Vampires Suck (Worst Movie EVER)

I was actually laughing pretty hard when I heard about this, only because I can’t stand Twilight and to see someone make fun of it is hilarious! But I won’t be seeing it either. :slight_smile:

I really hate all the "_____ Movie"s (except some of the Scary Movies), but I’ll probably end up seeing this one eventually. I’m tired of hearing all my friends either proclaiming their love for Edward, or telling me how much they hate the books. Yes, Twi-hards are annoying, but the haters can be annoying too. I’m Switzerland; I’m neutral. I’ve read the books, and while they certainly won’t be winning Meyer a Nobel Prize in literature, they aren’t the worst things I’ve read either. The trailer looks…bad, to say the least, but I’ll give it a try. Not at the theater, mind you, but maybe on pay-per-view.

When I first heard about this movie via Facebook, I honestly thought it was just an internet fad gone wild, since it was both funny and incredibly stupid. Then I noticed its release dates in the theaters, and my first reaction was “…um, WHAT?” (I doubt I’m the first one to say that). I’m going to see it with my friends on Sunday since both them and my mother are as crazy about Twilight as I am about WALL•E, but I’m not excited. To me, “Vampires Suck” sounds like a blockbuster in the YouTube archives, but not in the film industry.

TAMATER: That video made my night :laughing:

TDIT: I tried Googling the music for you, but I could only find the song before the 0:28 mark :frowning:

I wanna see this, but I’m probably gonna wait until it comes out on DVD. All my friends want to see it, including the twihards (like… me…).

Hey, Twi-hard! We don’t take kin’ly ta yur types roun’ here! Quick, evr’un, grab yur torches an’ pitchforks!

8D Just kiding Buzz&WodyForever. A lot of my closest friends are Twi-hards, it’s just a matter of what you like and don’t like. It’s cool that you’re planning on seeing this, being a fan of the source material and all.

Twilight sucks more than a vacuum IMO so I think this movie will be pretty funny. Maybe.

Those jokes you mentioned surely put me off though :confused:

LOL Yeah, a lot of my friends are also twihards, and one of them (this girl I’ve had a crush on since I met her in 3rd grade) convinced me to read the books. So, I read the first book, and… Yeah. But before that, I HATED Twilight.

I think Twilight is a bad ripoff of Harry Potter. I hate Twi-hards at my school, because they read the books, and then become emo and depressing to be around. :frowning:

I didn’t think Twilight was all that terrible when I first read the series, but with 1 out of every 10 people (maybe even worse odds) being/becoming Twi-Hards (one would include my mother :shake:), it just became downright ANNOYING.

Besides, I loved vampires long before Twilight, and I loved them because they were evil little [human] blood-suckers! :smiling_imp:

Aww man, that’s bogus. I thought it was bad having a little sister being a Twi-hard!

I wish my little sister was a Twi-hard instead of my mom!

Well, Twilight doesn’t really have anything to do with HP…but that doesn’t mean HP isn’t 10,000 times better (at least in my opinion)

Yeah…I ain’t a fan. I did, in fact, read the first book, and found it dreadfully…well, I won’t go on. We do have fans in our midst. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I really don’t see the whole “Twilight is a rip off of Harry Potter!” thing. People used to say that Potter was just a rip off of Lord of the Rings. I think this will continue to happen with any new massively popular fantasy series. I just don’t like that the Breaking Dawn film will be in two parts. Now that is a rip off of the Harry Potter films indeed.

So my friend told me that all the funny parts of this movie were in the trailer. Tis true? I did enjoy some of the gags in the commercials, but I can see there be nothing else that is funny.

No interest. Are the directors five year olds? Creativity is scarce, but wow. … th-165m-ap

The world is ending.

That. Box office report. Is jank(forgive me for the Ghetto talk, I go to public school).

Scott Pilgrim in 10th place? AAAARRRGH!!
I have lost all fate in moviegoers

Hmm, this seems like it would be an amusing premise for a silly, three minute, parody Youtube video. But I would definitely NOT want to endured a full-blown, feature-length film of this! What was the director thinking?

How the heck did all those movies make more money than Scott Pilgrim?!?

Teenagers. Everyone I know thinks that Scott Pilgrim is either stupid or an educational movie about pilgrims. :unamused: