Up website is Up.

I wish they would add the storyline…then we could all know what is the story.

I also wish they would unvail some of the art.

Yeah, I agree with that. In a little while they’ll probably add more. Only a few more monthes guys! Full trailer should be coming soon. I cant wait!

I wish there had been an Up trailer during WALL-E. I gotta admit, that was a surprise.

This movie looks like it’s going to be good. And I’m loving the site!

Yay! I just saw the site and I’m really excited now!

The UP website has UPdated with trailers and a more detailed synopsis!
You can fly around at night with the house (kinda random) and enter Carl’s house (look in the background!) :laughing:

Loading cloud assets… Heheh.

The flying house follows your cursor - cool! =)

Pleased to see that Pixar have finally updated their website! For a company so involved with computers, I find it really ironic that they don’t update their own website much.

And the update of Disney’s Up website is so cool! Love how the little compass at the bottom changes direction with your cursor. And I completely lolled at seeing [spoil]Carl go down the stairs on his stairlift[/spoil]. :laughing:

There’s a new clip from Up on the official website. What you have to do is click on the house and wait for the white bar on the top to load up…
The video is a continuation of the trailer, basically where Carl finds Russell on his porch in mid air. Funny!

lol Wow, I am really intrigue. This really reminds me of Finding Nemo somehow, probably because the scene is portrayed in such a captivating manner. Really nice. This is the way Pixar movies should be.

Thanks for the heads up, martini833. :wink:

That was a really cute clip. I love Russell!

Didn’t quite get what he was saying about [spoil]the snipe?[/spoil]

Thanks for telling us about this, martini! This has answered something that I’ve been thinking about for a while- [spoil]whether or not Russell and Carl knew each other before meeting on the porch, and they obviously did. I can imagine Carl to have found Russell annoying when they first met on solid ground, and throughout the film, he might end up actually liking him! :laughing:

And Carl has a hearing aid! Never noticed that before. Looks like one of those really old-fashioned ones.

So Russell’s scout group is ‘WE’. Wonder what that stands for? Any good guesses? I can’t think of anything.

And I wonder what that bottlecap that Carl has pinned to his jacket is all about…The writing on it was just a bit too small for me to read it.[/spoil]

Rachel- Yeah, I’m not sure what he’s talking about either. Perhaps that’s why Pixar chose to show that section- to make viewers curious.

Thanks for updating us, martini833! :slight_smile:

UP looks like it’s going to be SO cute!

lizardgirl - I agree about Carl & Russell. Pixar movies always have those developing relationships, where the two main characters don’t necessarily like each other at first but throughout the movie, by some way or the other end up becoming the best of the friends by the end. It will be interesting to see just how Carl ends up befriending Russell because doesn’t seem like he’s too fond of him :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm…can’t think of what it could stand for either. I’ll have to think!!

This is definitely one of the improved works of Pixar’s history. I had read the premise, and though I found the story line to be of a certain predictability, especially with the appearance of Carl, but the trailer reassured me that a greater plot is in hiding of the simple look.

Yes, a flying house occurs to many as an amazing story waiting to be told, but I, as a rather stringent movie reviewer, will be focusing more on the plot. [spoil]What will Russel be doing in the jungle? What sort of adventures would they take up (no puns intended) and if they are trekking in the jungle, would they actually have to leave the flying house? [/spoil] Then there is the character interactions exchanged from an old, seemingly grumpy man to a youthful, innocent child.

It should be rather interesting, of course, but it should not be overdone to such a standard that it overemphasized the stereotype of a youth to an elderly (In Her Shoes’ Cameron Diaz). A seven to eight years old child should stay as a seven/eight years old child. Character development is necessary, but, as I said, do not overstress his maturity. :wink:

A little addition to the conversation: WE stands for Wilderness Explorer.
And yeah, that clip was awesome!!

Maybe they could battle some sort of wild animal? Then they could learn boyscout style cooking… :smiley:

I do see what you mean by character development. We don’t want an inoccent 7-8 year old to turn into a 15-17 year old by the end. That would be a great message to kids…

“Go to the jungle when your 7 and act like a 15 year old. Don’t call us if you get eaten.”

Perhaps the old man could do the work and the young boy write it all down and make notes…then he could learn but not have to do the hard stuff. Unfortunitly that makes the old man a really spry old man…and also an avid hunter, skinner, and jungle liver.

Quick Q-Were those men Russel spitted at the ones to take him to the elderly house cause they look like they’re wearing identicle uniforms? Maybe they are about to take him away and he flies off…

Someone posted the “Stowaway” clip in case you want to watch it without loading the official website:


First time I saw this! :smiley: So now we now how Russell ended up on Carl’s porch. Here’s the Wiki entry for a [spoil]snipe.
Funny how Russell mistook a rat for it!
I liked how his flag fluttered away with the wind to emphasize how high up they are![/spoil] Very nice touch, and this lookin’ to be another awesome adventure!

I just wanted to let you guys know that the Up official website has now been updated to feature the Super Bowl ad and UPisode #1. There’s a binocular on the page that takes you to Animal Calling and a new buton called Gallery featuring promo images. What’s cool about this is that even though most of us saw these things already, we get to pause them in a larger size.

The website loads but i cant click anything, none of the links are working.

Clever layout though, i love it.

The Superbowl ad is on YT if anyone can’t load the website. :wink:


“This is my GPS… oops” Laugh out loud!

Quick, download it before the suckers at YT pull it down! :smiley: