
Haha, good point, WALL-E! Not that I ever remember to actually change the clocks when the time comes…:laughing:

And that’s an interesting question, Ami. Does anyone else have to change their clocks through the year?

We do. Twice a year for Daylight Savings. Although Indiana doesn’t do Daylight Savings, which is odd. :confused:

Indiana doesn’t have day light savings? Really? What’s up with that?

Say what? Indiana doesn’t have Day Light Savings? Well, you learn something new every day!

D’oh! My mistake, Indiana didn’t observe daylight savings until 2006, when most of the state was put in the Eastern Time Zone. It’s really confusing. Read about it here.

EST (Eastern Standard Time). East Coast. Maine. :smiley:

I’m pretty sure my sister and I are the only Planeteers from Maine. :stuck_out_tongue: HA.

little chef

I live in Cleveland, Ohio, so it’s about midnight, Eastern Standard Time for me.

I lived in China for 4 years, and it’s all one big timezone, despite it being just as large longitudinally as the United States. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. On one hand, there’s no timezone confusion communicating with other people across the country. But on the other hand, you have the sunrise at like 5 am in Shanghai, and at 9 am in Tibet.

You lived in China! :open_mouth: I never knew that, I guess you learn something new everyday!

I am also Eastern Standard Time. What up New England and the East Coast!

Wow, Ding, I never knew that! I wonder why China’s timezone isn’t split up. And that’s strange that different areas of China have earlier or later starts to the day.

Philadelphia Pennsylvania and it’s… 1:21 AM.

I need to go to bed!!! :slight_smile:

I’m from Missouri so I’m Central time. I remember when I was in Florida it was weird being in another timezone.

I’m from Moscow and it’s midnight here (12:12 AM, to be exact). I was in a weirdest time zone for me when I was on a trip in New York. I always got confused :wink:

I’m Eastern Standard Time.

Pacific Time for me.

It’s currently 6:03 PM here.

Currently 4:05 right now.

7:50 in the PM over here.

East Coast, whoop-whoop~

Currently 8:05 here.

little chef

You and I are in the same time zone, Chef. :smiley: