You have stayed up for 24 hours or more.
You have stayed up for 24 hours or more.
You have a beard.
You have dark hair and light eyes.
You’ve stayed up all night at least once.
You are a spammer.
False. 100% False.
You are a troll.
False. I have goblin-like characteristics, though.
You’ve been attacked by a dog.
False (been chased though)
You’ve been chased by a cat?
False, though there was a time when I was 5 and tried to throw a cat into a swimming pool to see if it could swim or not. It ended up scratching me a few times (don’t worry, I didn’t succeed in throwing it in).
There is a Pixar movie you don’t like.
True, sorta.
You like rollar coasters.
True, they can be fun.
You like Mint Choc chip Ice Cream.
You have a brother/sister who has annoyed you.
True, both a brother and a sister.
You like the band Queen.
You like to keep saying the same thing over and over?
True, we all have things like that.
You lie frequently.
you think that lying is a bad thing.
You think that eating is a good thing?
Obviously true!
You live near the sea.
You live near a park?
True, but not a big one.
It snows sometimes where you live.