Up Teaser Trailer

Dissatisfied people leaving the press room?
Uhh, I really don’t know what to say about that. Everyone seemed excited for the new film, and I heard lots of cheers.
As for people leaving, that’s probably because they left because they already got to see what they wanted to see. People have been coming and going in and out of the press area, and there were lots of films shown exclusively at the press, and interactions with all the movie stars and Directors and whatnot.

So I wouldn’t think it was because of people were dissatisfied with any of the movies shown, but because they already saw what they came for, and are not interested in the next panel.

But hey, what the heck, if anyone was dissatisfied with anything, it wouldn’t be my problem - because I’m telling you now that I was completely satisfied with everything that was shown from the Pixar panel (Errr, Pete Doc).

By the way, how would you know about people scrambling in and out of the area? Is there a video or something somewhere on the internet with this stuff?

Haha… I can gladly say I saw much more than that little teaser… Much much more.
I’m so glad I went to see Pete Docter today, because if I didn’t and only found out that that was all the outsiders would get to see, I would probably be bummed knowing people at the press get to see much more.

Oh, well of course I would have loved to see that footage! But as painful it is, the less I see before I watch the film, the better.

Disney_Guy: Well most posts about the panel write about how much they LOVED the footage, and how SUPER EXCITED they were and how it was breaking new ground for what animation could be. They also mentioned that once the Q & A started, a surprising amount of people left. But now my worries are over. i was guessing that’s why (what you said), but i just wanted confirmation from a person who was there.

I would love to see a tape of the Q & A, but those don’t always show up.

That was short… but to the point, I guess. I’d already seen a few images/concept art so I knew that the balloons were making the house float. I’d imagine that it would make the audience pay attention and they’d be like “Did ya see that? The house was floating!” It was also good to hear the man’s voice. I expected him to sound rickety, like Geri, but I suppose if he is adventurous, then his voice would have a lot of energy too, despite his age. I feel like I’ve heard that old man’s voice in a Pixar film, before…

Hard to know if this is a teaser. Seems like more of an Internet-only thing. I think this one could do its job at the cinemas if this is it, but wouldn’t have the impact that a more detailed teaser would. I hope a longer/different version comes out. Guess we will have to just wait and see. And bring on the HD version already!

EDIT: According to Slashfilm, the full teaser will be included with the WALL•E DVD, so this isn’t it after all.

Disney_Guy: Thanks for the mini write-up. The part where [spoil]Russell is huffing and puffing from exhaustion sounds hilarious.[/spoil] I’m also excited to hear that Michael Giacchino’s score sounds fantastic already.

Yeah, I assume not everyone there are complete geeks over the company, so a guy like Pete Docter… “Who’s this guy?” I would assume some people would think. Maybe people went to see what they wanted to see, the Bolt and Up presentations.

Yes, I think the Q&A for Up were quite something. Most of the questions seemed to come from passionate Pixar fans, and they really asked questions that really got good feedback from Doc.
The first one came from a man claimed to be Mr. Incredible himself (Yes, he was dressed up like Mr. Incredible, and looked quite like him), asked what kind of degrees it takes to get a chance to join Pixar as an animator. Doc’s response was that you didn’t need one… He said that as long as you got movies to show them, you can get hired. And my favorite thing he said about the question went something a little like “So yeah, start making films, and soon you will get a collection. We hope to see you soon, Mr. Incredible.” And Doc had such a big smile when he said that, and everyone applauded. :smiley:

Haha, yes.

This was the part when Russel and Carl are pulling the house from the ground through the jungle strapped to I think with garden hoses.
Russel was so tired he actually passed out and floats for some time by hanging from the strap, then lowers to the ground with his face in the dirt, and Carl kept trying to go forward, and Russel stiff as a rock, is getting his face dragged through the dirt! But in an instance, a bug flies by and he jets up and runs after it, leaving the house behind. Carl then gets lifted up into the sky, and I guess hits a tree or something, because you can hear ruckus when his body leaves screen.
It was all so comical, and I loved it.

rachelcakes1985: You said you’ve heard the old man’s voice in a Pixar film before, and I think you’re right. I immediately recognized it and, I’m not sure mind you, but it sounded like Bud Luckey to me.

My 4 year old sister saw the teaser for Up with me and after she saw it she said
"A house flying? i want to see that movie! "
so even though it was really short and not that much information
i really want to see this movie
And now that you mentioned it that guy dose sound like Bud Luckey

It’s actually Ed Asner, but they do sound similar in that clip. :wink:

It just looks so cool. And the old man’s nonchalantness is funny. I want to see more footage, but that’s definitely a good thing, since this is only a sort of teaser. The whole concept is so alien that a simple demonstration of said concept is bound to intrigue anyone who watches it.

The teaser looks good, but the balloons look like there poorly animated to me.

What the teaser doesn’t show is Carl installed sails out of what could have been bed sheets on the sides of the house, and I think there was a steering wheel (Not quite sure I remember, or if he was just looking out the window as he flew away). So the movie wont be just some random house floating around aimlessly, and just happens to fly to his South American destination - but Carl actually puts in a little more engineering than just releasing a ton of balloons.

Huh? They look really good to me.

My thoughts on the teaser are neutral. Just kinda meh. But I have a very hard to break trust in Pixar Animation. Like always, I’m gonna eat any negative thoughts if I give them a year from now probably, so I won’t bother. XD

it was a cute teaser in my opinion
very creative since they haven’t released anything about it yet.

this will keep the critics and fans waiting on pins and nettles.

I’m eager for a trailer to show up on iTunes so I can add it to my iPod.

The trailer was much more ‘simple’ than I would have imagined. It really defines the word ‘teaser,’ in that not many are going to know what it’s about. Some people will probably think it’s just about him wanting to get to outerspace, with the title ‘Up.’

Still, I’m with the crowd that early word has me wanting to see this no matter what.

Yeah, I’ve been reading up in other places on the internet, and people seem confused and disappointed already.
A lot of people think it’s about balloons… And apparently that’s a turn off for them. :unamused:

It kinda annoys me because I’ve seen much more, and know much more than any of them, and that the movie isn’t about balloons (They are really just symbolic to one of the themes in the story) - but oh well.
I’m guessing around when WALL-E gets released by the end of the year, everyone else will get to see more of what the movie is about.

I honestly do like this teaser, it shows you just enough to, as others have stated, “want more”. I love the details of every balloon string and I love the look of his house, too.

Almost makes me want to write an “Up” fanfiction :wink:

It was actually really good. I felt like I was actually watching balloons in real life…

Disney_Guy- That seems to be the trend with most Pixar films anyway. I remember when everyone was first starting to hear about a film made by Pixar starring a little robot, and there were people on the internet saying how stupid it sounded already.

Soon enough, they’ll realise what Up is really about and they’ll be proven wrong- it’s only a matter of time.

“A trash compactor? Why in the world would I want to watch a movie about a trash compactor?”

“A rat that wants to become a chef… Uhhh… Clever story, Pixar… Clever story…”

“A story about balloons… What the heck. What will the balloons do now? Talk to each other and go on an adventure together? I mean, I can completely ignore that house tied to the balloons, and that old man sitting on his porch - but that’s besides the point.”
