Up website is Up.

Thanks for updating us, martini833! :slight_smile:

UP looks like it’s going to be SO cute!

lizardgirl - I agree about Carl & Russell. Pixar movies always have those developing relationships, where the two main characters don’t necessarily like each other at first but throughout the movie, by some way or the other end up becoming the best of the friends by the end. It will be interesting to see just how Carl ends up befriending Russell because doesn’t seem like he’s too fond of him :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm…can’t think of what it could stand for either. I’ll have to think!!

This is definitely one of the improved works of Pixar’s history. I had read the premise, and though I found the story line to be of a certain predictability, especially with the appearance of Carl, but the trailer reassured me that a greater plot is in hiding of the simple look.

Yes, a flying house occurs to many as an amazing story waiting to be told, but I, as a rather stringent movie reviewer, will be focusing more on the plot. [spoil]What will Russel be doing in the jungle? What sort of adventures would they take up (no puns intended) and if they are trekking in the jungle, would they actually have to leave the flying house? [/spoil] Then there is the character interactions exchanged from an old, seemingly grumpy man to a youthful, innocent child.

It should be rather interesting, of course, but it should not be overdone to such a standard that it overemphasized the stereotype of a youth to an elderly (In Her Shoes’ Cameron Diaz). A seven to eight years old child should stay as a seven/eight years old child. Character development is necessary, but, as I said, do not overstress his maturity. :wink:

A little addition to the conversation: WE stands for Wilderness Explorer.
And yeah, that clip was awesome!!

Maybe they could battle some sort of wild animal? Then they could learn boyscout style cooking… :smiley:

I do see what you mean by character development. We don’t want an inoccent 7-8 year old to turn into a 15-17 year old by the end. That would be a great message to kids…

“Go to the jungle when your 7 and act like a 15 year old. Don’t call us if you get eaten.”

Perhaps the old man could do the work and the young boy write it all down and make notes…then he could learn but not have to do the hard stuff. Unfortunitly that makes the old man a really spry old man…and also an avid hunter, skinner, and jungle liver.

Quick Q-Were those men Russel spitted at the ones to take him to the elderly house cause they look like they’re wearing identicle uniforms? Maybe they are about to take him away and he flies off…

Someone posted the “Stowaway” clip in case you want to watch it without loading the official website:


First time I saw this! :smiley: So now we now how Russell ended up on Carl’s porch. Here’s the Wiki entry for a [spoil]snipe.
Funny how Russell mistook a rat for it!
I liked how his flag fluttered away with the wind to emphasize how high up they are![/spoil] Very nice touch, and this lookin’ to be another awesome adventure!

I just wanted to let you guys know that the Up official website has now been updated to feature the Super Bowl ad and UPisode #1. There’s a binocular on the page that takes you to Animal Calling and a new buton called Gallery featuring promo images. What’s cool about this is that even though most of us saw these things already, we get to pause them in a larger size.

The website loads but i cant click anything, none of the links are working.

Clever layout though, i love it.

The Superbowl ad is on YT if anyone can’t load the website. :wink:


“This is my GPS… oops” Laugh out loud!

Quick, download it before the suckers at YT pull it down! :smiley:

Haha, that bit at the end is hilarious! Such perfect comedic timing, too. :laughing:

The Up site has had a huge Up-date. They have a bit of music from the score, too. I can’t seem to navigate a lot of the site for some reason, but Mitch tells me that the ‘Characters’ section is cool. And from I can see of the ‘Games’ section, it has “Kevin’s Chocogobble”, but it won’t let me play it because I’m not from the US.

You know, when I first saw that title, I thought it read Chocobo! Now I haven’t played the FF games, but I can’t help but notice the uncanny resemblance…

Wiki entry

Think it was intentional? :smiley:

Feels like the “meet the characters” gives away a lot, but I’m a big one for spoilers so…

This especially seems to hold with the one on Dug.

I love the new website. The sets in this movie look dazzling. I especially like the bits of character animation throughout the website.

Yeah the bits of character animation is awesome! very funny!

Wow! Now that’s a total rehaul! I love the site intro with the epic shots and the rousing music (Is this from Mr Giachinno and will be on the soundtrack? Or is it trailer music from an independent production house?). Kinda reminded me of The Raider’s March.

I didn’t even realise the menu had appeared until I scrolled over Kevin’s head and saw the ‘Meet the Characters’ link icon!

The little bits of animation with each character’s profile is amazing! I’m refraining from reading Dug, Alpha, Beta and Gamma cos’ I caught a glimpse of ‘spoilerish-looking’ stuff, so I stopped reading immediately! I wonder when they are gonna introduce Muntz?

I like the floating balloons covering the screen during the section transitions.

I also can’t play Kevin’s Chocogobble! This ‘country-specific’ system is so annoying! :imp:

Overall, a pretty good redesign! Got me excited, so it seems to be working. :smiley:

I’m pretty sure the music is from an independent music source. It was similar to the music from the teaser trailer, and that’s definitely not Mr. Giachinno.

I do really like it though.

The Up website has been updated! It’s a small addition, but you can now access the “Downloads” section of the site. The screensaver is so… cute, I swear…

Go check it out! :wink:

Edit: Copied from Upcoming Pixar:

“I forgot to mention that if (on the main “Up” website) you go to “About the Film” and click on “Film-makers”, you can now read biographies on Pete Docter (Director/Screenwriter), Bob Peterson (Co-Director/Screenwriter), and Jonas Rivera (Producer).”

– Mitch

The Australian version of the website is now online: disney.com.au/disneyfilms/up/

As far as I can tell it’s a different version of the website that the US got. Most, if not all, of the sections are open, including ‘characters’, ‘about’, ‘downloads’, ‘games’. This means it’s not long till it opens here, hooray!

Oh, wow, I love the picture maker, I’m making a new sig and avvy with it! That heroic pose of Carl is new, I’ve not seen it before, and it’s the 2nd best pic I’ve seen of him! (the other one being my ideal sig)

Thanks for the link rachel!

Nice new sig & avatar, FF dude! :slight_smile:

I can’t get into the site. When I click the link, the intro page doesn’t come up right. I can see the TV playing the trailer, but it cuts off at the bottom edge of the TV screen (so I’m not getting any sort of “Enter Site” link or similar). I can also see the bottom edge of something that looks like maybe a WE Ribbon? in the upper left area, but there’s not enough showing to click on if that would help.

Can someone please post a direct link to the next page that comes up after the intro page linked above? (And is anyone else having this problem?)

EDIT: I got in! I called my sister, and gave her the site address, and she was able to get in, and gave me the link to one of the internal pages, which let me get back to the main page and navigate. I still don’t know why my intro page won’t come up right.

I’m going to play with the image maker after dinner. Maybe I’ll finally get myself an avatar!

EDIT: Hey, look! Alpha! Oh, and I added a sig (just a line) to my profile, but maybe that doesn’t show up until I make a new post. ?