Toy Story of Terror Pez Cat

Can you upload some pics plz?

Slink - Just curious where these were located in the store? I’ll head over to my store tomorrow and see if I can find one myself.


They ironically were not with the Halloween pez in the Halloween display. Mine was in a display near the checkout lines with other random pez dispensers including other toy story characters

Found a picture of her.

I dropped by TRU today and they didn’t have these out. After calling around nobody seems to have these in my area and they seem to be a limited run exclusive to TRU which sucks. I don’t mind if a store has exclusive rights, but at least stock enough that people don’t have to resort to Ebay like I just did. :frowning:

They might not have them out, YET. They aren’t too expensive on eBay yet. My store had about 15 I. Stock, could have picked you up 1

I received my two Pez Cat’s in the mail yesterday. Both were still mint condition. I opened one up to add to my shelf and put her next to Combat Carl Jr. These were very well done. So glad they decided to do these!

I got one about a week ago too! I went with my brother, who’s in college, and the TRU is only like 10 minutes away. We each got one. I went back there today since they had the family weekend at his college and my family and I went. I only saw 1 PEZ cat there :frowning: But I also went to Disney Store, which is in the mall right across the street from TRU, and got the new WALL-E and EVE plush (since they were on sale) and an Alien Tsum-Tsum! :smiley:

My local Toys 'R Us didn’t have it when I looked there last time.

Just an FYI, these are limited to 100,000. they were supposed to be released for the short last year but Disney put the project on hold.

And here’s my army…

Why would Disney put them on hold? These would have sold decently well around the special. They even could have attached one to the Blu-Ray and DVD releases.

No clue. I know originally they had issues with the manufacturer and meeting the price-point Disney and Pez were looking for, which is why it dropped down to 100,000 being made. Pez was pushing to have them ready and Disney put it on hold. I’m sure Disney didn’t really give a reason because well, they don’t have to.

Well in that case, I better start hunting for Pez Cats in my local ToysRus.

Mine still doesn’t have it yet… :confused:

Just scored a Pez Cat today. Here’s to hoping Disney Store might tackle Billy’s other toys.

Yes. They Ned the other ones from the special.

They still have plenty Pez Cats at my TRU. If there were any other TSOT characters to be made into a toy, I’d want either a Combat Carl (I’d like both styles:The one that Sid blows up in the first movie and the one in the special) or a Transitron. I’m also a HUGE LEGO fan so I kinda want a LEGO Bunny as well.

If Disney handed their merchandising liscense all to Hasbro, we might see both Combat Carls and Transitron made since they are based off of G.I. Joes and Transformers, respectively.

Lego Bunny has a petition put out by Angus MacLane that still needs supporters. But at this point, it might never reach its goal. :frowning:
Here’s the link to it anyway. [url][/url]

well, they did get the toy story and beyond line, and they stopped selling those i think about 2009.

Yeah, I have some of their Buzzes and Woodies. Buzz is alright but I absolutely hated the Hasbro Woody because he wasn’t too accurate.