Toy Story Parallels/Mirrored Scenes

Yeah, overall I was quite pleased with the score. I hate sequels that don’t use themes from the previous films in the score. Toy Story 2 did a great job with that, so I was certain Toy Story 3 would as well, and thankfully I was right. It does a lot to connect the movies and make them fit together, even though each one has a different tone.

And, regarding my last point: [spoil]I wasn’t really thinking of it as a theme for “the claw” but rather as a victorious theme in general. It plays at the end of the climax for both of the previous films, so it would have been cool to see them do that again. No big deal though. It’s a minor nit-pick, and the scene is perfectly fine as it is.[/spoil]

Has this one been mentioned yet?
The constant theme of being replaced/abandonment:

TS1: Buzz replacing Woody as Andy’s fave toy.

TS2: Emily replacing Jessie (and childhood) with teenage things. (yeah, this one is a bit of a stretch)

TS3: Daisy replacing Lotso with a new Lotso.

Well, Toy Story in general stresses that a toy’s worst fear is being broken, replaced, and outgrown.

True. True.
I just wanted to contribute something, even if it was a little obvious. :blush:

when I see the rear view mirror scene, I think Jurassic Park. But a reference to Toy Story works well too.

This is my first post on this website…but,

In the first movie- Buzz and Woody hide under the the Pizza Planet food containers and you can see their feet…In the Second-The toys walk in the doggy carrier in the airport feet again…in the third. The toys hide [spoil]under the recycling bin to get to the garage[/spoil]

Forgot about that. Don’t forget the traffic cones, too.

The most epic parallel for me was the “claw” that rescues them from the incinerator! And ironic that it’s rescuing them, as apposed to leading them to a terrible (Sid’s) fate! Speaking of Sid, I also found it funny how he inadvertently delivered them all safely back to Andy’s!

It was played when [spoil]Buzz saves the train…I think. Just a little bit of it or something similar. I know it’s there somewhere. But I actually like that it’s played in a less dramaic scene, 'cause it shows how everything has gotten more intense, like what was intense then is equal to just a minor scene…not sure if that makes sense.[/spoil]

[spoil]It’s not in the train sequence that I can tell. The score from when Buzz “flies around the room his his eyes shut” is used there. Having listened to the soundtrack several times, I don’t think the whole theme is used anywhere. The first three notes or so are used a fair amount, just as they were in Toy Story 2, but I don’t think it’s used anywhere in it’s entirety. Though a ton of score is missing on the soundtrack, so it could be hiding somewhere else. But I’m not really sure.[/spoil]

“One-Eyed Bart” (first) and “Evil Dr. Porkchop” (second) is one I found that played as a parallel. Also, Death by Monkeys and “the wife and tater-tots” (even though that wasn’t said directly).

Another one is that I find interesting is how [spoil]Molly is persisting to get Andy’s room and stuff, and it shows them sharing a room in the first movie.[/spoil]

EDIT- Please use spoiler tags when referring to what happens in Toy Story 3, even with minor things, thanks!


I’m watching Toy Story 2 tonight and I caught something that is referenced (and almost parodied) in Toy Story 3.

In 2, when Al steals Woody, Buzz leaps to his rescue by sliding down the the drainage pipe on the side of the house, and then hides behind the mailbox so he won’t be seen.

In 3, [spoil]when the toys end on the curb, Woody slides down the same drain pipe to save them. He’s not as successful as Buzz, though, since his bumps the gutter and falls into the bush below. He does, however, hide behind the mailbox so he won’t be seen.[/spoil]

Sorry if that’s really obvious, but I thought it was interesting.

Then when all the gang [spoil]returns to Andy’s, they use slink to go up that same ledge of the roof they left on to go rescue Woody. Also, in the “When Somebody Loved Me” sequence, there’s a shot of Jessie in Emily’s hand, with the light looking all “magical” and bright from the sun, and it looks a lot like the shot right after Andy hands Jessie to Bonnie, where Jessie is in Bonnie’s hands.[/spoil]

Hmm. I remember something I didn’t catch the first time I saw Toy Story 3:

The first line in the film is from Potato Head/One-Eyed Bart, who yells, [spoil]“Muwah ha ha! Money Money Money!”[/spoil] The same thing Andy had him say in the opening of the first Toy Story.

in the first Toy Story, when sid gets woody and buzz, he says “lets go home and play.”

in Toy Story 2, after Woody and Jesse get off the plane, woody says “lets go home.”

something pixar should of done in beginning of toy story 3 is when ever Mr.p says “im a married man”, he should of said “im a married spud.” :laughing:

I’m really happy with all of the mirrored scenes in Toy Story 3! As I was watching the film I kept seeing the connections and it made me really happy :slight_smile:

Toy Story 2, ‘let’s leave Buzz to play with his toy’
‘toy, toy … toy!’

[spoil]Toy Story 3 ‘what’s the point’
‘point, point … point!’[/spoil] - when in the [spoil]trashbag[/spoil]

or something along those lines??? ^

Yep, I noticed that one too!

Another one:

[spoil]Woody: Think, think! Ooh!

whistles for Buster

  • occurs in both Toy Story 2 and 3.[/spoil]

Might have been said already: but [spoil]In TS3. you see Andy making Buzz and Woody slap hands while playing with them, then Bonnie makes a similar gesture with the two of them at the end.[/spoil]

Andy also did a similar thing in the first movie’s opening - “Yeah, cowboy!”