Toy Story That Time Forgot

Double posting because activity is low but news is high. The Toy Story That Time Forgot Blu-Ray and DVD releases on November 3rd!

I also got my Angel Kitty plush in the mail. It was well worth the $10 spent.

Yes, I can’t wait! They should’ve had this on pre-order though. :confused:

Sweet! Can’t wait to get it on Blu-Ray!

Amazon has a pre order up … ime+forgot

A bunch of links to Toy Story That Time Forgot Content. Some of the concept art I posted a while ago appears in the deleted scenes.

The Battlesaurs faux opening trailer- [url]- YouTube
Deleted Scenes- [url]- YouTube
Buzz vs. Battlesaurs short clip- [url]- YouTube
Rex vs. Battlesaurs short clip- [url]- YouTube
My Unexpected Friend- [url]- YouTube

It looks as if they made a Raygon to go with the line of figures they made for the episode a few years ago.