The Last Airbender (2010)

Well, in The Princess and the Frog, Naveen was voiced by a white man, and no one noticed that. It doesn’t matter, as long as the acting is believable.

And Cleveland Brown from Family Guy’s voiced by a white dude too! :smiley:

I’m not allowed to watch Family Guy, so I’ll take your word on it. :slight_smile:

I am SO going to see this movie… After seeing ALL of the animation tv series of Avatar: The Last Airbender, who wouldn’t?

I’m a huge fan of the series, so I’m very excited for this, but a bit worried. My main concern is that they’re going to make Aang more like an emotionless “legend” type, if you know what I mean, not with his fun loving, kid like personality in the series. At least, that’s the vibe I’m getting from the trailers. Anyone else feel this way?

Honestly, I hated the show, but this looks pretty interesting, so I might go see it. Also, Zuko is way better than Aang. :smiling_imp:

There were two things that I found missing from the trailers…

  1. Aang’s… Aang-ness. I think we’ve yet to see him crack a smile… :confused:

  2. Dev Patel actually, you know, TALK? But the trailer in front of Karate Kid had him narrating a few lines and I got excited. He’s probably the main thing that’s making me really want to see this film. I’d see it anyway, though it wouldn’t be as high on my list and I wouldn’t be nearly as excited.

Alright, saw the midnight premiere locally last night. Super disappointing film. We’re hardly introduced to the characters, but left to make our own stereotypical assumptions about who’s the underdog, who’s the comic relief, etc. It was very much like a Nickelodeon movie. Nickelodeon acting, Nickelodeon photography, and I couldn’t tell that this was not a Nickelodeon director, because I feel like the actors were poorly directed… :confused: So it was like watching a way too long Nickelodeon film with Hollywood effects. Which was… just weird.

The only thing that I found ‘good’ about it was that sometimes it was pretty to look at. Otherwise Dev Patel wasn’t disappointing, thankfully, he was sort of the only one acting for the screen and not television standards. Which was really upsetting to see Jackson Rathbone so poorly directed. He could have been great. I hear he’s close to silent in the Twilight saga? and that he did a better job mute than he did in this film. I don’t think it’s his fault, considering almost every other actor was also flat as a character.

Being based on a Nickelodeon show does not mean the live action film needs to have the same feel. If that’s what they were going for they would have done poorly at that too. This was definitely a full adaptation, but a bad one. Yikes.

That stinks, gazelle. I really wanted to see this one :confused:

I’m glad Dev Patel was good! As for Jackson Rathbone, I can’t really remember him much from New Moon, but in Twilight he wasn’t very good at all. But yeah, he doesn’t talk much. I haven’t seen Eclipse yet, but if they dwelve into Jasper’s past, Rathbone should have a pretty big role this time around.

I love the tv series and I’m still excited to see it! I’m sorry it dissapointed you, though.

Not looking good; only a 09% approval rating :frowning:

Wow really? that’s too bad! I never really liked the show, but I wanted to see it because the trailer looks kind of good. If I happen to have any money I’ll see it perhaps.

Yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing how it did at the box office this weekend. I hope it did well despite the negative response.

Movie was disappointing to say the least. Acting was very bad.

Just saw it and hoo boy!
First things first, I’ve never seen an episode of Avatar and have no knowledge of it in any way.

The good, the costume and sets and CG were good.

The bad, everything else. There was no pacing whatsoever. No high points, no low points, no tension or suspense. It was simply stuff happening followed by more stuff happening. The dialogue laughable. The actors were dreadful. The characters had no character at all. I would not be able to describe a single character trait to describe any of them. They may as well have been blank puppets. It seemed like there was some additional plot introduced every 10 minutes and quickly forgotten. I was pretty much bored and annoyed the entire time.

Just found out that Toy Story 3 is now behind The Last Airbender at the box office: [url][/url]

Okay, I can admit that the show never sparked any interest to me to begin with, but this just gets to me. Having to see so many live-action remakes of cartoons is unoriginal enough, but having one based on an “American” cartoon that was intentionally made to look like an anime is twice as unoriginal in my mind. That’s probably why I was always watching Spongebob instead, because it had what I feel is our real style of animation established all the way back to the classics like Looney Tunes and Hanna-Barbera.

Of course that isn’t really saying much about the film, but I guess I can’t say much about a film I have no interest in.

I guess the big surprise twist-ending in this particular tale is that a film adaptation of an awesome anime series can still suck… and make lots of money. :slight_smile:

Yep, which I guess brings up my argument again on it being called an anime. Why do we need our cartoons to be made after the ones from another culture? Japan has their style of animation that they’re best at, and we have our own. Anime shows should be left to the people who really make them. Why do you think Loonatics Unleashed is considered such a bad cartoon? Because it tried to take some of our beloved classic characters and modernize them in the hip, edgy anime type way.