TSS: Wise teachers. It’s good to see a bit of good American education for once. Fett101: Oh, don’t fall into the WikiMonster’s evil plan. That article’s trying to get others to trust Wikipedia, by sayig bad things about themselves. IT’S A TRAP! Oh, no. The Monster’s gotten to you, hasn’t it?
Well, the way your teachers are doing it is great, so probably not. As long as it teaches kids not to use it, because children are the future, and if they’re always turning to Wikipedia for answers, that’s the future! The Wikipedia Monster will rule the future if we’re not careful!
Nobody fully trusts anything nowadays - heck, you’re not smart if you believe everything you hear on television, especially the news. They exaggerate to make it more interesting. I highly doubt the future will fully trust a computer website that allows anyone to edit. C’mon already!
RR:cough denial cough cough FONY: I know it’s crazy, but it’s crazy to trust what Wikipedia says, and by the looks of this thread, the WikiMonster’s doing pretty well. Oh noes!
The majority of my school teachers over the last two years have never let the students use Wikipedia as a source for a project and such, because – well, it can obviously be edited by anyone, but for the most part, I find that a fairly good amount of the information is valid.
TSS: Yes, that’s why it needs to be destroyed…somehow. It’s not for sale. But it is editable…by anyone… Bill: Yes, most of it may be true, but most isn’t good enough. Do you remember Don Quixote and Rollie? Full of lies, Wickedpedia is.