Transfomers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Yeah, I’ve heard some pretty mixed reviews about the movie too. My friends give it a 6/10 but I’m watching it today (in 3 hours in fact!) so I’ll let you all know what I think!!!

One of my biggest complain is that Bumblebee and the twin Autobots (Skids and Mudflap) were so disregarded that they became minor characters in a movie about Transformers. There was so little dialogue and interaction it was a joke; I’m not exaggerating, it’s true. I mean, I kept on wondering when one of them was going to speak or express some kind of emotional interaction of some sort. I mean, it was supposed to be darker, right? So why was I feeling much worse than in the first film?

If it wasn’t for the cool special effects, this movie is not only a flop, it’s an insult to our intelligence. That’s why I consider it not to be better than the first film. At least the first one looked like a movie. This second one is just a mesh up of several clips with robot-fighting and CGI action. It’s putrid. I can’t insult this film enough and, honestly, I can’t respect people who find this piece of crap to be tasteful and actually delicious.

I just wish there is one fan of the old animated series who could just understand my feelings. Offering us cool CGI action without a good story is one thing; totally assuming us as dummies who wouldn’t notice such an obvious lack of speech by Bumblebee and the twins (not to mention that the many added Decepticons die or disappear a few minutes after they appear; same goes with the added Autobots) is totally unacceptable. I am so frustrated by all these praises given to the film even before people have experienced the foul stench lasting for god knows how long.

I was actually happy when Micheal Bay claimed that he didn’t want to participate in the third film. At least it won’t be another stinking pile of dump.

~ Flare

Can’t say i’m thrilled about the amount of money this movie has taken in so far. Looks like we can all look forward to more of the same in the future…

Hurrah :laughing:

Another great Marvel-bots/DC-epticons episode featuring Transformers. And a small negative reference to Ice Age 3.


~ Flare

OK, I went into the theater being unsure of this film, and walked out being totally surprised and pleased. Not being such a large fan of Transformers, and kinda liking the first movie, I had no idea what to expect from the second. I ended up loving it, and kinda anticipating the next installment… :smiley:

This movie sucked. I just saw it. A review will be up on my site soon.

I think this movie should be retitled: Transformers: Devastator, because like him, it sucks. XD

~ Flare

I hear many say that it sucked, and I heard some of my friends say that it was the best movie of 2009. Well here is my review.

Did I think it was the best film of 2009? No, it definetely wasn’t. Did it suck? Well that is all opinion based. I might like some movies that others don’t and vice versa. It all depends on the viewer’s taste. Me, I absloutely love action movie, so I was incredibly excited for Transformers 2. Did I think it suck? Absolutely not. I found this to be the most exciting film I have seen this year. I came in the to enjoy a movie that I was excited for and boy did it deliver. There were many parts where I wanted to jump out of my seat because I was so uber excited.

Before I continue with more parts that I liked, I just wanted to get off my chest on stuff I didn’t like. Fo example, [spoil]Sam’s mechanical, mental meltdown seemed a bit overdone.[/spoil]From and actor’s perspective, I thought that he played it a little too over the top for the audience. To me, he just looked more stupid than paniked. Another thing i found a little disappointing but not much was the camera shots. The camera was always moving during the xplosive action sequences. It was so fast that i was hard to keep up or see what was happening, and even if I did, I would end up dizzy. I’m not sure if Michael Bay learned that doing this can make some movie viewers sick. But I think he wanted the cameras to move like that to put the audience right in the middle of all the action. Not a bad idea, but maybe he could’ve found a better way to approach it.

Now on to something I like talking about: the acting. I mentioned before that Sam’s character might have been overplayed, but I believed stongly that the rest of the cast delievered. I’ll start with Megan Fox. Now granted, I did have my eye on her for about 95% of the movie, but not even half the reason why was because she was eye-candy. No, this time, I thought her character was more defined and seemed more believable.[spoil] All of the alluring and seductive parts in the begining all served it up to the end of the scene where Sam nearly dies and she is crying for him.[/spoil] That scene was breath-talking enough for me since he was the main character, but add her emotional feeling to it made my jaw drop. Next character goes to the two main soiders in the movie. (Tyreese Gibson and Josh Duhamel). When in the battlefield, their calls and actions made the scene really intense. it made me clutch down on to my seat, hoping that they don’t get hurt or killed.

While the movie was nearly 70% action, there is about 15% that had humor. Some of the scenes were really really funny. [spoil]To name a few, sam’s mom at the campus was classic because it was the typical sterotypical mom always embarassing her kid. Reminded me of an incident with my mom shortly after I graduated.[/spoil] I thought the twins were funny too. Their constant fighting with each other might have been overplayed and their voices were a tad bit annoying, but their delievery of their dialog made everyone in the theatre laugh.

Remember everyone, this is just my opinion. I would not like to get basked for having a more different opinion than others. This is just me saying, “I saw the movie, I thought it was the most exciting film I’ve seen this year, I really enjoyed it, here are a few things I wanted to say, I liked it, so I would reccomend it to you, just remember we all have different tastes for movies.”

Honestly, can’t I get an opinion from a fan of the old animated series? Just help me out here. The comparison between these two movies (the 1986 films and this 2009 one) is obviously contrasting in terms of a very huge aspect: the death of Optimus Prime, which was done… averagely in the latter movie, mediocre at best.

Oh, and for those who don’t get why we hate this film so much, it’s because of this one stretch of boringness located between these two sequences:
After Optimus dies. The Decepticons didn’t even bother to attack the city, or so I couldn’t remember. If so, then it was probably because the attack scene was so minute it would have been missed if you blink.

The other point of this boringness is at the desert scene. Only after that did the movie stop cramping me full of cheesy, distasteful jokes (a robot humping Megan’s leg, anyone? :unamused: ) that I so uncomfortably sat through. About midway through their journey in Giza or wherever the F they were, the Decepticons flew out of nowhere and starts attacking. Heck, I couldn’t even tell any of them apart. I didn’t even know some of the Decepticons I’ve named in my review was there till I checked Wikipedia. And don’t get me started with Devastator whose only ‘destruction’ was Skids (or Mudflap) before Skids tore his face out in about 2 minutes of action. That’s it. He sucked some sand, destroyed some trucks, Skids was swallowed, Skids escaped. No casualties.

That was supposed to be Devastator? C’mon!

~ Flare

I can say I am a fan of the original…to prove it, I dunno…Jazz is called Marshall in the dub of the takara series of transformers on DVD :stuck_out_tongue:

But being a fan of the original series, I’ve decided not to go and see either of them. And I’ve stuck to the cartoon movie, etc.

Otherwise i would happily provide a scathing review of it.

Here’s my review:

Where do I begin? Director Michael Bay (Bad Boys II) has outdone himself by having 1) A plot which makes no sense, 2) Way too many shots of Megan Fox running in slow-motion, and 3) Crude jokes all sprinkled annoyingly throughout a movie that seems more like a very long and altogether boring toy advertisement than anything else. The only thing enjoyable about my experience watching it was that I got in for free.

Each painful minute of this film contains a nonsensical plot about intense negotiations (you’re welcome, Star Wars fans) between the good robots, the Autobots, and their new allies, the humans. Then it takes off from there by recycling shot after shot of some impending threat coming from space. The bad robots, the Decepticons are out to awaken ‘the fallen,’ a Decipticon of apparently unmatched power and ability. But they’re also out to get a fragile mystical object called ‘the matrix,’ which only makes the plot more idiotic and confusing. I can’t understand why Sam, LaBeouf’s character is necessary at all really, because it’s obvious that Michael Bay just wants to get to the ridiculous action. The flirtatious scenes between Sam and his girlfriend (sleepwalked by Megan Fox) feel like a bad soap opera at best and really just eliminate all the fun. Not to mention that there are too many explosions and the script’s dialogue has to be some of the worst anyone’s ever heard.

(as if you’ll really want to see this when I’m done): [spoil]You get a joke with little dogs having sex, you get a marijuana joke, you get a joke with Megan Fox in an uncompromising position on top of a guy (who, of course, is not Shia LaBeouf), and you even get a nice mechanical testicles joke to wrap it all up. And not to mention that these jokes feel forced, out of place, and just downright desparate and stupid.[/spoil] Mind you, this movie’s not just a bad one and a half hours of your life, it’s TWO AND A HALF HOURS of your life gone down the drain! Also, this film could be seen to have offended Middle Easterners, Women, Midgets, and African-Americans (yes, the twins come off as racist).

This film is Michael Bay’s sad attempt at a comedy. This is bottom-of-the-barrel crap. I feel like a need a transformed brain to replace the one that can admit to having sat through this entire film! There is no saving grace here, except for the fact that Shia LaBeouf is really trying in this, but even something as miraculous as that cannot save this film from crashing like a meteorite on an aircraft carrier. Pretty colors and crappy jokes do not a good movie make.

“Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen”: 1/10.

Finally, a rating that’s close to what it deserves. If I have to throw out some numbers in terms of rating the movie (instead of using my usual rating system), I would say a 4/10. The effects are cool, the jokes are… okay (a little bit unbearable, though), but with the film being as annoying as it is due to the scattered nature the first film don’t even have, it doesn’t deserve anything about 5/10.

You tell them, TS2.

~ Flare

Saw it last night. Here’s a short review.

This is the worst movie I have ever seen! Every minute I sat through it was a minute of pain and suffering never before known to man! Words simply cannot describe it! I used to not believe in hell but Michael Bay has proven me wrong!

Ebert has a pretty good review up, as usual.

Saw it this evening. My conclusion to the movie:

Good stuff:

Unexplainable of outstanding CGI.
More robots.
Great fight.
Blow-my-stomach-away comedy.
Megan Fox.

Bad stuff:

Poor storyline.
Megatron & Starscream ran away [again <–for Starscream]
Loud & noisy. Too many explosions sound.
I don’t find any morals in this movie except the bond of parents towards their child[ren].
Sam’s mom. Period.

My rating:

Percentage: 35%
Popcorns: 2 out of 5.
Love it?: Fair. Just fine. At least I entertained.

These jokes are stupid and not funny at all!!!

Editted by TSS: No Shouting Please.

That’s an awful reweiw… Anyway I would probably agree with him. This was a terrible movie with no legit storyline, and sort of boring, but very good special effects. So I hope this wins an Oscar for Best Special Effects , and a Razzie for Worst Director, and Worst Sequel. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

No. This deserves nothing.

I’d have to agree with the good stuff there, and I’d add Shia LaBeouf in there too (I don’t get the hate on him, I love him and thought he was great in this). Story? What story? It was all just a bunch of explosions and the ending - oh the ending - was corny and unbelievably BAD. The film’s great if all you’re expecting (or want) to see are explosions and robots kicking robots butt, but if you’re looking for anything more, you will be sorely SORELY disappointed.

I give it a 6/10. It had its moments, I gotta say.

That’s what I wanted, and expected, but there certainly wasn’t enough of it to make the rest of the movie at all enjoyable. It was same as the last movie but worse. Humans followed by humans by humans and then a dash of some blurry masses of parts and things flying around that are supposed to resemble robots and then more humans again. The camera shots were all so close and fast that it was impossible to enjoy any of the fight scenes. You could roll a camera down a hill in a junkyard and get better fight scenes.

Fett just summed it all up for me, except the cheesy humor and the pointless dialogues.

~ Flare