! And don’t feel so free… feel busy to… the big tags… oh, you get the idea. :wink:

With that, let’s take a look at our first, and unfortunately, most minor character (‘most minor,’ but not a minority), Kari McKeen!

audience cheering in background

Kari McKeen, as you know her from Jack-Jack Attack and, to a small extent, The Incredibles, is, in this writer’s opinion, an optimistic, energetic, zealous yet honest child. She seems to be a very fun person, while keeping that old-fasioned style sense of honesty, which makes her, even though not as stylish as Violet, a very likable person on her own.

As with the nerdy Jyou Kido in Digimon Adventure, Kari too has her own set of geeky bracers, which makes her an even more suitable candidate to play his role. However, one must not see this as the only factor I’ve placed her with the Crest of Honesty, but must remember that the poor child had to ensure several ordeals with the ‘exploding baby’ without even escaping the house irresponsibly, showing that she was honest enough to keep to her words.

I don’t know whether having Kari’s powers affiliated with the element Mimi Tachikawa’s Digimon belongs to was a good idea, as it seems more like I put in the power of plant manipulation simply because she is the best friend of Violet Parr in the story, whose character is similar to Sora Takenouchi who is a somewhat close friend of Mimi Tachikawa, and there you have it.

But anyway, I intended to have Kari gain the powers of water manipulation at first, since Kari’s personality was more associated with Jyou’s honest and sincere traits rather than Mimi’s selfish and bratty nature, which is affiliated with another character I’ll talk about later, but then I thought about how the a plant-related power would be more feminine for her, and since the only plant manipulating Super we know (with a certain ‘Ivy’ nature) ain’t a Superhero, but otherwise.

So, here we are, Kari with the power to lash out whip-like vines from her fingertips.

I know there are some number of fan fics out there with the idea of children taking up superpowers and forming a team of some sort. However, I don’t think there’s really one with all of the young characters of The Incredibles having superpowers and forming… a ‘Super team,’ if you will, something like the Pixar version of the Teen Titans, and from there, the possibilities are endless, considering the many story lines that can be used from the Teen Titans comic series. They can even have a motto, a tagline like them, maybe, “Incredibles, go!” lol

Nevertheless, keep in mind that I want to run a serious fan fic rather than a corny piece of '80s cartoon. Though The Incredibles was based on an '80s suburb setting, the emotions exchanged and the existing drama are very, very real, and naturally, very relatable. We can really see a James Bond montage in the movie behind the eyes of an espionage-like Mr. Incredible, despite his… hefty weight.

As with the story. It isn’t just a bunch of children running around saving the world. They didn’t make the choice to save the world, they were forced into the job, given powers and so called ‘responsibilities’ that probably means nothing to this group of kids, who are put in danger because of these responsibilities.

They are trapped in an unknown world, full of real dangers and threats similar to the dangers we face in our world, if not now, back then.

For example. In the first chapter, we have the children pitched against a large, giant beetle. Now, when we are washed up on an island, what are the normal dangers we will face? We worry about food, water, finding shelter, all the necessities, right? And what? Defending ourselves against danger.

Even if this is… somewhat thrown out of proportion here (gigantic proportion, I would say), the concept is the same: the wild is dangerous, especially to a group of almost defenseless children.

Though I must say that five rays of rainbow beaming down on the five children and both give them superpowers and heal the two already superpowered Super is a little out there, there is, in fact, an explanation to that in later chapters, which I’ll not reveal yet.

Back to Kari. As you all know, she encounters Jack-Jack, a character that will show up later in the story, in the Pixar short. This will be depicted similarly here, but her encounter with him will only make a short cameo in this story. Wait for the prologue for that one. The prologue will, naturally, be based off the prologue of Digimon Adventure, and will be written after Chapter 29 of the story. For those of you who are hard-core Digimon Adventure fans who know your facts, you should know why.

[b][u]Part 2 starts here[/u][/b]

Another video I didn't make. No, the characters in my story are not going on crossover with Marvel's Avenger... yet. :slight_smile: However, a similar story line will take place.

[b]MSp starting from here.[/b] (Again, as emphasized at the top of the post, the small tags are for the people who haven't watched Digimon Adventure, the large ones are for everyone)
[spoiler]An organization very similar to S.H.I.E.L.D. [i]is[/i] being considered here, but it will not show up in the first story; maybe in the sequel. However, in the other fan fic which I will be continue working on starting from the end of Chapter 29 (or maybe after the prologue), "ii - An Incredibles Sequel," it will make a huge appearance, [/spoiler]and from there, our lovely team of Superheroes shall reemerge once more, working side by side with Violet, Akai, and of course, Dashiell "Dash" Parr, and dedicate their lives to fighting crime and the forces of [i][b]evil[/b][/i]!

*cue Powerpuff Girls theme*

Den den den den den den den!

Akai! Commander and the leader!
Violet! She is a joy in the water!
Dashiell! He is the fastest Super!
Incredibles save the day! Diu diu diu, diu diu!

Cheesy openings FTW! :smiley: I should complete this version of the theme song sometime.

Ahem. With that aside, let's look at our next character, a favorite among Incredibles fans, Buddy Pine!

As you read, Buddy, in the story, is now a 4th Grade Elementary Student, unlike his adult counterpart in the movie, meaning that this is more of a 'spin-off' of the film rather than having any direct links with it, so, no, this is not a plot hole. :wink:

Also, he's a good guy now. [spoil]However, later on in the story, you would see a rather dark side of him, and yes, his alter ego, Syndrome, too, making a special appearance without the twisted orange hair this time and having a height of about five feet. Again, for those who know your Digimon Adventure facts, you should probably have some idea where this is going to take place. :wink:[/spoil]

As you can see, I've given Buddy the power of electric manipulation (this will someday replace the word, "Digivolve" for all five year old kids to wield around with, "Yay! I have Cheese Manipulation!"), similar to the powers of Tentomon, Koushiro/Izzy Izumi's Digital Monster. Also similar is his 'science tech' persona shared by Koushiro in the anime.

Now, first of all, his powers.

I thought it was kinda fitting, and it was easy as well, for a 'sciency' kinda guy to be paired with electric powers. I know it sounds lazy, but I think it would be very effective as well when Buddy has to switch on his computer next time during a blackout. :wink:

Naturally, as the story moves on, his powers grow, too. In fact, all the powers of the children will grow to a rather large extent as we move on from one chapter to another, but that is much expected, so I'll leave it to your imagination as to think about how I would use this.

Buddy's character is more of a respectful child in this story. I really want to portray Buddy as a nice kid for once, especially when I sympathizes with his situation in the movie. [spoil]However, sympathy could only go so far, of course, so a dark nature has to be added in, which is where this alternate version of Syndrome comes in. How will he be portrayed as? Will he be equally sinister? Well, you'll just have to stick around to find out. :wink:[/spoil]

Some people love the Violet and Syndrome shipping, so I thought I would add that as well. I'm not too sure how I will fit that in, though. [spoil]At first, I thought of using [i]The Dark Messenger[/i] arc to pull this off, having Buddy play the role of Takeru/TK and have his power 'evolve,' if you will, at that point. As some of you know, Angelmon exhausted almost all his energy defeating Devilmon. So, I thought of using something similar, maybe having Buddy look at Violet and say out her name before he takes up his sacrifice and goes into a comma or something, but then, someone else comes along and snatch the opportunity away when I thought of putting him in.

Yes, that someone is *beep*. Yep, it's *beep*, the all beloved *beep.*

Ahem, ignore the censoring system, you guys probably have a good idea who that is anyway.

Another thing I want to point out about Buddy is that the sympathy will continue. Yes. [spoil]As a matter of fact, for you guys who remember about Koushiro/Izzy's character and back story, you will also remember that he was an orphan adopted by friends of his parents, and before they were able to tell him the truth, he has already discovered it himself. Same thing with Buddy, though that is not the issue that led Buddy into his dark side; that will be another thing that will be discussed in the future. I'm a little confused, though, about how he would react to this situation. I mean, he might have been carrying an evil intention in the movie, but he's no nutcase; well, apparently not anyway. :stuck_out_tongue: So, he will react as normal people would as well; as normal kids, rather, so this is an issue you guys can discuss about here.

Now, I want to stop here to bring up an issue I've failed to discuss about in Part 1; the Crests.

The Crest will be a big part of Young Generation, as they reflect the qualities of each character into view.

Kari, for example, as stated, has the quality of Honesty, a crest renamed many times by dubbers and the such to Sincerity and Faith, with the latter being a quality more focused on the specific religious audience, something I won't be participating in, unfortunately. The reason I chose Honesty rather than Mimi's Purity, well, as I said, her personality is more similar to Jyou's.

But, if you guys feel that another quality suits Kari better, feel free to post it here! It will help a lot as to the development of my story and your choice might even change my story lines if I find it to be applicable!

Next, we return to Buddy and his and Koushiro's Crest of Curiosity. Now, this has been somewhat renamed as well, as the crest you know as the Crest of Knowledge, that which its 'quality' doesn't seem much like a quality, more like the essence of it.

Buddy also shares some traits (and dialogues) with Mimi Tachikawa as well, like how he is energetic and full of spirit; not so much on the bratty part. :stuck_out_tongue: So, anyway, the Crest of Purity might suit him as well, especially with the loss of his parents and the confrontation with his foster parents, which will eventually twine in some drama in between, leading to Buddy displaying his purity or something? I don't know.

Once again, you are free to comment on his crest. What other quality would you like to see Buddy inherit? What crest? Etc, etc. Also, tell me about how you feel about his loss of parents. Do you think I should put Buddy under the same scenario Koushiro had been put through? All that jazz.[/spoil]

Next part coming up, we shall go in depth to the next character of coolness... and love, Tony Rydinger. :wink:

Your furry author on a typewriter,
~ WBoon :sunglasses:

What? No one commented on the spoilers?! C’mon, I told you, it ain’t spoilers unless you haven’t watch Digimon Adventure! :stuck_out_tongue: I’m sure many of you have at least watched the first season of Digimon, amiright? That counts, too. :slight_smile:

Anyway, here’s another update. Apparently, the current chapter is so long that I have to break it into parts. So, here’s Part 1 of…

Explosive Power! Chimera Kid

Be sure to check it out.

As for my ‘Foreword,’ well, I’ll continue later on after the reviews for that part comes in. Till then, enjoy this chapter. :wink:

[i]There is a butterfly within me
That wants to go where it is windy
And fly away, but I know I will see you again

Unnecessary thoughts inside us
Will only serve to divide us
Leave them behind -- there's no time to be fooling around!

Just hold on, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! I wonder when we will know where to go...
I say now whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa -- I cannot even see what tomorrow will be!

Though it may seem like nothing is clear
In this world where our dreams disappear
We must still cling to our hopes, even when it seems like we won't achieve them!
Though my wings may not seem to be strong
I can use them to help us along
I bet that we can still fly ON MY LOVE[/i]

Five children, while attending a school camp, were guided by mysterious wooden trinkets to a mysterious island, a place where, apparently, gigantic animals, lived.

Soon after their arrival, they were attacked by one of the ferocious creatures, an enormous red beetle.

Just as they were driven to a corner of a towering cliff, three of the children were struck with a beam of rainbow light, before gaining astonishing superpowers of their own.

But, even though they thought they had defeated their assailant with their two mysterious super powered friends under disguise who had defended them from the vicious animal, it came back, putting the five in more grave danger…

Explosive Power! Chimera Kid

With the large section of the angled cliff their footing were placed on broken off from the island, the five helplessly plunged down into the rushing river of cyan with the huge chunk of terrain falling beneath them.

Screams filled the air as the group, who lacked the capability of flight – four of them, at least – struggled in panic, trying to grasp hold of anything that they could hang onto.

Unfortunately, the side of the cliff was a tad too far away for their fingers to even touch it. Trying to grab onto it, needless to say, was nearly impossible.

Just as it seemed as if he was about to crash into the water with tremendous force, a tug on Tony’s shirt stunned the frightened child for a second when he picked up just enough of his consciousness to realize that he had ceased to be moving closer towards the water.

He turned around a second later to see his blue suited friend struggling to pull both him and the other unnamed female stranger, the one with the lemon-yellow insignia of a small ‘I’ above a black oval of equal tininess stitched across her chest. The fringed-hair hero was flying with a set of cottony, majestic mahogany wings that had seemingly protruded from the back of his deep-blue evenweaved costume, interjecting the vibrant color.

“Hold on…” he groaned; his eyes were shut tight from exerting all his force onto his wings.

Though the unearthly powers might had given the dark-haired adolescent certain enhancement in his strength, it was apparently insufficient in handling the weight of two athletic children, a fact confirmed when the young Super had plunged down along with the two in his grasp with his tools of flight being redundant.

A few feet away from the trio, another falling member, Kari McKeen, with her orange hair ruffled wildly by the uprising wind, attempted to cease her old acquaintances – and new ones – from further descent as well.

Hurriedly, she pulled back her right arm before lashing it out towards the others. As she did so, her entire arm possessed a lime green sort of texture. It was as if her limb was becoming a plant on its own, especially with the tiny boils and buds throughout her skin.

Upon throwing out her hand, the end of the equally green fingers along it morphed into five sets of ten vines, with two vines from each fingertip twisting around each other to form five vines as they were extended from her digits. In about one third of a second, the vines had grown to length whips capable of drawing in the falling children or clinging to the side of the cliff to stop the plummet.

She had not noticed any of the bizarre changes occurring to that particular body part of hers – fortunately – merely perceiving the vines necessary for her task. Thus, it allowed her to concentrate on the rescue instead.

She wound two vines around Buddy Pine first, as he was the closest in distance to her, then winding the other three vines around the masked child whose digits were still gasping onto the other children’s shirt and suit.

The four people’s weight were, naturally, too hefty for a mere female such as her to lift, but she her plan was not an inferior one.

Reacting quickly, she threw her other arm towards the cliff from which the top they had fell from. The same alterations were dealt to her skin tone and texture one again without her acknowledgment. Vines were thrown out once more, catching the flat face of the vertical cliff; a face so straight and so unswerving.

She managed to hang onto the onyx wall of rock for a while; her body – including those of the children she wrapped her tentacle vines around – was thrown forward a little as she suspended from the air.

However, it only took seconds for them to continue their plunge when a large portion of the stone wall the vines from her other hand had twined around was loosened from the cliff, thus leading to another huge piece of boulder – of a somewhat diamond shape this time – to join in one their fall as well.

Within seconds, one of them was already a short distance away from smacking head on with the concentrated surface of the dense water.

Falling into a placid river would have been no dangerous act, but plunging into it from a great height is another story.

Quick thinking and agile movements, however, prevented the female member of the original superhuman pair from what might have been a nasty fall.

Stretching her arms out forth to her sides, the young charcoaled-hair heroine generated an aura of force field spanning out to the others. At first, the deafening sound-wave only further intimidated them. However, upon feeling the discontinuation in the rushing air once around them, they carefully unbind their eyes to discover their suspension in midair, still several feet away from landing safely in the water.

They were not really suspending either, but gracefully floating down into the water beneath them.

When the children looked around in search of the source of the miraculous occurrence, they caught sight of the brunette whose hands – clothed in shadowed black leather gloves – appeared to be pushing against two walls of barrier.

One could tell that she was exerting a great amount of strength from the jeweled perspiration aligning her sideburn – which were easily visible with her long hair pushed backwards by her orange hair-band – and from her fidgeting brows that were fluttering above her sea-blue eyes like a bustling hummingbird in the early spring.

A flash of purple was spotted by Tony at one point, cluing him to the substance that was surrounding them. Putting the two factors together, anyone could have known clearly that the struggling child below was the cause of their floatation.

Finally, when they were just inches above the calm, streaming river, only then was the heroic girl able to let go of her worries and discontinue her force field, thus leading the others to submerge into the water without harm.

“W-We’re saved…” remarked the other disguised being, his arms swiveling along the waves.

With all the commotion, the children had, for a second, forgotten about their exhausted savior who was helplessly submerging into the water in unconsciousness.

The river bed was not extending very far below, naturally, but the height was sufficient to completely dip a person under water.

By fortune, it only took a second for the scraggly-haired Super’s ignorance to subside, allowing him to become aware of the individual missing from the surface above.

Upon realizing the exertion his red-suited partner had taken upon in descending them safely, he urgently dived down in hopes of finding the girl before a drowning state took place.

The clear surface of the cyan river made it easy for him to perform his search, especially with the beaming rays of sunlight in the amount of hundreds striking through from above.

As if looking for a giant in an open field, the young boy instantly caught his eyes on the scarlet fabric of the unconscious child. Her slim body was gracefully suspending above the bed that was composed of a stony land of cracked terrain, the contradicting white shining shade of the flooring against the crimson threads of her suit and her fluctuating inky hair – due to the moving currents in the water – strikingly marked out her appearance.

Winding his arms around her with care, he quickly pulled her against him before backing up towards the surface.

The webbed claws he morphed his feet into were useful enough. The amazing fabric of his suit was seemingly capable of taking whatever transformation he takes up. In the current case, the vamp of his shoes were flattened and spread towards the side to take up the form of the webbed feet, to the point where even the outline of the two set of six slender digits beneath the webs were visible.

Shortly, both of the-masked Supers surfaced to the water, where the other recovering children glanced in surprise at their noble heroes.

Fortunately, the young child, her face flooded by her drenched, overflowing hair had not breathed in too much water to be hazardous.

Upon slowly gaining consciousness while lying weakly in the brawny arms of the male incognito, her head facing up, she coughed out the excessive water in her lungs, signifying her recovery.

As she parted her eyelids – gradually, due to the intensity of the stinging rays penetrating her pupils – only an outline of a shadowy silhouette got in on her perception, before she slowly took in the face of her handsome savior.

“You alright?” he asked tenderly with a smile present amidst his shadowed visage.

She would had replied, and everyone else would had gossiped among each other if they were given the time. But no, they were occupied by a warning shouted out by the brunette; merely seconds after the couple had surfaced from the bottom.

“Look out!” she yelled frantically, her eyelids were stretched to their limit almost instantly after shouting.

Having her face placed almost horizontally aligned across the arms of the masked boy means that she was able to at least see a portion of the cliff above, and when she caught sight of more sections of it falling apart and, thus, crashing towards them, she naturally panic.

However, the boy once again displayed his quick reflexes when he spent just short enough of time to comprehend the danger, swiftly pivoting his head upwards he did, and escaping it fleetly by diving strenuously as far away as he was able to swim, with his approximately twelve inch long seven inch wide webbed feet put to great use here, while clutching the still recovering girl in his arms, hoping to escape the falling boulders – several rocks this time – before they made impact on the river.

Of course, the other children instinctively swiveled away from the plunging stones as well with the same hope that they would be able to make it through this distressing episode alive.

Apparently, it was the weight of the giant beetle above the island that had triggered that side of the cliff in continuing to fall apart, naturally causing the large insect standing on it to thrown off the parted terrain, too.

Though they had recently gained superhuman abilities, it seemed that their powers were of not much help – or, to the others, no help at all – in boosting their swimming speed.

With the dangerous projectiles crashing in the area just a few feet behind them, the male incognito knew he had to get the group out of the radius of the plunging boulders as quickly as inhumanly possible.

“Ka… I mean you! Pony tail!” he raised his voice loudly amidst the noisy splashing towards Kari while continuing pedaling away from the danger. “Throw me the vines from one of your hands and wrap the vines on your other hand around the others.”

The ‘red head’ was somewhat confused at first and quite appalled by his rudeness, too, so much so that her swim – along with that of the others – came to a halt, but after being rushed by another bark of command, accompanied by an awaking reminder regarding the falling rocks, given out by the masculine child, realization of his intentions struck her.

Hurriedly, Kari pivoted her right arm backwards as she did when using those stems to attack the giant beetle on the island. With the sufficient potential energy gathered at her arm, she lashed it out towards the assertive masked boy while forcing her concentration on generating the plant-like ivies from her fingertips.

She succeeded in shooting them out, allowing the webbed-feet Super to tie them around him body, but this time, she had caught sight of the horrendous transformation that had occurred to her arm, causing her to let out a little yelp.

A loud sudden noise of splashing behind her that had signaled the impact of the boulders, however, reminded her of the impending danger.

With the violent waves of water at the end of their tail, Kari urgently lashed out her left arm, unleashing the five vines from her fingertips that were wounded round the others’ body.

“Hang on,” while Kari was performing her task, the young boy prompted to the girl he held in his arms a moment ago before he lurched her over his shoulder and placing her on his back.

The second everyone was harnessed around the roping tendrils, they felt an immediate, forceful but mild tug on the waist they had secured the vines on.

In front of the group, the authoritative child was jetting along the river with superb speed due to reasons the three children behind could not comprehend. The girl sitting across his streamlined body, however, had seen it all happened.

Upon acknowledging that all were bounded to the sturdy tools, the blue-suited hero had took on another transformation, this time a more complex one that left him more inhuman in appearance.

To begin, his fingers were clutched together but kept in a vertical, linear position rather than being clenched into two balls of fists. Upon doing so, flaps of skin appeared to overlap the fingers, joining them together to form an angled cone shape. After the already bizarre – and somewhat disturbing to some – morphing, the two limbs, along with his long sleeves completely dyed in an inky shade of black that stretches till his hands woven beneath the clothing, began to shrink from the edge of those cone-like body parts by about a few inches. They flattened, too, into thin sheets of beige fin-shaped organs, till they became two anal fins, with the dark threads marking out their outlines.

His legs took on a similar metamorphosis. The equally jet-black pair of leggings behind had seemingly fused together as his lower limbs had, forming into another triangular structure shaped like a tail.

His feet, though also merged in the same manner, were flattened into a flat, arching tailfin protruding diagonally both upwards and down. The two straight blue arrows once striking across the vamp of his shoes before the morph had then been imprinted at each side of his tailfin in a curvy fashion.

As if his transformation into the fish-like creature was not enough, an additional organ in the shape of a bulb also emerged from the center of his tailfin – and apparently, from the fabric of his costume – then to be revealed as a tool acting as the siphon of a squid would, jetting high pressured water from within, pushing the scaly Super along the water at the top notch speed.

All of such alterations to his body happened in a mere matter of seconds, naturally, in order for the young hero to drag the three children behind him quickly away from the shockwave force dealt by the impact.

Though the masked boy’s brilliant display of his seemingly keen mind managed to get the group away from the danger of the plummeting boulders, the repercussion of the tremendous force dealt to the river – which was further enhanced by the hefty weight of the giant beetle –hurled a megatsunami towards them, putting them under a state of distress once more.

Luckily, unlike most megatsunamis dramatically portrayed behind the silver screen, this one was not a very high one, measuring up only up to a good seven to eight feet above the surface, not enough to collide directly on the children who had been evicted from the area of impact.

However, the pounding force of the megatsunami triggered yet another series of rebounding waves, their crests pushing them along the water with such vigorous force.

As the momentum decreased, so did its pace, leading the one remaining surge to continue wobbling down the wide banks, passing another series of descending cliffs resembling a stairway, and finally, crashing onto a white craggy shore.

Another tropical forest surrounded this area, adorning the dull grey rocky terrain with their celadon leaves and humongous, violet flowers of bizarre appearance. Some of the trees the billow had washed up upon were uprooted from the ecru soil – the only aspect of the shore that unpurified the glistening land reflecting the sun’s radiant rays.

The children were completely out of harm’s way this time, for now. Though the tidal wave had plummeted their fleshy bodies onto the hard, stony surface, the buoyancy of the backwash merely left them lying across the ice cold surface unharmed.

They sat in the calm atmosphere of the waterside for a while, catching the breath of relief they had sought for since their arrival in the mysterious region.

“Now we’re finally out of danger,” pointed out the brunette dressed – whose drenched haired still covered half of her face – in the crimson outfit who had seemed to fall out of the other aliased child during the plunge.

It seems as their boy hero had returned to his usual human form, or rather, his concentration on his ‘fishy’ form was interrupted with the violent thrusting they had been treated with.

“What was the deal with you shouting at me back there?” ranted an ireful Kari at last with the threat subsided, her body crouching on the ground on her hands as she spoke.

“Heh heh,” the prickly-haired Super replied while expressing an embarrassed smile. “Sorry, sorry, I had to grab your attention somehow in the midst of that chaos.”

“Hm,” she mumbled upon getting up on her knees with her frustrated look retracted from her face, “you do have a point there. I guess I have to thank you instead! Thank you er…”

Her facial expression, a grateful smile this time, was altered once more to a confusing look as she wondered what to call their hero.

“The name’s Chimera Kid,” the boy replied cheerfully.

“Chimera Kid?” inquired Kari about the odd title, yet to realize that it was the alias of his Super’s identity till only after a second of ponder. “You don’t look much like a chimera to me…”

The young child who titled himself with the name of a mythological creature, getting up on his reappeared feet then, could not help let out a short chuckle at the common confusion he received from many.

“That’s because I haven’t do this!”

In the flash of an eye, a bewildering transformation began to take place on his body parts once again.

Golden fur, fine ones, grew out of the fabric of his intangible suit, covering almost the entirety of his arching body.

As with earlier, a fuse in his organs occurred; this time, his fingers. They were aligned linearly against one another, though the seeping fur lidding the top of his hands prevented one’s eyes from seeing so. The silky, pink nails above his fingertips were no longer in view after being veiled by the brown hairs. His hands had turned into paws, those that bear exact resemblance with those of a lion.

It appeared that the joints of his legs were creeping up his lower torso, forcing him to pivot his pelvic above from behind, and thus leading him to his quadruped position.

Even with the disadvantage applied, muscles throbbed through the brown layer of fur on his thighs, turning them into huge packs of powerhouse meat.

A shimmering mane of golden brown crisp grew around his neck, too; accompanied with a snout penetrating from his mouth, saffron eyes with enlarged pupils whirled around his sockets, three sets of sharp whiskers that glowed with the silver shine of moonlight, morphing his entire face into that of a majestic lion.

However, amongst the beautiful transformation completed in the flash of an eye, a pair of ugly, jagged horns also stuck out from the side of his torso, before a shade of white followed.

It was the head of a goat – a billy goat, in fact, with unkempt streaming hairs of a beard flowing from its chin as its head rise from the side of the amber body.

Furthermore, the tail of a lion with its bushy bulb was non-existent in the transformation. Instead, something a scaly, green whip-like creature replaced it, with the plated skin cutting off the fur from the rear. Its head lurched towards the crowning mane; its eyes, with pupils shaped in the form of a slender, vertical line like the eyes of reptiles, stared with such ferocity it almost intimidated the children, even the seemingly tough red-suited young female who had yet to introduce herself.

Yes, it was a rather horrific creature this, ‘Chimera Kid’ had morphed into, but it did indeed proved himself worthy of receiving his title. Though he appeared to be ferocious, the Super merely stood before the appalled children, friendlily staring at them with his three sets of eyes while displaying somewhat of a smile a little difficult to be recognized from his inhuman snout.

“How about now?” he asked with a rather rugged voice, as if his esophagus was choked by an object.

“What happened to you, bo… I mean, er, Chimera Kid?” queried Kari with a revolted look, her eyes broadened with horror.

“It’s alright,” the Super, still in his animal – or animals – form, reassured casually, “I’m still me, just that I changed my form with biological manipulation.”

“Biological-what now?” the unnamed rosy-cheek brunette, also on her feet then, interjected with one of her thick brows above her right eye pushed up and her left eye squelching.

“I believe it’s the ability to alter the genetics of his own body, thus changing his body parts, organs and other parts of it,” theorized an onlooking Buddy who was, despite his comprehension of his powers, quite confused by all of these, “sort of like evolution at his own will.”

“That’s right!” inserted Chimera Kid. “The ability to control evolution, if you will.”

“Sounds fun, but remember that my force field was the one which saved you from smacking your beautiful faces into the hard surface of the water,” cited the red-suited girl with a cheeky smile that revealed her sparkling teeth, while flipping her lustrous hair that had began to dry in the heat of the sun behind her shoulder with one hand. “Re-mem-ber In-vi-si-girl!”

“Invisigirl?” called out Tony from the side, who had no recognition of the female Super, especially with her confident attitude.

“I should get a name, too!” yelled out Kari who was becoming excited from all the commotion. “Maybe, erm, Plant Girl! Even though not my entire body turns into a plant when I use my powers. Or Poison Ivy! Though I don’t know if my vines are poisonous or not …I know! The Ivy! But then that sounds like I’m a middle-aged businesswoman going to a PDA meeting…”

Having the atmosphere pumped up with the commotion, Buddy could not help submit himself to the naming of a mystifying alternate identity as well, also going to the extent of taking up several poses as he called out each title he felt suitable of inheriting, even if it was rather an unsuitable moment to do so.

“Then I can be Eleckid! No, wait, Electro! Yeah, that has a nice tone to it, or, no, Voltaic! Huh? Huh?”

With all the childish chattering of the zealous two creating quite an annoyance rather than innocent display of excitement, Tony, while gazing by the side with an amused smile, had almost forgot to come up with his own alias.

Having his mind alienating the distracting noises for a while, he dwelled deep into his thoughts in searching for a stylish name that would sound as cool as the renowned Super, Frozone, whose powers bore close resemblance to his.

‘[i]Hm, an alias. I was able to generate cold air out of my palms, so maybe “The North Wind,” or, with my hands feeling icy cold when I shot out those attacks just now, “Glacier Fists,” or “Frost Hands.[/i]”’

Staring from the sidelines, Invisigirl watched the others as they react to the discovery of their powers, an activity she was perfectly capable of relating to, before she was scarred by her unique abilities…

Chimera Kid who had morphed back into his human form in a flash, on the other hand, was less relatable on the unnecessary uproar. He was unable to comprehend the reason for their manner of behaving, especially with his discovery occurring at his toddler years. Naturally, he had little memories regarding it and thus, did not share the zealous feelings.

“Hm,” he moaned with his foamy white arms wrapped around the back of his head as if he was laying it against them, “in any case, you seem to be capable of defending yourselves than before. Though I still couldn’t figure out how you guys gained these superpowers all of the sudden…”

“Maybe it has to do with all those rainbow lights from the sky that beamed down on us…” speculated Invisigirl while leaning the lower part of her left arm, gloved in the black silicon-like leather, against her chest, sitting her right arm atop it, and stroking her smooth peachy chin with the hand attached to the raised limb.

“I wonder if we are able to turn back to normal…” inquired Kari, with her comment catching some attention. “I mean, being different is kinda difficult sometimes.”

Upon hearing those words, it was as if they had struck the hearts of both masked Supers, who shot Kari a short but distinctive and grimy glance that made her wished she could had taken her words back.

“You have no idea…” remarked the brunette with an inconspicuous smile hidden under her lowered face, with an indication of sorrow streaking across her baggy eyes.

Though the others could had done little to relate, the shape-shifting Super with a longer experience of a superhero life gazed from behind Invisigirl. Though her face was not facing him at that time, he could feel the misery in her tone, and thus leading disheartenment to his heart.

Trying to lighten up the atmosphere that had apparently been intensified, or maybe just out of the pure sake of further inquiring, Buddy broke the awkward silence.

“This still doesn’t make much sense to me,” he commented with his pink-complexioned arms wrapped against his torso and his eyes shut tight, as if he was in deep thoughts.

“It doesn’t make much sense to us experienced Supers as well when we started out as newbies,” implied Chimera Kid after shifting his eyes to the blonde kid who seemed to be of a younger age than him.

“More importantly, what are we going to do now?” piped out Invisigirl abruptly as she elevated her weighty head towards the others, her jeweled blue pupils became more distinctive as she extended her eyelids.

“Why don’t we go back to where we came from?” a shrugging Kari pointed out in assumption of having to point out a good idea. “We should probably wait for the adults to come and find us.”

“It’s easier said than done…” stated Chimera Kid, as his eyes followed those of the others up the towering mountain they were violently thrown off from, his heart sunk along with the rest as his eyes ascended to the peak.

“We’ve been swept quite far away…” added an onlooking Invisigirl, her smooth shimmering hair, which had dried by then, draped across her back with her tilted head and down to the mid-section of her red-threaded back.

“It doesn’t look easy going back up that cliff either,” inserted Tony after the scarlet Super, his head tilted back against the gray-green turtleneck collar of his tank top with the same color.

There were many humps of hills across the side of the mountain they were facing, while the jaded leaves of the flooding forest hid the base of it from view, causing it to be barely visible at all. The combination of obstacles thus made the task of ascending the large mound of rock an even more impossible one to the children.

“Then what should we do…?” Buddy thought out loud with the similar thinking pose Invisigirl had taken up seconds ago except with a switch of arms, leading the group back to the fundamental question once more.

Then, while he was rubbing his bulky chin with his pale left hand, he removed it from his face and pivoted it to his right, raising his index finger above when an idea popped into his mind.

“How about we look for a road somewhere?” he prompted with a gleeful grin.

“More to the point,” reminded Kari while somewhat ignoring Buddy’s suggestion, “where are we? It doesn’t look like the camp site, no matter where I look.”

“He’s right,” agreed Invisigirl before swiveling her crimson body towards the immense forest. “The vegetation looks like they’re from the subtropics.”

“It sure does,” nodded Chimera Kid, with his hand placed on his chin this time without resting his elbow on his other arm.

“Eh,” remarked the brunette as she threw look to her masked counterpart, “you know what I’m talking about?”

However, while expecting to have the relatable Super to also be as intellectual as her, she only received a cheeky smile and a hand rubbing the back of the head.

“Heh heh, no…” he answered awkwardly, before replied with an annoyed look from the girl, as if she was to place her fist on his face.

“There should be a road that leads back up there,” reinserted Buddy the idea of climbing up the mountain once again.

“Perhaps so,” replied Tony in assent with his junior, having to think it might have been a good idea. “If we go back, we might be able to find clues on why we’re here.”

“B-But aren’t there more monsters like the one from before?” argued Kari, almost cutting off the green-shirted boy at the end of his comment.

“I don’t want to put anyone in danger…” admitted Invisigirl, while returning the humorless expression to her ruddy face.

“I wonder if there are any other humans here,” added Chimera Kid, constructively for a change. “I did see the ocean… maybe this is even an island…”

“I’ve never seen an island with bugs this gigantic before…” returned Invisigirl, her eyes cornering to the side upon gazing at the boy in threads of blue and black.

“This place probably isn’t in America…” stated Kari the obvious while trying to look serious.

“Anyway, let’s go,” incited Chimera Kid with a sense of encouragement. “There’s no point standing around here.”

Without warning, he hurriedly stepped away from the group and began to venture away from them. He was not walking very fast, so the others stared for a second when the other incognito called out to stop him.

“Hey, where do you think you’re going?” she questioned commandingly, her hands stuck against the plain yellow belt wrapped around her waist.

He stopped, and then turned around with a reassuring look.

“I told you,” he responded, “I saw the ocean a while ago.”

The others stared on for a while, wondering about the safety of his idea.

“So, let’s go see it!” he continued before swiveling his navy blue body around again before pacing away slowly to lead the others into following.

“Should we go?” asked the long-haired Super as she brooded about her dilemma.

“Yeah, let’s,” answered Tony, his calm eyes staring at her with a comforting smile.

She returned the smile, while being somewhat glad that he had participated in the camp.

“In times like these, it’s best to stay put and wait for the adults to save us,” implied Buddy with his eyes closed and his left hand clenched into a fist and, along with his right palm spread towards his front, raised marginally in mid-air, unaware that the group had set off a short distance away without noticing his absence. “That’s also the reason why we should go back to…”

“Buddy!” yelled out Kari, who had halted several feet away upon realizing the absence of one member of the team. “Hurry up!”

“Heeeeeyyyyy!” he shouted back in extreme surprise as he rushed on to the moving party.

End of Part 1

Sounds good Wboon…

Review 9/10

I’ve never heard of digimon but your adventures are good fiction for me.

Well, thanks, Al-Bob, I’m glad you like the story, but you mind share more of your views about this chapter (or part of the chapter, whatever)? Thanks for reading, though! :wink:

I’ll try :smiley:

it might take a while though…

Good job with it. I was watching both part one of the episode and reading it at the same time. I think it is much more fun doing that. It is easy to follw, yet kinda hard to replace the TI characters with the digimon character because they are already there. Still, excellent writing. Pretty detailed with the decriptions. My suggestion would be to cut back on it a little, but this part of the chapter seems pretty flawless. Keep it up.

Would TDIT please review my chapter? :stuck_out_tongue: I want to get your review before I continue with the next part so, if you don’t review, no next part. :laughing:

Um… doesn’t that sound like blackmail right there? :neutral_face:

I know my opinion is important to you, but I’m sure the success of your fanfic has nothing to do with me giving a review of it as soon as possible. I’m kinda busy packing for a vacation to Eastern Europe tonight (the flight’s tomorrow), but I’ll see if I can make time to read it (this chapter’s of epic proportions by fanfic standards, you know… the length?).

I’ll eventually get down to it, but irregardless of whether I do it in the near future, you should just continue on to your next chapter. Then when I eventually read it, I can do a retroactive commentary. Sometimes TSS cranks out his next chapter before I had time to read the prior ones, so I do multiple chapter reviews in one shot (look at his Incredibles sequel). So don’t wait for my critique, (I will give it eventually), just start the next chapter already! ‘Choo waitin’ for?


Well, I’m sorry you take my intentions as that. I don’t mind if you are busy with other stuff and thus having no time to review the chapter, really, so, yeah, don’t need to feel threatened about anything, alright? :wink:

It’s just that, as you might have noticed, the others’ reviews ain’t as detailed as yours, TDIT, so I always need to read one of your reviews before I feel that I’m ‘capable’ of going on. :stuck_out_tongue: But, yeah, that’s once again put under a light tone…

Le Chiffre: “…nothing sinister.”


However, since you, the only reviewer who actually ‘reviews’ the specific details of my story is going to Europe (something I’m rather jealous of, of course, since I’ve never traveled outside the borders, not even to Malaysia), I guess I’ll just have to try and pull myself up and get back to the story somehow, someway.

It’s gonna be tough, but you’ll see my story up… probably someday after your review is up. :stuck_out_tongue:

J/k again, in case another hint of hostility is cast. :wink:

Sorry i’m late, WBoon. I had to find time. I haven’t read everything yet- but I did go through the first chapter and I must say, this adventures sounds pretty good. And wow- I could barely recognize Buddy as Syndrome with that new personality- it’s like he’s been reabilitated. :laughing: I know you probably want my opinion of the parts after that, but they’ll come in due time. Go on ahead without me, I’ll catch up! :wink:

Thanks, bright dot-dasher. I’ve been kinda busy with the promotional video lately, so I didn’t really have time to work on my fan fic. I’ve finally finished the first part (after tremendous hard work lasting how many days I couldn’t remember), so I can work on the fan fic now.

Be sure to catch Part 2 of Chapter 2 in a few days. :wink:

Can’t wait for it!

Yeah, I just watched the final draft of my first part again - didn’t like it. A lot of bugs here and there to work out, so the next part might be a while… again.

Sorry. :frowning:

Just this first part is taking me ages. I hope I get better reviews this time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Phew! Finally, Chapter Two is finished in one shot without anymore fragments.

Here’s the link to the page. … Generation

Just skip to the part where it says, “Part 2 Starts Here.”

I intend to have you guys access the page instead of me posting it here from now because I want to keep the different formats of my document (italicize, bold, etc.), and I’ll have a difficult time searching out each and every text-change I’ve made in it, so I hope you don’t mind. :wink:

Again, read and give useful comments, detailed ones I hope, :slight_smile: and I hope you enjoy this one; it contains a Pixar reference.