'Toy Story' 3D BluRay Trilogy!!

About time they released this. Though my house hasn’t fully upgraded to BluRay yet.

Also, since no site specifies, will this be the SAME as the Double Feature?

Well my apartment upgraded to Blu Ray when I got my PS3 and flat screen tv but I will not be buying this for 2 reasons 1.I already have all 3 Toy Story films On Blu-Ray DVD combo packs and 2.I would need to buy a 3D compatible tv which I cannot afford and do not want to buy even if I could afford.

Eh. 3D TV’s are kind of still in their earliest stages, and I don’t really want to spend $2000+ on something that’ll be outdated soon anyway. I’ll be needing a new laptop for university next year anyway, so I’ll probably look into getting a 3D-compatible one so it can be used for stuff other than watching TV/movies in 3D.

I won’t be surprised if next year we get a big smack in the face and they come out with new movie format called Red-Ray.

Good point, Blu Ray never fully took off. It’s been out since 2006, but there’s no definitive sign that it will be the true sucessor to the DVD. I mean, nowadays, they’re even making DVD and Blu Ray combo packs.

Regardless, this is still a version of Toy Story that hasn’t been released, so that’s why I’m curious. I think the 3DS will be getting a similar package.

I’m sure that when Blu-ray players drop a little in price they’ll really start to kick off, they still retail for $150+ over here while the cheapest 3D Blu-ray player I’ve seen was around the $300 mark.
That being said, they have been out for 5 years already. How long was it before DVD really took over VHS? I remember that Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was the last ever VHS we bought, so that was late 2002/early 2003.
[edit] DVD was introduced in 1995, so it was really 8 years until it overtook VHS. I’m sure Blu-ray will get there eventually, just in time for the ‘next big thing’ when it comes to video quality. 8D

Back on topic though, I’d love love love 3DS versions of the movies. Heck, I’m still desperately wishing that movie studios realise how well the 3DS is selling and begin to release their 3D movies on 3DS card format.

I already have a 3D Blu-Ray player since PS3 systems play 3D…Only thing I need is the tv which I am not willing to spend that much cash on when I already have a perfectly nice tv that does HD.

I agree… that’d be cool. I’d prefer movies on the 3DS to be digital though, like through the eShop or Netflix (assuming you wouldn’t have to be connected to Wifi)… just so that I can also have a game in there. But the 3DS isn’t selling that well… it’s been doing much better after the price drop, but still not significantly great.

Agreed, I don’t care for home 3D at all. I can’t wait to see what comes next for movie formats…the thing is blu ray is only really necessary for a somewhat large TV, nobody wants to bother with them for movies that they’ll watch in the car and such…

You really don’t understand how the industry works do you? We’re still many years off from another format. its not like they can just up and decide one year to introduce a new format. And remember, 3D isn’t even technically a format. Their all still on blu rays.

And DVD didn’t take over overnight. It’ll happen with blu ray. the DVD combo packs are just their way of easing suborn people into the new format. The price difference is now minimal when it comes to the DVDs versus Blu rays themselves for many movies. The price of the players too will come down, they have been already and will get lower in time. The VCR was pretty expensive when it came out too.

Watching a movie on a tiny screen in your car is hardly experiencing a movie at all. Sure, I get the novelty of having a full length movie in the palm of my hand, I have Toy Story 3 on my iphone 4 but its hardly the optimal way to enjoy it. It’s a fun distraction but that’s it. (And even then I have it in 720p but that’s not the point) Those watching in the car are really doing the movies a disservice.

When it comes to 3D, I love it but the price of entry is still pretty high. Along with lowering the overall cost there needs to be more content before I can really justify buying a new TV and player.

Disney seems to be pushing it more than most recently, but even with them they keep gimping the releases. the 3D versions are completely lacking in bonus features. I should be able to buy those and get everything the standard blu rays offer but so far its looking like bare bones releases which is pretty lame. If you want to push something like this why wouldn’t you go all out and include everything?

I wouldn’t be so certain that Blu Ray will take over. Sure, DVD won’t stay alive forever, but another format may just be better than Blu Ray and become the successor to the DVD. Again, not every format will succeed the one before it. Remember Betamax, LaserDisc, or even HD DVD?

Wait. HD DVD was different than regular DVD?

Yep, different format, which meant different players. Originally, it was supposed to coexist with Blu Ray, but then it turned into a war, which Blu Ray won by default after HD DVD was discontinued.

Blockbuster decided to only carry blu rays…killed hd dvd…then blcokbuster went under…irony

I don’t know how anyone can still be in denial that Blu-ray is the successor to DVD. There isn’t even anything on the horizon really. There is one technology called holographic storage.

But its still in its infancy and no where near ready for mass production. In fact the company that was developing it has shut down. Its more for computers and gaming. I don’t think there would be a any obvious benefit to movies aside from lightning fast load times.

I have no doubt that blu-ray will eventually take over DVD. Its just that I don’t have the money right now to switch over to a new system. Plus, I watch most of my movies on my computer anyway, and it can’t play blu-ray.

Not in denial, but I wouldn’t be too sure, since it’s been a long road for Blu Ray,

During the format wars it made sense to be on the fence about the format. you had studios that would either pick one over the other, or even people like Spielberg and George Lucas who wouldn’t touch either one until we had a clear winner. But these are different times. Nearly Every movie that gets released gets a blu ray release. Only low budget indie films don’t make onto the format. and even that is a stretch. At least for things shot in HD. (things that were originally made in standard def don’t really factor in)

Upcoming releases like The Lion King, the Star Wars and Jurassic park trilogies are also very telling. You have the entire industry on board at this point. Any studio not supporting it just looks like a fool.

I’m getting it for sure. I held off on buying the first two movies on bluray for this version. Hoping this set has the bonus features or at least standard versions of the movie on bluray.

Hey Tow Mater, I may have some bad news for you dependin’on how you look at it. :frowning: According to the U.S. Amazon site, the 3D trilogy pack only comes with the 3D Blu-ray versions of the movie. So, that means there is no extra Standard Blu-rays of the trilogy, or extra dvd copies.

There is however another option to get the 3d, bluray, dvd, and that digital copy thing.

you’ll have to buy the individual movies to get it, yet it will cost you more money to buy them instead of the pack. :cry:

amazon.com/Toy-Story-3D-Blu- … PDKIKX0DER

amazon.com/Toy-Story-2-3D-Bl … PDKIKX0DER

On the plus side, though, the packaging is nostalgic.