Toy Story renders

Cool. Is this done with Anim8or?


Hmmm, it looks good emergencyexit. Really cool.

Very nice, emergencyexit42! You’ve definitely got the style and colouring of Andy’s room! Looking forward to seeing it complete. :smiley:

^^ I might need some help, I’m new iwth Anim8or.

Yea, for a highschool senior thats amazing. I’m also anxious to see this completed!

Do you plan to go to college for animation?

WOW :astonished: I wish I could do that. The only animation I can do is in PowerPoint :blush: so pathetic

Thanks for the compliments guys. There;s always room for practice Rishda and yes CMB, I did want to go to the Art Instute for animation but too bad its so expensive!

You should seriously consider animation for college ed, that’s amazing that you’ve accomplished basic modelling as a senior high school student! Maybe get a scholarship, apply for a grant?
As for your work, the only criticism I can give you is that the legs of the red table are not of similar length, but other than that, it’s impeccable!

Work In Progress: Andy’s room (Toy Story 1 version)

Havent been working on this in a while but the progress I made with this as apposed to the last time I worked on this:

  • Added walls
  • Adjusted some stuff
  • removed blue blanket
  • added the yellow ball but i sitll don’t know how to add that red star on the ends lol
  • I know i still have a lot more to add like the windows and doors and stuff and have to add the materials to some stuff

PS- Sorry guys about the size and lightening… for now that’s as big as I could get it on here but i did render a much bigger pic.

Looking good, emergencyexit42! Seems like you’ve got Andy’s wallpaper just right. I’m looking forward to seeing this progress! :smiley:

Thanks Lizard, and as for the wallpaper, that’s actually not my work, that’s something I was able to get my hands on thanks to a google image search but i can’t seem to find one for the ToyStory 2 version, which I will do once i get this version done.

Very Nice :-D)

Quite a good render! I mean, it’s hard enough drawing freehand, yet you were able to use CGI. Pretty good stuff.emergencyexit. :slight_smile:

ooooh, that looks really, Really nice.

It’s looking good so far, emergencyexit42! Keep it up! Can’t wait to see more progress.

Have you ever considered Maya 8.5? It is an extremely amazing program. It really helps when it comes to making textures look realistic and things like that. I have never used the program you are using so good work. But, I really recommend giving maya a try. Good work keep it up.

Thanks guys for the inspiring compliments! :laughing: really appriciate them as always…

Hello Pixar fans! Haven’t touched up on this lately but it didn’t take long to make this much progress! Nuff said, here are some pics:

(looks kinda distorted, the camera WOULD NOT cooperate with me!)

As you can see some stuff still need a LOT of attention like the blue carpet, the bed, the doors and windows (and obviously the red desk), but as my Anim8or skills grow so will the set…

I’m still going to need a LOT OF HELP with the bed. Also, you would’ve seen this progree with the white underwall (the white lower portion of the wall) but Anim8or became unresponsive and it shut off on me and now I have to remake that when it was time-consuming enough to make it the first time! GRRRR!!! But I WILL have this whole set looking like the thing came straight from Pixar themselves.

Anybody have a floorplan of the rooms from 1st and 2nd

I really liked seeing your progress, you improved a lot from the foreground, but I know you can do much better, cheer up !!