The Novel?

Agreed! confetti

ow my eye! ll jk tapes alot of balloons to top of a car to see if it will fly :smiley:

Yes, unless you like spoilers, don’t read the novelette before you see the film. I learned that the hard way… :unamused:

– Mitch

Ouch! D; I’ll bet! Luckily I’ve already seen the movie. I’ll usually stay away from anything relating to a film if I don’t want to be spoiled.

Anyways, I think we’re considering going to the bookstore. My dad’s taking forever to mow the lawn, though.

:frowning: sorry to hear that you ruined it.
The movie is really a lot better

Lightning Eclipse - Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have opened up those pages before-hand… (snigger)

lotus581 - Ha-ha. That’s all right. I’m one of those dudes who loves spoiler-infested information, although I must admit that I kind of overdid it in that case. (chuckle)

– Mitch

Mitch- We were in VERY similar situations…
I was at the Virgin Megastore at WDW a week before WALL-E came out and as much as I crave spoilers, I restrained myself. There were TONS of WALL-E books just waiting to be opened so I snapped and went for the least spoilerific looking one on the shelf, I think it was called Rouge Robots, it was a small cardboard book, only 4 (rip-off!) pages long, I thought it was only and excerpt, turns out it was, besides page 4, the movie’s ending.
Lesson learned: Don’t judge a liscenced book by it’s very unspoilerific cover, they ALL have the ending!

Note: I still enjoyed the movie as if nothing had been spoiled, luckily.

Oh my gosh, I would have DIED if I had spoiled the movie in that way for myself. o_o Sorry that happened to you guys.

And, I have the novel now! Jaiki and I were right, there was eight pages in the middle with nothing but pictures, just like my Star Wars books. As for the novel itself…it’s pretty okay. You can tell the author most likely based it off the script (He/she probably had to, considering it was being written before the film was released), since some scenes and dialog were a little off.

The ONE thing I was just slightly dissapointed with was the lack of detail, [spoil]especially in the “Define: Dancing” scene. [/spoil] It’s to be expected though, because, again, it was most likely based off the script and it IS mainly for kids.

All in all, I’m glad I bought it, though. Kind of satisfied my cravings for the movie, although the movie is still way better. xP It was funny, because when I finally found it in the bookstore, some older lady was looking at it. I thought she was gonna snatch it away. xD Then she put it down and walked off, so I grabbed it. Go me!

(Although, I discovered a few seconds later that there was another shelf with tons of copies. Oh well. xP)

Making novels of popular films seems kind of like a waste of resources to me. I’ve seen them before, and I’ve always been impressed that some guy actually took the time out to write them … but, I just don’t get why they put them out. Just more merchandise I suppose.

Sadly, it also follows the game design too.
It does depend on the movie and the novel. Some are easily ported to others.
Princess Bride, IMO did not transfer well to a book (and yes, it started as the movie and moved to the book)

martini833 - Ha! Yes, even those seemingly spoiler-free novelettes/children’s books can contain previously-hidden information about a film. It’s a pity really… (snigger)

– Mitch

ominouseorb- Yeah, I think it’s just basically to promote the film more. The idea of a WALL-E novel intrigued me, though, since the movie didn’t have much dialog, I was curious to see how they pulled it off.

lotus581- I know what you mean. I actually have some books based off the first three Star Wars movies, and they’re actually REALLY well written. Lots of detail, which I felt this WALL-E novel lacked a lot of…but again, it’s mainly for kids, where as I think the Star Wars novel’s were more for adults.

Mitch- I actually find it pretty surprising they had that in there. I mean, what if a kid opened the book, and had a huge part of the movie spoiled for themselves? o_o Guess they figured they would forget or something. ^^;

You just blew my mind.

I’m new here, forgive the intrusion – I was invited over as a result of my "Science of WALL•E writings.

But there is, now, a novel set in the world of WALL•E. It isn’t a retelling of the movie. Instead, it’s a new story, set a bit over nine years after landing.

Far from being a junior novelization, the intent was to treat WALL•E as serious hard science fiction, while preserving and growing the Couple’s relationship.

Yes, it’s a “fan fic”. But printed, it’s just under 200 pages, so it qualifies as a small novel as well.

It is called “Colony Crisis” – and it is on line now in the link below, though that might change at some point based upon publishing issues.

I hope it meets with your approval.

I read that. Colony Crisis was good, very very good!

Off-Topic: Welcome to Pixar Planet, Level_Head!