Up Tempo

It’s only available online, unfortunately. It’s a pretty controversial topic.

You can get it on Amazon and iTunes.

Unless of course, you are talking about sheet music - you can buy that as a hard copy. halleonard.com/search/search … acchino+Up

Oh, and miafka, I’ve haven’t noticed a thread about TS3 yet - are you doing any work on that film? I heard there was something at Skywalker ranch last week about it…

Thanks for checking, 3PO. I already visited the Halleonard site but did not find what I was looking for. I’m trying to find the sheet music for the orchestral score of the soundtrack for Up. Instead, I’ve only found piano, string, and choral arrangements. Specifically, I’m looking for “Carl Goes Up”. I would like to sequence it on my computer so that it plays the score using an orchestra synthesizer. I’m new to sequencing but I’ve been greatly inspired by this score and would like to take the opportunity to learn about sequencing and orchestrating using this beautiful music.